Sunday, November 20, 2011

Walmart is the consumer's fault

Walmart has not forced anyone to buy their products. They may not have the best working conditions and ruin local businesses but that's because American citizens choice to shop at large company's instead of local stores. We cannot blame Walmart for having such good prices; only ourselves for choosing to shop there. If people just shopped at small businesses instead of large corporations, then we would be helping the standard of living for the 99% of America and not the 1% who are extremely wealthy. Take responsibility for your actions America!


Silpsupha said...

I think you have a good idea about the consumers. They do have part since they do work at Walmart. If the employees were treated more comfortablely physically, the CEO's of Walmart would show care. To shop at Walmart does give praise to Walmart. The Walmart CEO's could work together with the shoppers. So, they can help the employees' work conditions. Walmart involves the consumers, so they could give kind treatment to the employees.

Janelle Schneider said...

I agree. people are not forced by walmart to buy their products but in some situations it is necessary for them to buy walmart due to the extremely low prices they offer. we can however blame them for their low prices because of the way they get those prices by doing unethical procedures with their employees.

andyk920 said...

yeah people need to stop shopping at walmart but why would anyone want to go to a store that charges more when you can go to walmart and buy the same thing for half the price. The goverment should just bust up wal-mart teddy Roosevelt style. If they did this their would be no more monopoly of wal-mart but then a lot of people would be out of jobs. I personally have never bought anything from wal-mart though.

Peter Lannon said...

I agree here, Walmart doesn't make us but their products, if you'd rather go out and buy the same product for more money go right ahead. The fact is Walmart offers the lowest price and it's stupid that people get angered over that.