Sunday, September 4, 2011

North Korea

In my opinion, the best way for the world to deal with North Korea is to just let them do their thing. Yes, Kim Jong Il does crazy things and yes, he is a huge treat but honestly what can we do? He has nuclear weapons that he could use on any other country whenever he feels like it. If the US got involved no matter what we were trying to do, I think we would end up as the bad guy. North Korea already hates us enough. We shouldn't give them any more reason to be against us. Right now they are not doing anything to threaten our freedom, so we just need to leave them alone. The US has more problems to solve North Korea.
As for world leaders, well I think the only one who should be concerned is South Korea because they are closely tied with the North, or were at one point. There is nothing really anyone else can do.

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