Sunday, September 4, 2011


I don't know how I feel about this situation at all... When I look at the bigger picture, I think that we should leave North Korea alone. America gets involved with many issues that do not even concern us, and I think that is why many other countries are resentful towards us. Clearly, conditions are not improving in North Korea, even with our presence in South Korea. There is really nothing we can do except watch. I think that putting more pressure on North Korea is dangerous because nobody knows how Kim Jung Illly would react. BUUUUUT, when I look at this situation on a more personal level.. I think we should absolutely stay and try to help North Koreans. They obviously cannot help the conditions they are in and need help. What if we put ourselves in the shoes of a North Korean...wouldn't we want help? The way there are being treated is inhumane and needs to stop. So yeah, I don't really know what I think we should do. There really is no right answer.

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