Friday, September 30, 2011

Poitical Parties

I seem to agree with most students that the political party that is most likely to "make it" in the American political system is the Libertarian Party. This is because they are not way out there with there ideas. They have many of the same ideas as the Democrats and the Republicans. But the difference is that they are very certain in their beliefs. They know what they stand for and are not going to change. I feel as though this is something many Americans would like and maybe would like to see this party rise into the system. I do think it will take a lot but you never know, maybe we will see this third party actually make it.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Liberitarian Party

I think the liberitarian party is the best 3rd party, and have the best beliefs. They are all about individualism which I think many people would favor. They think that the government is too powerful and doesn't protect individual rights and freedoms. They also are in favor of legalizing marijuana and gay marriages because people should be able to choose what they want to do and who to marry. This is a political party for the people and will do a lot more for each individual person then either the democrat or republican party. With these tough times we are in a party like this could attract many people and offer new ideas.

Going Green

In the political party system democrats and republicans run the show. Because of this americans areused too a two party system between democrats and republicans. However many people follow third party canidates like the libertarian party or the green party. In my oppinion the green party stands the best chance out of all the other small parties in getting one of their canidates as an elected official. I say this beecause in the future americans will have an even higher demand for green enviornmental technology.That being said the green party also already has a large amount of voters that often take votes from the big parties.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Political Parties

I personally believe that the Libertarian party is going to 'make it'. As far as I can see, more and more people are becoming accepting of things that we would have called strange before. Some include legalization of pot, gay marriages, etc. Obviously the more supporters the more votes the candidates will get. This is why, in my mind, this party will make it. Whether we like it or not, parties are constantly changing as people's views differ as well.

Political Party

In my opinion, the Libertarian Party has the best chance of "making it." This party has a balance of both Democratic and Republican beliefs, which would create a solution for all of the moderate voters who can't choose a side. One example is that Libertarians believe in pro choice/drug legalization, but also believe in laissez-faire and lower taxes, which is a mix of both left and right wing beliefs. Also, with all of the debt and obstacles the U.S. government faces, the Libertarian Party would bring a little bit of optimism back to the people.

political party

I think the libertarian party is the closest to becoming a main political party. Americans are likely to pick Libertarian over other parties because they are more accepting to people's choices. Their views are very free when it comes down to it. Other parties can be very strict in these areas. Including gay marriage and speech freedom. In my opinion America best favors Libertarian because of their free views.

Political Parties

I believe that the Libertarian Party has the best chance of making it into the political system. There slogan is maximum freedom, minimum government. They believe that being free and independent is a great way to live. I think that they could be very good competitors to the democrates and republicans. The Libertarian Party is the worlds third fastest growing party, which means they already have a lot of supporters. Our society is socialized into a two party norm and as of now there would be little hope for a third party to even make it. But maybe in the future the Libertarian Party or even another third party would make it into the political system.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Political Parties

I think the libertarian party is the one mostly likely to break into the system. The reason is because they have realistic ideas that correlate with ones that the democrats and republicans are making now. The way on eof the third parties is going to come out and beat the republicans or democrats is by having many of the same ideas, but one profound one that differentiates them from the other two and allows them to jump in front of the other candidates. This is another criteria that i believe that the Libertarians meet. All of the other third parties are very extreme one way or another and arent willing to give or take a few things and this is whats stopping them from becoming a potential candidate in any political race.

Electoral college

I think that we should keep the electoral college because It works very well. It keeps people who don't really care about the
Presidential race not vote for idiots who would ruin our country. The electoral college makes the country run very smoothly since it started. If we didn't have the electoral college we would have some very unintellengient people running our country which would not be very good. So yes I think we should keep the electoral college because it keeps our country from failing.

Political parties

In my opinion I think that the libertarian party would be the best third party to compete with the two main parties. I believe this because they are open to gay marriages, they also are pro-choice and pro-gun rights. They believe in total individual freedom and total economic freedom. Some of these ideas are key for a modern society.

Political Parties

I think the Libertarian Party has the best chance of succeeding in the Political Office because this party is very open to individuality and accepting people in society. Over the past couple years, society has become more accepting of these types of individual characteristics, such as gay marriage, marijuana legalization, etc. It is important that the person in charge is not judgmental because that causes unfair advantages in the political system. With a member from the Libertarian Party running for office, it is more likely that they'd be chosen over any other member from another party because our society likes that Libertarians are very open to accepting everyone from society, despite their personal preferences.

give third parties a chance

I think That maybee we should give a third party a chance to improve things in America. But in order for a third party to start gaining followers they need to be addressing some other problems with America and not things they have a passion for. Like the green party would not be good just because all they care about is the enviormental problems in America. Now what if America had to go to war, they would have no idea what to do. Thats why any party that takes over power should be able to handle all kinds of problems. Its going to take a long time for people to adapt to that big of a change in America but I think in the long run it would really help out.

Political Parties

I think the Libertarian Party has the best chance of becoming the next 'mainstream' political party. In this day and age, more and more people are becoming gradually more accepting of things politically, legalization of marijuana, gay marriage, etc. are just a few examples of this. Libertarians have very free views on these types of things, and think that every citizen should kind of fend for themselves, which is almost how it is now. I think this view will get them a lot of votes in the upcoming years.

Electoral College

Note: I was absent on friday, so I got this in a day later than expected.

I think the electoral college is a necessary evil in today's society. If we didn't have the electoral college, there would be too much arguing and unnecessary debate over crucial issues, and nothing would ever get solved. If people really don't like the electoral college, I think it's because they just don't know enough about it, or are ignoring the consequences that could come about if we abolished it.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Political Parties

I think it would be near impossible to predict which party would prosper over the other. However i do beleive that the first political party to come up with a good solution for our financial debt will take controll. Knowing this i think that republicans are at a slight disadvantage to the democrats because they were in controll when the recession began. This advantage is only slight because democrats have done little for the nation in this past term. If i did have to pick a party that would do the best in the long term i would pick republicans.I say this because the democratic party is currently focased on small temporary fixes.

Electoral College

Imagine a world with Micky mouse as president... you think this cant possibly happen, your correct! Thanks to the electoral college our votes as americans still count but we exclude others frommessing with the ballets. I beleive that the electoral college should remain a part of the American voting system. If you think that the electoral college is causing problems take a step back and realize that were the problem. If we spent more time trying to fix our countries problems we wouldn't have to worry about the arguing and elections between parties.Therefor we should keep the ellectoral college up and running until we are able to stableize our nation and be able to rely on ourselves to have 100% say in our future president.

Quarter 1, Week 5: Fight for your right to...POLITICAL PARTY!

This week in class we will discuss the structure of political parties and investigate several minor parties that exist in the US as well.  After completing the Political Parties WebQuest, discuss which political party you think has the best chance of "making it" in the American political system.  Also, explain why you chose the party that you did.  Remember that in most cases, "making it" means getting candidates elected into some sort of political office.  If you think there are other criteria, you may discuss those as well. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Electoral collage

I think that the electoral collage should only be in place when it is really necessary. People should be able to choose for themselves who they want for president. If there's an electoral collage in place then they could just completely override what people choose. Unless someone like Elmo is elected as president then people should be able to choose for themselves.

Electoral College

For the electoral college, I think the United States should keep the electoral college. Votes for a president will not have to be split. The electoral college would let votes be distributed equally. I think the votes would be able to keep the voting for a president in a balanced position. Spliting the electoral college could cause others to have their vote go towards the opposite since it can go towards one party only. Electors toward the presidental candidate do represent the votes towards the presidental candidate directly. They know which president they look forward to.

Electoral College

I think that the Electoral College needs to be done away with. The whole idea of the college is garbage. We are supposed to be in a democratic society, where we the people are the ones who choose who lead us. I mean sure you can make the case that the college is supposed to reflect the popular vote, but that is also garbage. If the above statement was true then we would be talking about former president Al Gore, not Bush. If the Electoral College is the one picking the president then why does the government even waste the people's time by conducting a popular vote? Because it sure as hell isn't fooling anybody.

