Sunday, November 6, 2011


I think that the 1% should be taxed a little more if they are not increasing the jobs they give like they are supposed to. The reason they get off so easily on taxes is because they are supposed to give more jobs and better pay to the 99% but they are not fully following through on their promise. The "trickle-down effect" will not work if those on the top choice not to give back. On the other hand, our country's principles are not based on Robin Hood's, we cannot just take from the rich to give to the poor. Everyone has to earn their share and if everyone got handouts then our country would not progress. We need to find a good balance so the not-so-fortunate are not option-less as the 1% live with more money than they could ever possibly spend in their lifetime.


Ben Luke said...

I totally agree with you. As long as the 1% are creating jobs and paying good wages to the other 99%, I don't think there is a huge problem. However once they stop doing that and the country stops progressing, then there is a huge problem. We do need to find a balance, but that is a lot easier to say, than to actually do.

andyk920 said...

yeah i think they should be taxed more but i feel like it wouldn't do too much too solve the economic crisis where in. Also i think that they do help the economy out by giving people jobs. But the government needs to start trying to redistribute the wealth so there isnt such a big gap between rich and poor.