Sunday, November 27, 2011


In that video i was really shocked by how we use only one percent of the stuff we buy and 99 percent goes to waste. Americans are very wasteful but no one ever see's what really happens in life. We end up wasting a lot of useless things and just cause an even bigger problem. It's really crazy to say that we use 30 percent of the worlds pollution. Black Friday doesn't help out the situation either, just more people going out and buying junk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was really surprised about how much of what we buy goes to waste too. I had thought that we were one of the biggest consumers because we live in giant houses big enough to house all the stuff we accumulate, not because we throw away most everything that we spend our money on. I think that this will definitely have me thinking more about how what I buy will be used, and maybe making some more responsible decisions with my money.