The Electoral College

After having read the article attached to our assignment, I don't feel like any fair solutions were discussed. No matter what was proposed, it was looked at from the perspective of the political party, and how that party may benefit or not. Why does it matter how the individual parties fair? The whole point of examining whether or not the Electoral College should be done away with or not is to attempt to make elections a better representation of what voters want. I feel that this is the biggest reason why American politics are so ineffective: we don't think like a nation anymore, just as parties in competition with one another. As soon as we step back, and start looking at this debate not as Republicans and Democrats, but as Americans we can start to move toward making an informed decision. Until we reach that point, nothing should be touched.

Mickey Mouse for president

We really dont need to have the electoral college. Its just unnecessary to count all the votes from all over the U.S. and basically have nothing to do with what actually takes place at the electoral college. As it stands right now it seems like we are doing the same job twice. It would be just easier to take out the middle man, and actually have the people vote for who they want to be president. If we want Mickey Mouse for president then let it be.
I believe that we should still keep the electoral college because the government got us used to that system and if we get another form of use we're going to get confused and mess up , having us adjusted to the electoral college is the way they want the system to be used , having another technic isnt going to help but it's just going to mess us up.

Electoral College

The electoral college is, in my opinion, a necessary evil. Knowing that people have voted for Mickey Mouse, we can't leave a big decision like voting for the next president in the public's hands. However, I don't like the Maine-Nebraska system. I think the electoral college should at least represent how the people in that state voted, not who got the majority vote.

Electoral College

The Electoral College has never caused any significant problems in US elections, so why change it? It has helped control who is elected for president, while it still lets the president be elected by the people. Why would be the point of trying to fix a system that has been working since the constitution was signed? But if there are problems or flaws with how the Electoral College works in certain states, they have the power to decide how they choose their presidential electors. This way, every state can decide which way they want to choose their electors. It has enough wiggle room to allow for minor changes, but overall, this system has been a success in the US, so why change it?

Electoral College

I think we should keep the Electoral college. There are too many ignorant people in America to give them direct responsibility to elect the person to be the president. I don't like the feeling knowing that my vote doesn't directly count, but I would rather have that then Mickey Mouse as president. The electoral college very rarely goes against popular vote anyways, it's just a last resort for America.

Electoral College

To fully create a electoral free system of voting would well frankly be impossible. You would need a central internet connection working at such high rates calculating all the polls. The electoral college makes it easier if only we voted for home ever was on the electoral college. Then at least we don't have a bias system.

The Electoral College

I definitely think that we should keep the Electoral College. When we vote, do we really think about how our vote will affect every single person? Do we think about every social class, every ethnic group, every man, woman, and child in the whole country? There may be some who do, but a majority of us don’t. Some people even vote just for the sake of voting. We base our votes on what we want and what we believe in, and how we can better our own lives. By keeping the Electoral College, we know that our President is chosen to improve the lives of the overall general population. The Electoral College will make sure that everyone has an equal say. We should keep the Electoral College because it can make an intelligent, rational choice based on reason and consideration for the country’s future as a whole. We need the Electoral College to make sure that the right person becomes our President.

Electoral College

I think the electoral college helps us in choosing U.S officials. We've had the electoral college for a long time now and we haven't had any problems with it that we're big enough to question whether we should get rid of it. Some voters that vote aren't very educated on who they're actually voting for so they just vote for a random representative. If that was the case and we didn't have the electoral college, somebody that shouldn't have been elected could be elected,
and who knows what would happen to the U.S.

Electoral College

I think we should keep the electoral college because they are much more educated in politics than many of the u.s citizens that vote. I think many people think we need to get rid of it because we (the country) as a whole are much more intelligent than our founders, that needed to the electoral college to decide for them, however there are also many other topics in politics that have never been brought upon before in history that the public is just as uneducated about as our founders once were. The electoral college knows much more than the majority of the public about politics and prevents our country into electing complete idiots to be president.

electoral collegee

Our system has had the electoral college for hundreds of years. Meaning it might be kind of too late to change things now. Yes it is a complicated system but clearly it helps. We would not want the number one write, mickey mouse, to be our president. this just shows americans still have some problems. so i think it is a good thing. they keep our country on track and make sure no harm comes to us.

Electoral College

I think the electoral college is a necessary evil, we may not like it but it's necessary. I don't like the fact that my votes don't seem to count, but electing a president is a big deal and it should not be taken lightly. I feel like America would turn into a bad comedy movie, with Mickey Mouse as our president without the electoral college. Sure, it's not great, but it's a necessity.

Electoral College

I think that the Electoral College is completely neccesary. The Electoral College helps the U.S. in so many ways. without the Electoral College then who knows who would end up being president? People could put in their own choice of President as Mrs. Corcoran said and at one time many people put in Mickey Mouse. The Electoral College would prevent Mickey Mouse from being president because thats why we have them. We should deffinately not get rid of the Electoral College.

Sure you count..

One vote can make the difference, what lies. Whats one vote when it doesn't even count since your not actually voting? The electoral at one point i admit may have been useful, but times have changed quite a lot since they were made . The people are ready to make their own decisions and are smart enough to vote.How can we the people make a change when we cant even put our thoughts into anything . The electoral college has become obsolete like the first computer. We need to give the people a chance to prove they can do it and not assume that we aren't ready. This will all be a progress in the making but one that needs to be done.

electoral college

i think electoral college should stay. without it we would have a messed up country. the electoral college is to keep people to vote and to elect the president etc. without an electoral college people wouldnt be able to vote for who they want as our president. alot of people would be angry to have a president they dont want. our country would be really messed up.

The Electoral College

I've never quite understood the whole Electoral College thing, and the given article only worsened it. I suppose I'll only reflect on what I have heard in the past. The Electoral College seems to have the ruling vote while the people are a sort of swaying factor. Although we don't officially select a president, we give the College an idea of who we would like to be voted in which then convinces the members one way or another. I really don't see how that is beneficial. We should just have the people vote or the Electoral College vote - not both.

Electoral College

Although it may appear like the electoral college is complicating things; we can't just get rid of it. Even though it may make things a little more complicated it keeps the presidential election orderly. While this sounds contradictory, it's not. We've had the electoral college for hundreds of years and there has not been a major problem with who will become president. Why change what already works? They shouldn't complain about it being more complicated because government within itself is a very complicated process. It's the safety net and I believe we will always need it to stay secure.

The Electoral College

Many Americans are questioning the need for the Electoral College, and if we are better off changing the way it works, or just completely getting rid of it altogether. Personally, I think that it is a bad idea to completely get rid of the Electoral College. Most Americans aren't in touch with politics and would just vote based on what they see on TV. And if people believed everything in those political commercials, it would be bad. I think that changing the system from winner takes all to a more even system would be better. A system where a candidate gets electoral votes based on the percentage of the popular vote would be better. This would be more fair than having a candidate lose in a state by 0.3 percent but not get any votes from that state.

Electoral college is unecessary

I think the electoral college is a good idea, but I think America would exist fine without it. The main purpose of the electoral college is so the smaller populated states could get a better say in the election, but if each person voted by themselves wouldn't it not matter what state you lived in? Maybe if each vote was counted individualy, more people would feel the need to vote. In this day of age with the technology we have it would not be a problem to count each vote by itself and add them all up. I think it is unfair that technically a representitive in the electoral college doesn't have to select the candidate that their state favors, they can pick who ever they want. This is too ensure that Americans wont pick ridiculous candidites such as Mickey Mouse, but I think our own government should have enough trust in its people to not be that stupid.

Electoral College

I think the electoral college should stay. We haven't had problems with the electoral college in the past so why try to fix something that isn't broken. The american people may be more mature and able to understand our election system better now but having someone in the middle to make sure we arent making a horrible choice is a good thing. Getting a second opinion is a good thing and I think it ensures that some idiot or Mickey Mouse won't be chosen as the leader of our country.

