Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Although I do not believe they should be legally obligated to help the less fortunate, I feel like they should be morally obligated to some degree. I'd hope that they realize how lucky they are to be so successful because not everyone will become that wealthy. You can try as hard as you want to earn money, but sometimes you just need a little luck. The 1% should understand that they're fortunate and this might cause them to want to give back. Other than having a moral conscious, no one should force them to give back, it's their choice. If they want to be selfish, it's their money to do what they want. If they want to help the other 99%, all the more power to them. Ultimately it should be their choice.


Brian Ciardiello said...

I agree with you. The top 1% are very luck to not worry about money. There are many poor people however that are working just as hard just to put food on the table. The 1% should give a good ammount of their money to help these types of people because they can afford to. I think that they should also have higher taxes. If they do have higher takes that would mean less taxes for the rest of the people who have trouble paying them. The top 1% can afford to give lots of money back and still live very comfortably so they should help the 99%.

Jake Hilderbrand said...

I agree with saying that they are not legally obligated, but they are morally. If you have that much money and are not helping anyone with it, then you are part of the problem and being selfish.

Elizabeth Uhrich said...

I agree with the fact that although it shouldn't be legally obligated, it is somewhat of a moral obligation. Many people work hard to earn money, and some are more lucky than others. I would hope that these people would realize how fortunate they are, and give back to the community that has helped them become so successful.