Sunday, September 4, 2011

North Korea

I think it's best for the U.S. not to get involved with North Korea because we are already hated by many there and our involvement could lead to more anger against us. Also, the last time we tried to help North and South Korea become one country, North Korea blamed us for dividng them at the 38th parallel. Now that North Korea has nuclear weapons I think it would be best for us to keep an eye on them but not to start any conflict. As for the meth problem, there are many countries already with growing drug problems, including the U.S., so I don't think it's necessary for us to try and fix theirs becuase we still need to work on improving ours.


Dylan Hanson said...

That is the most asinine proposition I have ever read; simply disregarding their existence will only allow the turbulent state of North Korea to cultivate within cultural confinement. It is imperative that the United States and other members of NATO seek to rectify the lingering ramifications of the initial conflict. Through the extension of international aid perhaps the North Korean regime will reciprocate the same gesture of kindness to their people, who have suffered unimaginable atrocities since the separation. Certain steps need to be taken to mitigate the tensions to allow both nations coincide peacefully either divided or in unison.

Patrick Norman said...

Dylan, I believe you are the one who is wrong here. Our nation shouldnt have to care for every other country. You make our country sound like a huge babysitter for the weaker country who wants to be independent. We have our own problems at home. We don't need to add another problem to that list. secondly, we are already are in the middle of a war that people in our country don't support. And now if we go to fight another war, the people would be furious. It makes no sense that we should go after a country that despises us for trying to help in the first place. It's asinine to believe that we should help them.

Mrs. Corcoran said...

Loving the debate! :-)