The Electoral College

I think the electoral college is very important to the United States. The electoral college makes sure someone with good intentions and political knowledge is running our country rather than somebody who could potentially hurt us. So far there hasn't been a time where the electoral college has gotten in the way or ruined an election so I don't see why we should get rid of them. Having people there to make sure the president chosen is the correct choice is better than choosing someone who does more harm than good for the country because nobody was there to choose differently.

Electoral College

I feel that we should be done with the Electoral College. I feel that we the people are mature enough to vote for the right candidates instead of writing in Mickey Mouse or Chuck Norris. And if we aren't mature enough and can have someone check the write in to make sure they are serious.

Electoral college

I think the electoral college isn't necessary. There isn't a point in voting because even if the people choose a candidate, the electoral college could choose a different candidate. An example of this is in the 2000 presidential election. Even though Al Gore had won the popular vote, George Bush won the elections because he had more votes from the electoral college. Voting is pointless if the people vote but their voices aren't heard.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Electoral College

I think the Electoral College is a very important part of the U.S Government today. The Electoral College is very helpful on today's decisions on who will be the president of the United States. If we didn't have a Electoral College, we could have Micky Mouse as a president of the United States, and thats not possible because that could cause a controversy. So far the Electoral College has cause no problems on the U.S government, and I think that we should still have the support of the Electoral College.

electoral college

I think the electoral college is a very necessary part of the election process. it keeps elections fair and prevents them from just becoming a massive popularity contest. it also protects us from people with little or no experience becoming president. Also, they take the populations votes into account, so it does express their views.

yippeee for EC

I think the electoral college should stay the way it is. I mean I haven't heard any crazy stories about how terrible it is. It seems to work pretty well. I think it's usually good to have a middle man with big decisions. I mean if you're going to buy a house most people won't just be like 'YEAH LETS SIGN THE CONTRACT NOW. wooo' They want to think about it and get some input from another person. Same with this, the electoral college is the middle man, and therefore can be helpful.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Electoral University

I think the Electoral College is a great thing. Honestly, without it, I think we would have crazy or random people elected. We the people don't directly vote for the president for a reason. The college makes sure the elected person is worth. This system is great and I am all for it. USA!!

Gone With The Electoral College

The Electoral College should be done with. People should vote directly for the president. But with that the option of writing in a name should be taken away. A person must for for candidate A or B. I think this is a good solution, that way no one can vote for Mickey Mouse or Chuck Norris.

Electoral College

I think that the electoral college is a good thing to have in our nation. There needs to be a group of people that are in control of the voting. They know what's best for the country and who should run it. Without them there could be a chance that Mickey Mouse could become president of the US. The people shouldn't be aloud to decide everything that goes on in the US.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I think that the electoral college is a good thing. We haven't had any huge problems with it. And everyone seems to like it. Without the electoral college, we would have people like Ciar that would vote for mickey mouse and actually have a chance of him being elected. This makes sure that someone gets elected that actually knows what he's doing. Granted there's an exception with our current president, but most of the past ones have been able to lead our country pretty well. So I think that we shouldn't get rid of the electoral college.

Electoral College

I think the electoral college is a necessary part of US government. Voters usually make good choices based on what they believe is correct and there hasn't been that big of a problem recently, but there are still people who write "Micky Mouse" in their voting polls. For people like this, the electoral college should be kept just incase they go farther and more people start to vote for a fictional character. The electoral college is made up of people who knows their politics and they will choose what they think is best for our country. By keeping the electoral college, it would ensure that the United States will have the best person as president.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

electoral college

I agree with the electoral college system we have in place. Although it seems like it would be easier to just vote directly for a president that's not always the case. A lot more people would try and elect someone like Mickey Mouse if we didn't have this system in place. The electoral college makes sure that won't happen and they will always vote for the popular vote anyway. Also, if there is a recount needed it would be too hard to perform that if there wasn't the electoral college. The electoral college is a great thing and it would be pointless to get rid of it.

Electoral College

I think we should keep the Electoral College just to be safe. Although a lot of people in the United States vote intelligently basing their decision on their beliefs, there are some people who cast uneducated votes like "Mickey Mouse" for example. This may not be a huge concern, but we should be safe rather than sorry when we are choosing the people who run our country. While the electoral college doesn't do much, they create a safety for the state's overall vote and finalize everything.

Electoral College

In my opinion we should get rid of the Electoral College. The American people have proved that they can choose a candidate that isn’t crazy or not qualified. The primary elections narrow the main choices down a lot. Not to say that there haven’t been some bad outcomes with past elected presidents but what is the point of the middleman that is the Electoral College. They usually pick the candidate with the popular vote, and if they don’t choose that candidate is it usually for a political party difference and that’s not what should matter after the people of America have spoken. An example of when the Electoral College changed their decision was when they elected George W. Bush when Al Gore won the popular vote from the people. Need I say more?

Electoral College

I think the Electoral College is a very important system in the United States government. In class we said that the most popular random vote is for mickey mouse. The electoral college guarantees that the government will run smooth with some one that has alot of experience. It also guarantees that mickey mouse won't become the next president of the united states. The electoral college is great for politicians because it is designed to keep the power out of the people's hands. This is kind of bad for the people because they are supposed to decide who runs the country.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

the electoral college

I think it's very beneficial for the U.S. to have the Electoral College. It is made to keep elections fair and prevent the government from being run by someone with no political knowledge or background. The Electoral College is good because it has people who know what they're doing in politics and know what may be best for the country representing everyone. Also, it stops situations from happening where someone is elected for President just based on popularity. Although some people think they are not getting a say in the government, this is isn't true because the Electoral College takes the popular vote of the people in account and most times uses this as their Electoral votes.

The Electoral College

I think it's important for the United States to keep their system of the Electoral College in the Presidental election. Without this system, there's no way to ensure that our government will be under good hands. We need people in a higher political position to manage and maintain the structure of our government. With the winner-take-all idea, the electoral votes are representing the popular vote in each state. In other words, if just the state was holding an election, this person would win anyways. Each state gets equal representation in the Electoral College, so I think that it is important that we keep this system to ensure the strength of our government.

yay for electoral college

i think haveing the electoral college around to figure out who is president is a truly remarkable idea by the U.S, and i think getting rid of them would be a horrible idea. Sure the American citezens might know of the presidential canidates from what we hear and see on the t.v. But as we all know t.v can be very misleading and flat out fiction. Its the electoral colleges job to know everything about are new presidential canidates including there personal backgrounds and what they are truly bringing to the table for our great country. I mean lets say some guy was running for president and before he was a raging drug addict, its good to hear that he is changing the direction of his life but to no offense to anybody i wouldnt want that person to be affecting my life because the dissisions he makes. And the electoral college prevents that .

Monday, September 19, 2011

Quarter 1, Week 4: The Electoral College

First, follow this link and read an article about the Electoral College:

Then, consider this:

The Electoral College was originally created as safety net during presidential elections.  However, in recent elections, Americans have asked if the Electoral College is still necessary or if it just complicates elections in today's society.  So, what do YOU think?  Should the Electoral College stay in place, or should we experiment with one of the systems proposed in the article?  Explain your answer.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The 8th Amendment

The 8th amendment is there to protect us from crule and unusual punishment. This way you cant just go around giving people the death penalty for a speeding ticket. Going over the speed limit isn't really cause for death. But there are certin cases such as someone killing another person where I believe the death penalty is okay to use.

The 8th Amendment

The 8th amendment may protect us from cruel and unusual punishment but I believe that there are some times like when someone kills another person when the death penalty is okay.

8th admentment

ight we talkin about the eight admentment. The 8th admendment is about the death peanlty. I think its approiate for some crimes like takin someones life or like do something really bad. The death penalty shouldnt be used on a crime like breakin into the staple center or doing drugs etc... No matter what u do u gotta take responsibiltiy for yo actions. The 8th admendment could be cruel but if u do somethin really bad its commin for you. This is my opinion on the number 8 admendment. oh i forgot 8 use to be kobes number hahhaha.

