Thursday, November 3, 2011

The One Percent

I think that it's not good to have most of America's wealth concentrated in just one percent of the people. No one individual honestly knows what to do with that much money. I think it would be more beneficial for the wealth to be distributed more evenly. There are always going to be people that are wealthier than others, but it doesn't make sense to have so many people suffering from not having enough money when others have way too much. I think a good solution would be to have higher taxes depending on a person's income, and this money can then be used to help the homeless or unemployed.


Lizzie Kapinos said...

I agree with ashley. The 1% has so much money they don't know what to do with it. I also agree with what you said how there's always going to be wealthy people and we can't change that. If we higher the taxes for wealthy people the 99% would really benefit from it.

Kirill said...

I agree with Ashley , no good comes from a small group of people having such a large amount of money. Distribution of the wealth through out the rest of the 99% would be the most intelligent thing to do. It would lead to smarter spending and help make this country better. People would need to stop being so greedy and thinking that 50 mill isnt enough to live on and be happy with what they have.There are a number of people who would benefit greatly if a change like this was to be made . End the one percent once and for all.