Sunday, November 6, 2011

There was an econ professor somewhere in California (might have been UCLA.) I can't remember.. anyways he got his class to agree that when they would take a test they would average the grade out and that would be the grade everyone in the class would get. So for the first test every student who normally studied and took the tests seriously got an A. The ones who didn't study as much because they knew the smarter people would end up helping their grade got a C. They depended on the ones who normally got A's. So when the grade was averaged out it was like a B. & ofcourse the careless students were happy because that was better than their normal grade. On the next test the smarter people didn't study as much because they thought who cares were gonna get a lower grade anyways because of the kids who don't study. The other kids were starting to DEPEND on the smarter ones for their better grade. --> making them even more lazy. As this went on the grades only got worse. So no the 1% doesn't need to take care of the 99% at all. Most of them donate to charities already and will probably continue to. But they shouldn't be obligated to. It just makes people even more lazy when they depend on another.


mayu sugikawa:) said...

wow when you put it that way it seems so unfair... I totally agree that the 1% shouldn't be forced to take care of the rest of the 99% and that it would make people lazy. When you know that you're going to be taken care of no matter what you do, you get lazy and become that weird italian baron guy from the video who does nothing everyday...

mia cupidro said...

I thought the profesor analogy made a lot of sense and I can see how some people may take advantage of the rich and programs like welfare and foodstamps, but on the otherhand just because someone is poor doesn't mean they are lazy. Some people have to support their large families and work multiple jobs and programs like foodstamps which are funded through taxes help them survive and remain a family.

Cinnamon Porter said...

The 1% donate to charities so they don't have to pay as much in taxes. Most people in the 99% are hard working people who are barely making ends meet. My mom works 2 jobs to try and support her family. And there will always be lazy people who will depend on people. But there are people in the 1% who depend on their inheritances to survive instead of going out and getting a job.