8th Amendment

I for one, don't believe that there should be a death penalty. What gives a man the right to decide how another man should die? To me, I don't think any human should be able to have the rights over another mans life. There are other alternative solutions when it comes to deciding punishments for criminals other than straight death. The death penalty is not only cruel, but its unjust. Sure, maybe the criminal has committed an act of murder, but is it really right for someone to do the same back to him? Doing the same crime that the criminal just did doesn't make anything right, or anyone better. We would be no better than the criminal itself. I don't believe that stooping to their level will solve anything. I think that they should definitely have to pay for what they did, but not in an act so severe, to where the person winds up dead.

Hatin' on Haterz

The 8th amendment is there to protect us from getting the death penalty for J-walking, not for killing a family and getting slapped on the wrist. What fair is fair, the death penalty should be an acceptable punishment if that was what was the person was convicted of. Cruel and unusual is a very hard thing to define, especially when you are faced with a person that has just killed his child, is it cruel to give the the same treatment to the father, as the father treated the son? Last I checked thats "the Golden Rule" something every child was taught at a young age. Unusual is right there with cruel too, its not unusual to give the same treatment to others. #eye4_an_eye

8th amendment:controversial

The eighth amendment protects us from cruel and unusual punishment. If we commit a crime we have the right as a citizen to be punished fairly and reasonably. What should we consider cruel and unusual punishments though; is killing someone cruel? This is the problem with the eighth amendment. Although we can agree that no one should be punished with cruelty, we all have different standpoints and beliefs. As mentioned before killing someone, or the death sentence, in particular, is very controversial as a punishment. Some americans believe it is fair justice to kill someone for committing murder, while others believe two wrongs don't make a right and the death penalty is ethically wrong. This is why each state should have their own cruel and unusual punishment laws because it can be very complicated.

8th amendment

I think the 8th amendment is wrong. I belive that it gives people who did somthing truly crule out easy. I think a true punshmint would be to make the personer sit in a jail for the rest of his/her life and think about what they have done. They should have feel guilty for what they did and not get off by just dieing. I also feel that if this was the way to go then if persners are falsely accussed then they will still be a live to be set free an they wont just be another dead incont preson who did nothing wrond to dersve death. So i think the 8th amendment should be changed to somthing less dratice.

8th amendment

they shouldn't have a death penalty to anyone, even if they did the most bad thing in the world they shouldn't kill no one. maybe they are bad to society and everyone. but there may be other ways to solve this, like life in prison. not killing a person. i don't agree with death penalties. they are sad to me. they can just keep the prisoners in prison until its their time to die, other than taking their life away.

8th Amendment

The 8th Amendment, the law that prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, is in need of severe revising. In this day and age, it can be construed and taken in too many different ways. I think the best way to revise the wording of this amendment, is to draw specific guidelines to common situations, and to leave rare situations to the judges consent. That way, if there is any problems, the judge will make the call, not the cop.


I think that for a punishment to be cruel and unusual it has to be like the death sentence for jay walking or something like that. But i think that amendment is very necessary because there would be some judge out there just killing people off because he or she wanted to. I think that we should a just it a little bit because it is kinda of hard to tell what they mean. Like make it no death sentencing people all over the place or something along those lines.


I feel that the death penalty is an cruel and unusual punishment. There are many alternative means of punishment that would sufice for such crimes that might deserve the death penalty. Even if it does cost more to keep the prisoner in jail for life it is worth it on the small chance that the prisoner may be proven innocent at a later date. Also depending on the crime the victims family/friends may be looking more for revenge than a fair sentencing and push for the death penalty even if it isn't deserved. I personally feel that life in prison in solitary confinement is a worse penalty then death. The death penalty should be outlawed completely or be used only in vary rare cases when the criminal is 100 percent guilty and death is the only justification for his or her crimes.

Death Penalty

I believe there shouldn't be a death penalty because once your dead your dead. Also in many cases some of the people who are put on death row are innocent and they end up dying for no reason. I believe being put in jail is a greater punishment then being put to death because dying right away is quick and easy but when you are locked up for life you have to live under the harsh rules and conditions which you are provided.


To me, if we defined what cruel and unusual punishment was specifically people would find a way around this. I think it is better to leave this amendment open ended because you can not name every cruel and unusual punishment. It is up to our government system to determine this. In accordance to that, I think the death penalty is not a cruel or unusual punishment if the person being executed is convicted of murder and there is complete evidence that the convicteed really did the crime

Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

With witty law makers trying to get around the system, i think its very necessary to have this amendment. Not only does it establish a grounds where there cant be individuals shooting others for past crimes they have done for revenge but also it keeps balance with law and law officials. Also i believe we should further explain or include what the cruel or unusual punishments exactly mean to avoid states taking drastic measures which would be considered legal or fair in the state. If we don't fully establish this now we can see states do drastic things. For a speeding ticket one state might say you have to pay a fine, and another may require you to do some physical labor thats way out of context. In all we need to establish clear rules so no jerkoffs try to mess with the American way!

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

I think that the death penalty isn't necessary. The movie we watched in class with the guy from Texas that got the death penalty and then later after he was dead looked over the house to see if they made a mistake and noticed that it could have been an accident. But it was too late and they killed the guy. You can't bring the guy back to life. Taking someones life is the worse thing of all. People can make changes in there lives they just have to make the sacrifice. It should be taken out and never used. It has so much drama with it and makes us feel guilty if were wrong.
I think the death penalty shouldn't be an option. If somebody was thought to have done a crime and went on death penalty and then later was found to be innocent, there's no going back. Death is too harsh for any type of crime. There are more options such as life without parole. Death doesn't seem like a punishment because when they're gone then they're gone and they don't have to suffer from other punishments. Jail time is much more of a punishment than death.

should he get 30 lashes?

Cruel and unusual punishment is mostly dictated by social means and determined by the court systems. The 8th amendment is an addition to the philosophy of a governing body by the people for the people, individuals can determine and speak against what they personally believe regarding a punishment to an individual by the law. Cruel and unusual punishment is a bit of a check and balance between the courts decisions regarding punishments and the people's opinions. It gives the power to the individual to petition against a cruel punishment. When it comes to determining if a punishment is unjust depends upon the crime done, region of country it was done, people involved in crime, and many other factors that make drawing a line on cruel punishment virtually impossible. But there is the common sense of not giving a man smoking a doobie in his living room the same punishment as a rapist. In conclusion, the 8th amendment is greatly needed in order for the government to be checked and balanced by the people.

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

I believe that the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment. I doesn't even make sense, this person killed someone so lets kill him to show the world what happens when you kill people. It also angers me that they don't view the person as being able to change, everyone is able to make even small changes. When you are dealing with a person's life there are just too many unknowns to justify killing them. If we truly believe that killing a killer makes us good people, I think we need to take a closer look.

The 8th Amendment

Since the Constitution doesn’t specifically state what counts as a cruel and unusual punishment, we have to use our intuition to know what is right. We have to draw that line ourselves and trust that gut feeling we get when we know something is wrong. Personally, I am not against capital punishment. We never want to have to come to the decision to execute someone, but when we do I think that they are done in the most peaceful and respectable way possible. It’s not like we make them feel the same pain and suffering they made their victims feel. But that’s just my opinion. Giving someone the death sentence is not an easy decision, and it should be given out with caution, a lot of time, research, and thought. Like in the case of Todd Willingham, we will never know if he really did kill his kids or not, but I don’t think he deserved to get executed in that way, without a fair trial. In my opinion, part of what makes a punishment cruel and unusual is if we can’t stand behind the decisions that we made. If we are asked if a person really deserved to be executed, we should have no doubts about our choice. We have to be completely sure that we did the right thing, not just in our heads but also in our hearts. I don’t think we’ll ever have a set definition for a cruel and unusual punishment because we all have different values and morals. While some people may believe executions are disgraceful and inhumane, others may think that it’s necessary for the safety and well being of others. These issues are not black and white; there are a lot of gray areas that we can’t set a clear line around.

