Sunday, November 27, 2011


I think that as americans we feel the need to constley have stuff becuase we feel it might make us happy, but then we get boared with the stuff we have and go get more. I think it's crazy that we only keep 1% of the things we buy and that we should start doing more so all this buying and throwing away donesn't continue. The fact that alot of people are going green has hepled alot but I think that we as a hole should find away to fix constent buying and getting ridof. As for black firday I think that it's wastful and dangourse and it should end becuase people get hurt. But then again it's there disecion to go out and buy a bunch of things they don't really need becuase it ceeper.

1 comment:

katie sharp said...

I also think it's really crazy that we only keep 1%. I mean i don't know how legit that statistic is.. but I think there is a lot more we can do with our 'stuff' than just throw it away. I mean if it brought us happiness at one point why not give it to others so it could bring them happiness. I found that kind of weird how the lady in the vid didn't mention how much people probably donate each year to places like Goodwill. It's not like they all throw it away and burn it into toxins. I would have to think most of it is actually donated.