Sunday, September 4, 2011

Down with the Koreans

From past experiences we have seen that North Korea will stick with their saying "up yours". So why try and make any peace , with someone who doesn't even know the meaning of peace. With the U.S. not doing anything really about it , South Koreans will keep losing people and fighting a fight they cant win. We need to step in drop a couple of bombs and start a new slate in the land. Sure lives of innocents will be lose but over time the amount of innocent lives will be more if we don't do anything. Also by doing this we will send a message to other tyrants who think of messing with us.North Korea needs the fresh start and thats exactly what we'll give to them. Down with the North Koreans !

1 comment:

mia cupidro said...

sounds like a great idea kirill except if we drop bombs on North korea then we would enter ourselves into a nuclear world war. All of North koreas allies including China, Iran, and all the other countries who hate America would bomb us back. So we would all probably die. and if we sent people to kill Kim Jung Il and his sons, they would know it was us and still bomb us,