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

I think what makes the eighth amendment a creul and unusual punishment is when the punishment does not match the bad deed done. Creul and unusual punishment is being excuted because one stole a Kit Kat bar from a store such as Walmart. The Kit Kat bar is not opened and in mint condition when given back to the store. I would say the eighth amendment is necessary in our legal system because this helps save lives of others that deserve to be free. Deserving to be free would be suspects who were not involved in the bad crime at all. No eighth amendment would be harmful because justice would not be given to citizens who are seen as criminals and suspects. Without the eighth amendment, citizens of the United States could be hurt for no reason. The eighth amendment is well said because creul and unusual describe the wrong punishment. From this, the eighth amendment is suitable to be followed since punishing someone who did nothing bad is painful.

8th Amendment

In my opinion, the death sentence is not a good way of punishment. For one there are a lot of cases where someone is found guilty and put to death but they really are innocent. How can you give someone their life back?  And secondly I don't see the death sentence as a punishment. Having someone live the rest of their life in prison is much more of a punishment. They will have to deal with the guilt while they sit in their cell for the rest of their life.
I think that the government should get rid of the death penalty. if someone commits a crime it is more punishment for them to stay life in prison then to be dealt with once and never again. and with the movie we watched, they are still questioning whether he was innocent or guilty. so what if they found someone is innocent? you can not bring them back to life but you can however release them from jail. the death penalty is way too serious and our goverenment should not have an option like that.


I think the death sentence is in no way appropriate. Giving somebody the death sentence is careless and pointless. There are plenty of cases where someone maybe found guilty when they are truly innocent, if given the death sentence and later found innocent there is no way you can give them their life back. I also think that if you were to give somebody life in jail it would be much more of a punishment, they have to live the rest of their life being reminded of why they are in that jail cell, if given the death sentence they would be saved the guilt. I don't think any body in our court system has the right to take a life eitherway.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I believe that the government should keep the death penalty , but use it when its nessasary to use it if its a murder or some kind of child rape. Cruel and unusual punishment is something that the government takes seriously even though each person has rights they should know how to use them and know that if they make a HUGE mistake involving someone's life that there is consequenses for them. Death penatly and other terms should be used to those who are harmfull to the community and who need to be put away for harming someones life.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

As it seems to be for every Amendment, the 8th Amendment which protects American citizens against cruel and unusual punishment is tricky. In class, we've been discussing a few cases involving this Amendment, and it has come to be my opinion that it shouldn't be more specific. Should we even attempt to narrow it down more, people will be more likely to try and find a loophole to just barely get out of the law's grasp. To continue, even simply defining cruel and unusual punishment is difficult. To me, I suppose it just means exactly what it says; should punishment be cruel and unusual to what has become the norm, I think it qualifies under this Amendment.

Cruel or Unusual Punishment

If you are stop for a speeding ticket, or for not making a stop at a stop sign, and you get a cuel punishment from the cops. You know you can be protected by the 8th amendment of the U.S Constitution. This don't happen very offten with this type of situation, but it could happen another case. For example I think that executions should be cancel by the U.S government, because there are cases where states would execute innocent people and thats a crime comitted by the states. It is a good think that Americans are protected by the 8th mendment, this will limit the power of any government people or officials.

8th amendment

Everything that is slightly controversial will always be overanalyized; the 8th amendment being one of them. It protects Americans from cruel and unusual punishment which is necesary to sustaining a solid government. Without it, I believe that the individual state governments would become power hungry. This amendment keeps us in track. I think that without it, there would be too much controversy on what is "ok" than with it. Even though there is not a clear distinction as to what it means exactly, it is needed. We can't get rid of it because it keeps us in check, maybe we could alter it slightly to be more specific.
The 8th amendment is a great thing. It prevents people from being shot at for speeding or something. The death penalty should be considered an unusual punishment because cops can easily just put the person in jail for life instead. The 8th amendment should be specified just so people are more aware of it. I dont want to go to jail for speeding so im happy that we have the 8th amendment. The 8th amendment is completely necessary.

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

I think an example of cruel and unusual punishment would be like putting someone to death because they got a speeding ticket. The punishment is actually worse than the crime that you had committed. This amendment is necessary for our legal system today because it still applies to us hundreds of years later. Like I said before, it isn't really fair to get a punishment that is worse than the crime that you committed. I think we do need to be more specific in this amendment. Congress should maybe put a list in the constitution of examples of cruel and unusual punishment. We need clarification on what they think is a cruel and unusual way to punish someone for not following the law.

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Cruel and unusal punishment is way too vague of a term. It doesn't even seem to be specifically defined in the text of the amendment. Given that it is, I feel as if the government wouldn't even enforce it very well. As with the Todd Willingham case, many people may have skewed views of certain subjects. In all honesty, I don't feel as if the death penalty is a proper form of punishment. I believe in a sort of almost-death penalty. If a serial killer is killed, he is relieved of any stress or any other problems he or she may have had. An almost-death penalty ensures that they are the same person being punished in one way or another.
Cruel and unuaual punishment is something that can be seen as inhuman treatment towards another human. In my opinion the death penalty is cruel and unusual, and should be protected by the 8th amendment. If the person on death row is being killed by an officer, that makes the officer no better then any other murderer. I think that life in prison is a much more harsh punishment as opposed to death. If somebody were to get put in prison for life they would have nothing but to think about what they did forver, and it would be on thier conscinece. Clearly the 8th amendment is neccesary in our society it just needs to be expanded to outlaw the death penalty. If killing somebody isn't cruel and unusual then what is?

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

I think that the term "Cruel and Unusual Punishment" is way too vague. To one person a cruel punishment might be way different than a different person. To me a punishment is cruel and unusual if what the person did doesn't deserve it. For example, if someone steals a soda from a store, they should not be put to death.
I do think that this amendment is necessary in our legal system. If it wasn't there people could be given punishments that they do not deserve just because there is nothing stopping the judge. So even though it is not a specific amendment, it is necessary as a guideline.
Cruel and unusual punishment has a different meaning for everyone. Some people argure that the death sentence is a cruel punishement, and others argue that sitting in jail on a life sentence is cruel punishment. But no matter how we interpret this today, in the past, it has had a greater meaning. Morals are different now, and not as many people feel the need to tourture people who have done harm to them or others. With this being said, the 8th amendment doesn't have as big of an inpact on Americans lives today as it has in the past. I think for the purpose that it serves in the US government, the 8th amendment doesn't need to be more specific. Those who are sentenced to death die painlessly due to large amonts of medicines they are given. They die peacefully making this form of punishment accectable.

Freedom Of Speech

The First Amendment guarantees Freedom of Speech to Americans. And as Americans that is one of our most cherished rights. I believe that there should not be any limitations to what we are able to say or how we say it. However, there should be unwritten guidelines.
I think the way the U.S. treats free speech now is pretty much right. People can say whatever they want, that is to say that they have the ability, but they don't. Most people realize there are somethings that don't need to be said and respect that. Most normal Americans realize how hurtful words can be to others and just go around yelling terrible things at each other, or criticizing out of nowhere.

the eighth amendment

I think the 8th amendment definately needs to be more clear on what cruel or unusual punishment is in order for it to be a fair amendment. Because cruel and unusual punishment is going to be all opinion based, especially for someone involved in the crime, its difficult for anyone to really determine whether a punishment is allowed. I think the death penalty isnt the best way to teach someone who has killed another person, or is on death row, a lesson or show them how what they did has affected not only who they killed but also the people in the victim's life. Putting them to death isn't going to make them want to turn their life around and fix it because their life will just be ended.

8th ammendment

I think there is a different definition of "cruel and unusual punishment" for every person depending on the crime committed. I think if you can completely prove someone is guilty for murder and their punishment in that state is the death penalty or life in prison, I don't think that is cruel and unusual punishment. If you don't have enough evidence to know that someone is guilty of murder and yet you still give them the death penalty or life in prison, I believe that is cruel and unusual punishment. It all depends on the situation and evidence.

