Thursday, November 3, 2011

the one percent

I don't think the 1% is obligated to help the 99%. People make and earn their own money. I think it's unfair for them to have to give their money to people. They worked hard for that money and they shouldn't have to give it to people that didn't work for it. The 1% earned that money and they have the right to do whatever they want with it. I understand that these people have all this money that they won't even use in their lifetime. I think they should donate some of it to a good cause, but not to some of the 99% that havent done anything with their lives.


Dean S. said...

I agree. The 1% is not required to give out their money to the 99% and shouldnt. But what they should do is do something productive with their money like give to charity or start a company to create new jobs. Basically the 99% are just greedy. Besides, you cant buy happiness.

katie sharp said...

I disagree with the part of Dean's comment where he says that the 1% have no morals... we don't know them, we don't know their lives or what they've been through. We only see what is put out in the media, which is usually a negative connotation to a lot of things.