Sunday, October 9, 2011


I think being President is the worst job in the world because it's scrutinized by 309 million people. With people always wanting new things at the snap of their fingers, being President, it would be very stressful to try and please everyone. Also, he can't really make his own decisions because they have to approved by so many different people and branches. As President, everything you do is being judged so you're going to have some supporters and you're going to have some people who really hate you. Although some people may enjoy this type of lifestyle, I personally think that being President could be one of the worst jobs.


Crosby said...

I disagree that being president is one of the worst jobs. There are so many things you can do. You get to live like a multimillionaire. And there's a plethora of jobs that are worse. For instance a garbage man, alaskan crab fisherman, and any walmart job are a lot worse. Also you still are spelling your name wrong its spelled DEVON

mayu sugikawa:) said...

I don't agree that being the president is the worst job in the world, but I do agree with the fact that the president doesn't really have the power to do whatever he wanted. Every decision he makes has to go through the different branches of government, and be assessed, reviewed, reassessed, and reviewed once again to be approved. Being the president wouldn't be the most fun job in the world. I know I definitely wouldn't want to be president.

Katie Hughes said...

I agree, and as president you don't even make that much money, you just get to live in the White House (which is pretty cool). It might not be physically exhausting but it's mentally hard on you, which I think is worse.