8th Amendment

If you commit the crime, you pay the time.Depending on what you did, you have different consequences. Obviously if you kill another human being, you might be put away in death row. They feel like they have that right to take away your life since you decided you were going to take another persons' life. Cruel and unsual punishments are not fair because the constitution states it in the 8th amendment. They should have been more clear and sopecific on what it meant exactly.

Eighth Amendment

Cruel and unusual punishment is something I am happy we are protected by in the eighth amendment. Although I do believe this amendment is necessary, I wish it defined better. It should state what exatly a cruel and unusual punishment. It must me more specific in order to make for a more useful amendment. For example, the death penalty. I am not sure how i feel about the death penalty. I dont think like the think about how in the past we have killed innocent people. Maybe if the amendment was more specific there would be less innocent people being killed by the death penalty.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

8th amendment

I think cruel and unusual punishment totally depends on the person's character. Because everyone has different perspectives, so something I may think is cruel, someone else may not. You reap what you sow. So basically if you do something really stupid you're going to pay the consequences. The consequences should be equal to the crime committed. So yes, I think the amendment needs to be more specific, otherwise it can end up being too broad of an interpretation to different people.

The 8th Amendment

I think that any punishment that leaves behind permanent scars is cruel and or unusual. Whether those scars be physical, or mental, the whole point behind punishing someone is not just to make them pay for what they did: its to make sure that they understand what they did wrong, and to help them grow to value the same ethics code that we have established in this country. As soon as someone is being punished in a way that does not promote their understanding of what they are being punished for, but rather permanently harms them, we have crossed a line.

the 8th amendment

What I think makes punishment cruel and unsual, is that it has been abused so many times. This amendment CAN be necessary in our legal system, just as long as we use it when the time is right. It should be a little more specific; there are A LOT of government officials who abuse this amendment. We NEED to be a WHOLE lot more careful of how we use it.

eigth amendment

The goverment should take away the death penalty just because i believe human beings are in any position to say weather someone should die or live. We should let a little man in congress play the role of god. Havent you ever heard two wrongs dont make a right. Now if somebody is a murderer i am the first person to say i want to see that person live the rest of there life in prison. But again i do not think anybody should have the right to say if somebody should die because that makes them as wrong as the person being executed is. The worst thing you can do to somebody is just locking them up in jail for the rest of there lives without bail and thats as bad as they should be.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

8th ammendment

i think that the 8th ammendment should be more specific on what is a cruel and unusual punshment. Most people don't know what is or isn't. I think that some things like tortue should be considered cruel and unusual. What they did at guantanamo bay with the water boarding i think shouldn't be allowed, but they did it anyway. I do think that te death penalty should be legal. If someone did a horrible crime and are proven without a doubt that they did it, they should recieve the death penalty. If there isn't complete doubt like the video we watched in class, they shouldn't be executed.

8th Amendment

This amendment states- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. The death penalty is a cruel punishment for a crime no matter how bad it is. I think that the death penalty is escaping this amendment because of how it has been used through out the ages.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

8th Amendment

In my mind, there are so many things that could apply to these rules in our legal system. I tend to believe that these punishments do good. Yet, in the movie in class, Todd was put to death. I don't believe in the death penalty because I know we have to learn from our mistakes no matter what. Killing isnt doing the job. This is one amendment I am not fully for or against it yet.

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Cruel and Unusual punishment is an unreasonable to the crime that was committed. An example of this punishment is chinese water torture, when the arms and the legs of the victim are restrained and someone slowly drips water onto their forehead. We should definitely make it more clear on what constitutes as cruel or unusual punishment because there is no specific limitations as of right now. I think this amendment is necessary because without it things could change and punishments that are unacceptable could be given.

Freedom of Speech

I don't think there should be some limitations on freedoms of speech because it can get out of hand.You should be able to state your opinion on any subject and not have consequences, but not use it for malicious reasons. There are rules on harrassment and threatening speech but there is no reason to have rules against stating your opinion. The Megan Meier case is an example of a controversy in freedom of speech i think this is a limit that should not be reached because it involves the life and death of a person and it involves an adult tricking a minor and faking an identity. Freedom of speech should not have any set limitations but can have certain circumstances that make it wrong.

8th Amendment

In modern times, I don't really thing cruel and unusual punishments are needed as much as it was back in the days. If someone commited a crime, I think it's justified by going to jail and paying a fine. The government doesn't need to physically hurt and torture the criminal. Still, I don't think a death penalty is cruel or unusual because that means the person murdered someone. If the government is going to use the 8th amendment, they should adjust it and say exactly what kind of punishment goes with what kind of crime.

Monday, September 12, 2011

freedom of speech

I think our right to freedom of speech is one of the best if not most important amendments in our constitution. Despite its power this amendment does get rocky at times, technically we cannot just say anything we desire. For example when does our freedom of speech become abusive, hurtful, or misleading? Therefore there are many loopholes to our most prized amendment. We have created laws that limit what exactly we can and can't say. Legally you cannot say anything to physically harm or threaten another being, as a company or advertiser you cannot give false statements or mislead customers, and also public programs and entertainment must block out obscene language. So in reality our freedom of speech is not 100% free, which is something to think about.


I believe that with the system of government we have now, there is no chance of having cruel and unusual punishment given out. I don't think this amendment is needed any more. Whenever someone commits a crime, they are judged by a group of their peers(the jury). The jury decides what is fair and for most crimes, the worst punishment someone gets is jail. BUT when it comes to vicious and gut-wrenching crimes to other human beings, I think the death penalty is very fair. For example, back in 2005, Joseph Edward Duncan III kidnapped, tortured and then murdered Dylan Groene, a 9 year old boy. Duncan was sentenced to death, even though they should have put him through the pain he put the 9 year old through but at least he got the death penalty. That's not cruel and unusual punishment. That's a just cause for a freak. Sometimes though, states don't believe in death penalties and they only sentence the guy to jail for life. Earlier this year in New York, Leiby Kletzky, a 8 year old boy, asked for directions to a library and accepted a ride from Levi Aron. Levi Aron later smothered the kid and then dismembered his body. Aron was sentenced to life in prison without parole. BUT I think that in cases like this one, the murderer should get the death penalty. Honestly, I think the justice system does a pretty good job with setting just punishments. I don't think the 8th amendment really is needed and in some cases, I believe that the punishments should be more severe.

8th Amendment

  Cruel and unusual punishment in my mind is when someone is beaten or tortured by a member of any government force unprovoked. It is necessary to have it in our legal system because Americans have seen what has happened with out this amendment. In Guantanamo Bay there was a POW camp and many Americans treated them in disgusting ways, and many prisoners didn’t even get a trial. Maybe there should be more specifics included in the amendment which site exactly what America considers “Cruel and Unusual Punishment”

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Cruel and unusual punishment all depends on the crime that it is responding to. In my opinion, you get what you deserve. If you're tardy for a class, it makes sense that all of your tardies add up to detentions. If you're speeding, it makes sense that you get a ticket. Without these types of punishments, no one will learn from their mistakes and things will get out of hand. On the other hand, cruel and unusual punishment is torturing someone and excessively hurting someone. My opinion of the death penalty is very split in the middle of whether it is right or wrong. It's hard to know where to draw the line, because it always depends on the situation.


The 8th amendment is necessary in our legal system, but i think it needs to have more details to it. People deserve punishments for doing wrong because it makes them learn. But sometimes people take actions too far like murdering some one. I think cruelty is necessary if a person physically hurts or even kills some one. I think they need the 8th amendment to clearly state what constitutes cruel and unusual punishment or else people will maybe do things they shouldn't be doing...punishment wise.

Cruel or Unusual

Lets say you talk "out of turn" or show up late. Now you have a punishment of sitting in a room silently and you can't do work. Detentions are an unusual punishment to me. Maybe not so cruel but I don't like it. I think getting the paddle is a very cruel and unusual punishment. But luckily we don't have that punishment, at school or anywhere else. I don't think the death punishment is cruel and unusual if the criminal was a murderer.

