Sunday, November 27, 2011

the story of stuff

I think it was really eye opening to see how wasteful we truely are as Americans. I think the amount of things we consume and buy is becoming so out of hand that eventually our earth won't be able to support our way of life. But, because people aren't limiting the amount of things they buy I don't think these habits of over consuming are going to change in the near future. I think black friday shopping is just a way for producers to draw in more consumers and make them buy more unnecessary stuff.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Uhrich said...

I agree that American's wasteful way of life isn't going to change soon. As long as our earth can provide for our needs right now, people will continue to be wasteful. Black Friday just adds to the problem because people are drawn in by the good deals, and buy things that they don't even need. This just adds to the already wasteful American society, and makes the problem worse.