Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Presidential Responsability (Q1 W6)

I disagree that being the president is the worst job in America. First of all, you make a solid living doing what (I presume) you love, since you'd have to love it in order to spend that much time and energy on a campaign. Second of all, yes it might have a lot of weight on your shoulders, but in reality you are the image of this country, and that is a huge honor. I think that there are downsides, like the fact that no matter what you do, or how you do it, some will love you for your decision, and some will hate you for the same reason. There's also the fact that it involves being very GOOD at your job. The fate of the country is left in your hands, you can't really mess up. It's a lot of pressure, but it is definately not the worst job in the world. I'd have to give that title to.. being a bagger at Jewel Osco, haha.


Dylan Hanson said...

I agree with you to some extent there are much worse jobs out there then being president like cleaning sewers and other jobs that have appeared on dirty jobs but i disagree with you saying that he can't really mess up, there are checks and balances that could keep the president from messing up but if your an idiot which some presidents are in some citizens eyes you could do some damage such as not doing anything to improve the economy, selling guns to Mexican rebels, and bowing to foreign leaders and even killing thousands of innocent civilians.

Patrick Witt said...

I get the feeling that you're not a fan of the bagger position at Jewel, eh? But on a serious note, I agree with a lot of what you said. I only thought of it being not the worst job in the world, but honestly didn't think about it on a prestigious level. Being president of the U.S. could unfold either for the better or worse, depending on who's in charge. The whole "being good at your job for four years straight without a promotion" is also a very good point.

Aly Glover said...

Sure, there are more horrible jobs but those other jobs aren't constantly under the watchful eye of the public. And nowadays our public is so judgmental that at times no matter what the President does, people hate him. It almost outweighs the positive things that come along with the job.