Cruel and Unusual?

I do think that the 8th amendment needs to be more specific because anything essentially be considered cruel and/or unusual punishment depending on how you look at it. Its very opinion based. It needs to be something more measurable almost. There needs to be specific guidlines. For example, a person cant be arrested for solely saying "f off" to a cop, the person needed to have literally threatened the officer's life in order for the officer to arrest that person. Again its a broad topic, but at least with more specific guidelines it protects the citizens more, in my opinion.


Punishment is dictated by either man's personal input in the victim's crime or it's dictated by a judge, it is practically the same thing. No one can truly punish someone unless they put their beliefs into question

Quarter 1, Week 3: The 8th Amendment

The 8th Amendment protects Americans against cruel and unusual punishment.  However, like some of the amendments we have discussed already, it does not explicitly state what constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.  What do you think makes punishment cruel and unusual?  Is this amendment necessary in our legal system today?  Do we need to make it more specific?  EXPLAIN YOURSELVES!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Speeeee speeeee chaaaaaaaaaa

So pretty much the freedom of speech is great and all unless it puts anyone in danger. In other words if you yell fire in a movie theater and people start running out and stumble on someone or push someone over thats just not cool. I believe we should be able to day anything that comes to mind because it depends on the person who hears it what they do. They should be able to just brush it off because words are just words.The government has nothing better to do other than make amendments to "fix" what doesn't need any changing what so ever. With everyone trying to sensor what people say , whats next limit where we can go or what we can eat??

Speak your mind

I believe free speech is really important in making a country work together and fairly. Sure, problems will arise because we all are our own person and we have conflicting opinions but compromise can always be found. We need freedom of speech so we can speak out against something that is hurting or offending us without the fear of being punished for it. I do see that sometimes people take things too far and will use their rights to say things in inappropriate settings but I don't think there should be restrictions. I think it should be up to the individuals to deal with those things, the government shouldn't have to step in. Everybody is entitled to their own ideas and should have the right to say whatever they want, even if it makes others unhappy. America needs to realize when people are using their freedom of speech to get attention and by making what they're saying into a big deal through mass media you are just giving them what they want.

fredom of speech

people should have the rights to make their own decisions, like if we say they want to be a cop/ police officer theres always someone to neglect it. they would think that they would have a better decision but we know that our own path would be our better decision to our greater future. to help and provoke any damage to our planet, from our own instructions. people over all should be able to say what they want, without having anyone stopping them.

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech, means you are free to say what you want. There are no limitations on it, or else it would have had an asterik next to it, or even better, an amendment. As is, the law says freedom of speech, and until congress can come up with a better way to establish that law, there will be and should be no limitations. If someone wants to say something bad against someone else, so be it. Obviously taking this to the extreme could lead to harassment charges, but within the boundaries, no one should be able to tell you (as a U.S. Citizen) what you can say in public.

Lucky US

I think the freedom of speech should be recognized as more of a prevlidge by everyday americans. What many people dont realize is how lucky we are to have such a law when people all over the world are put to death for doing what we do every day. I think the biggest problem is that americans dont understand what they have. This is why the freedom of speech is being used and abused like its a freedom to piss anyone off without consequence. If there were to be any limitations placed there should be a very slight limitation on where you should protest' such as a law that says you cannot openly protest a funeral. Another helpful law would be that any protest that is abusive and/or may harm another person. In the end freedom of speech is a privilage we are lucky to have and should be treated with respect.

Freedom of speech

I think freedom of speech is such an important thing to have. Part of living in a free country is having the right to speak freely. Along with that though, I do think that there is a fine line between freedom of speech and harrasment. If what you are saying is in any way making somebody feel bullied or in some type of danger then I think that deserves consequences. You still should have the freedom to say what you want to say as long as you know that some consequences could be involved.

i mean... i don"t agree

I would hardly say being under 18 gives an individual a significantly less ability to exercise ones freedom of speech by the law. Freedom of speech under your parents and schools policies is because you are a minor still. I would say your frustration derives more from not being a legal adult and not being able to make personal decisions without the consent of a guardian. Also minors are often just flat out stupid, disrespectful, and uneducated about what they have to say, thats why individuals get in trouble. The lack of not being an adult might put limitations on freedom of speech, but not much. A 16 year old could go out onto the street and blabber his head off about politics, write a self published newspaper about how much he hates the government, or petition against something; a 40 year old man could do the same things.

Freedom Speech

I believe that everyone should have freedom of speech. But with that freedom should come consequences. You should have the right to say what you want as long as you understand that what you say has conseqences. Like with that girl who commited suicide, that woman shouldnt have gotten away with that. She can say what she wants but something should have been done.

Freedom of speech

I think free speech is very free outside of school facilities because in all the schools i've been when i swear i always get in trouble. But outside of the school environment you are aloud to say a lot of things like obama is a horrible leader. And if you were caught saying that by a government offical they wouldn't do anything but if you said that in NK you would be shot dead on the spot. I dont think there should be any limitations on free speech. If there were limitations we wouldn't be able to express ourselves to the full extent.

Freedom of speech

I believe that freedom of speech is a very important topic in our country. I believe that people should be able to fully express their opinions with out interference from the government. How ever, at the same time i feel it is the responcibility of the people to be responcible with this freedom, and not use it for the sole purpose of harming others. its the job of the people, not the government, to censor themselves if they see reason too.

Freedom of speech

I think that there should be some restrictions on freedom of speech. Don't get me wrong i do think that people should be able to say how they feel about a certain issue but some restrictions are necessary. for example threatening or harassing someone should be a restriction. Other than that what people say should be totally protected. If someone doesn't like the way Obama is running this country it should be 100% legal for them to say the way they feel. However they cant go around saying that they're going to kill him.

First Amendment

I don’t think there should be restrictions on what Americans can and cannot say. Who is the government to dictate how we feel and tell us whether or not we can express our opinions freely. One of the great things about our country is the diversity and the opinions that it brings. I think the First Amendment guarantees us the right to say and do [within reason] what we feel. Not everyone uses this in a positive way, but the risk we take from having freedom comes many good things. Which is why I believe there should not be limitations on how Americans express themselves. 

Should there be a filter on your voice?

Freedom of speech was created on the opposition to the previous king George's rule of jailing or even killing individuals who spoke up against his rule or decisions. One of the reasons the 1st amendment was created was to give the people of the nation to give opinions to government about their decisions and actions, to create a better governing power. Basically freedom of speech is voicing your opinion without being prosecuted.
There are many unwritten laws that come with life and its journeys. Respect comes along with Freedom of speech, but many individuals cary disrespect while they exercise freedom of speech. This is where individuals are prosecuted with disturbing the peace, verbal abuse, and threats only because the ill intent behind those words. Ill intended words often lead to negative actions which should be intervened lawful warnings and minuscule prosecutions, along with government surveillance on extreme offenders. An individuals words reveal allot about their morals and future actions. people and government have the right to make assumptions on an individuals speech, also followed by acting accordingly to those assumptions. in conclusion i believe threats on another individuals or group of peoples well being in any form of communication should not fall into Freedom of speech, and actions from the government should be taken.
Freedom of speech was developed to encourage the expression of an individuals thoughts and opinions in an open and respectful manner.

Freedom Of Speech

I believe that the first amendment is incredibly important, and hugely controversial. As with a lot of things in life, there is a large gray area in possessing your right to free speech and crossing the line into harassment. Like in the movie we watched about Megan in class is a great example of how easy it is to cross the line. It's hard to say where this line should be drawn, the problem is that you don't want to set a precedent, and I believe cases should be ruled individually without thought to other cases like it.

Freedom of speech

Freedom of speech is a great privaledge that we as Americans have! But it is abused sometimes, such as in the case of the young girl on myspace and many other cases just like hers. I would hope that people would be mature enought to respect our right but we have to many dumb people in our country that dont know right from wrong. If we could just block these people out that would be great... but we cant so i think there should be some sort of addition to the amendment so that these sorts of things would not be protected. What that woman did to that little girl on myspace was one hundred percent wrong and she should be punished for it.

