Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"Freedom" of Speech

Everyone thinks that because of the first amendment that they can say whatever they want. And I believe they are right in most cases. BUT there are some occasions that should be against the law. The best example I can think of is the Westboro Baptist Church. They use freedom of speech as a shield while they go to our soldiers' funeral and protest them. To me, this is 100% wrong. They shouldn't be able to go to the funerals and antagonize the soldier's family. I believe there should be certain by-laws that put limits on Freedom of Speech. Because right now, without it, the families of the soldiers I mentioned are going through hell because of Westboro Baptist Church saying it's their right because of the first amendment and Freedom of Speech.


Mrs. Corcoran said...

GREAT example, Devon! There has been a lot of debate about the Westboro church demonstrations, but the government has actually completely backed them and said that because the church members are protesting a political issue (meaning war), their protests are justified and they cannot be punished by law. How do other people feel about this?

Kira H. said...

I completely agree with what you're saying. It's not right that these people have the right to mock a soldier's funeral. It seems ironic that they would protest at the very funeral of someone who died to preserve their freedom. And then they turn around and use those freedoms the soldier earned them to laugh at his/her death and say they had it coming. It's things like this that make us question how far our freedoms extend. This example makes it quite obvious that something needs to change, and soon.

Brian Ciardiello said...

i agree with you completely devon. What these protestors are doing is wrong, and everyone knows it. They can protest war but they shouldn't do it at a funeral. No one can do anything about it because of freedom of speech though. I agree that there should be some laws that should stop this. People think they can say whatever they want without getting into trouble. There should be some limitations though like protesting at funerals and cyber bullying.

Crosby said...

I don't think the court should allow them to protest at funerals because in no way are they protesting the war. They're just causing grief and technically after the soldier died, they have no affiliation with the war or government because as soon as someone in the military dies, they are no longer owned by the US military. They shouldn't be able to get within 50 miles of where any funeral is going on. I believe that the government should look on that side and realize that they aren't protesting the war at all (because the soldier is no longer part of the US Property) and all their doing is harassing families that are already in grief over their family member dying.