Sunday, November 20, 2011

I think that Walmart has become fairly succesful in our economy. I mean the numbers don't lie, sure some people may not approve of how they run their company, but we live in a free market society people have the right to run their business however they want. If you don't like it, then leave. I think people just get angry with Walmart because other people don't like them without even knowing the facts. Walmarts low prices make it possible for lower income families to afford items they otherwise wouldn't be able to purchase. So yes I think they are succesful.


Cinnamon Porter said...

sure, they are one of the biggest and most successful companies in america. But it comes at a price. The lower income families should have an option on where to shop but they dont because wal-mart is a monopoly. Most of the employees at wal-mart can barely afford to buy the necessities for life. Most of them need gov't aid.

Quinton rexananoumus bley said...

"Walmarts low prices make it possible for lower income families to afford items they otherwise wouldn't be able to purchase". hmmmmm, lets think about this for a moment and peel back what these low prices really mean. the title of the documentary said it all "the high cost of low prices" the reason walmart has low prices is because they pay their under privileged workers rock bottom salaries and aid to the system of under privileged families. walmart helps limit the american economy from progressing and creating a smaller wealth gap that would then in turn create a better tomorrow.

Cole Moody said...

of course they make money, but they do this by scamming people out of fair pay, decent living conditions, and poor environmental practices.