Freedom of Speech

I think freedom of speech is a very under-appreciated amendment. Since Americans have had it for so long makes us take it for granted sometimes. Seeing a country like North Korea gives me a better understanding of how cool freedom of speech is. I don't think there should be limits to freedom of speech, as long as the person speaking is who he/she says he/she is. People also have the freedom to not listen to what someone is saying.

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech is one of the best amendments we have. In a dictatorship country they don't have the right to speak what they want to say. There are some limitations to freedom of speech. In school, they have things you can and cannot say. We have the right to say what we want but just to be smart about what you are saying. You could really hurt someone feelings if you say words that will insult them. You can't go into a movie theater and scream fire it's illegal. Having the freedom to say what we want can be good and bad. Some hurtful words can lead to bully and thoughtful ones can lead to happiness, so its just being smart it what freedom we have to say.

Freedom of Speech

Yes, there needs to be limitations set to the 1st amendment of Freedom of Speech. Freedom of Speech does means that people can speak there minds and protest about what they want, and voice their opinions, but it does not mean they can be mean an abusive towards others. People need to know how to use their own judgement to decide what is right to say and what isn't. Like the movie we watched in when the girl committed suicide because of what was said to her, that is complete abuse of the freedom of speech law. When the founding fathers wrote that they wanted people to interpret is as you could voice your opinion in a proper way, not that you could go around saying whatever you want to people and causing harm to them in the process. The limitations that should be set should be set by the people. because we are the ones who choose to abuse it.

Freedom of Speech

I think we are all very lucky to have the right of freedom of speech. A lot of people take it for granted though. I don't think there should be limitations on this right because then the term "freedom of speech" wouldn't really make any sense. Sure people say some stupid things because they know they have this right that can't be taken away from them. But we don't want to end up like North Korea where the government has to have control over everything we say and do. People should remember that they're lucky to have this freedom and it can't and shouldn't be taken away from them.

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is an important part of our lives, and I think that we take it for granted. We are lucky that we have the right to express what is on our minds. Freedom of speech separates us from other countries such as North Korea, whose people are definitely denied of this right. A simple definition of Freedom of Speech is the ability to speak without any limitation or censorship by the government. But I believe there are limitations to what we can say. People can say whatever they want as long as their words do not hurt others. I think that people shouldn’t take advantage of our right to speak what is on our minds. We should think before we speak, and respect the feelings of others because our words can have an effect on them.
Many Americans don't realize how lucky they are to have the freedom of speech. But along with this freedom comes responsibility. There is a right time and place for everything to be said. What you say can get you into trouble, and saying that you have the "freedom of speech" won't always get you out of it. Many places such as schools set restrictions on what can and cannot be said. This isn't to limit a person's freedom of speech, but to protect the safety of others. One example is bullying. People are granted the freedom of speech, but this is in effect hurting others, and there is a very thin line between the freedom of speech and harassment. But places such as schools set limitations on what you say to protect others.

Freedom of Speech

I feel that freedom of speech is definately a good thing to have. Although people are always using the amendment for bad and getting away with it. It's important for people to say whatever is on their mind. Bleeping out swears on tv is a good way to keep our right of freedom of speech in check. Abusing the right by harassing people should be illegal in the form of a court case. It's good people can have a say whether good or bad because anyone can choose not to care what other people say.

Freedom of Speech

The first amendement has freedom of speech for all United States citizens. Freedom of speech is able to be done, but it should not be compeletely letting citizens speak every word. No false alarms and mean comments should be spoken to everyone. Citizens of the United States should use their freedom of speech for any concerns they have with anything involving the United States. I think freedom of speech is for letting citizens talk sincerely about what they think. This amendments lets citizens speak for having a more active, productive, and healthy life. Also, relationships would be able to use freedom of speech by talking out kind words that can lead to joy. Honesty would be involved with the freedom of speech, so having freedom of speech gives citizens of the United States the voice of consideration.

Freedom of Speech

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and can speak their mind about whatever they want. However, I think that once you start to bully someone else it isn't right. Just like the Megan story we heard about in class, that mom crossed the line between being free to speak your mind and hurting someone.


I feel that we as Americans should be extremely grateful for the right of free speech because many other countries do not have that right and sometimes I feel like we take it for granted. I for one am one of those people. However i do feel that we should have some limitations. For example we should not be able to go out of our way to put down others like that one mother did when she created a my space page for the sole purpose of putting down that one girl which lead to the girl committing suicide.

Freedom of Speech

Unlike the right to bear arms, I believe that the freedom of speech is not something that can be disputed. As Americans, we have the right to say anything that we want whenever we want to whomever we want. As soon as we infringe upon this right even just a little bit, it will have a domino effect and our right to free speech will soon be taken away completely. Part of having the right to freedom of speech is understanding the consequences, and the only reason that I can think of to infringe upon this right is to avoid some of the nastier consequences. Understand your rights, and understand what effect abusing those rights will have, and we won't have any problems.

Freedom Of Speech

I think having freedom of speech is a good thing to have in our society. If we didn't have it, nobody would be able to express their opinions. There are cons of being able to speak our mind, like being able to harass somebody. We are able to harass people though because of the freedom of speech, and if people are against that, then the people who made the amendments should have been more specific when making them.

freeedom of speech

I think having freedom of speech is a good thing. We do not have to worry about expressing our opinions. Like we learned in North Korea, one bad thing you say there are consequences. People in America do not realize how good we have it. Just because this is a right given to us, doesnt mean we should take it for granted.

Freedom of Speech

I think we are very fortunate as Americans to have the right of freedom of speech. This is something that many other countries don't have and I think we shouldn't take it for granted. We shouldn't use our freedom to purposely hurt or put down others. Although it is a written amendment that any American is able to say what they want, there are some social barriers that shouldnt be crossed when using our freedom of speech. The Westboro Baptist Church that is protesting the funerals of gay men in the military is a good example of how the American people are using their rights in ways that are disrespectful and unnecessary. Although legally the people of the church have the right to be doing what they're doing, it is something that is looked down upon on a social level.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is something that I don't think about that much, but it's a big part of my life. When asked what I feel about freedom of speech, I think of what I would do without it, or better phrased what I wouldn't be able to do without it. When I look at other countries, it's ridiculous to think that only people with power can say what they feel. Without freedom of speech I feel like a lot of people wouldn't be as opinionated as they are, because they would just be so used to not being able to say what they think. Many good ideas come out of freedom of speech. It's good to hear what other people have to say because not everyone thinks the same way. Without freedom of speech this country wouldn't be the same as it is today.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Freedom of Speech

I think that the freedom of speech is a great thing for our society. We don't have to be scared of being arrested by what comes out of our mouths like other countries. I like the fact that we can say whatever we feel on any occasion. But I think that there are some limits to how far we can go with saying different things like the sensors on television or yelling "bomb!" in public. I think even though we have this amendment protecting us, there are things that are limited in what we can say or not. I think the Freedom of speech is just there for us to say our opinions.

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is one of the rights that we are given by the U.S government, I think we are lucky to get this right, the right of freedom of speech. But there should be limitations because there are things that you can't say in public or things that you can't do in public. Without freedom of speech this would be a total different country. People can express more public when you have freedom of speech. For example In facebook you have the right to say what ever you want, so you have the freedom of speech. But that doesn't give you the right to offend other people. This could be a little dangerous too because if you express youself to much you can end up in jail.

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is an important part of American society. This right separates us from many other countries. I think it is important to keep freedom of speech open without as many limitations as possible. But i do believe some limitations are needed. Bleeping out swear words on certain channels and songs are an example. As long as these limitations don't become extreme and extend to the circumstances that people cannot express themselves I am okay with them.

Freedom of Speech..

In my opinion I'm glad we have freedom of speech, we can say anything we want and not be killed or be torture about it; but also that privilege puts some people at risk. The freedom to say what ever you want can put you at risk because some people can take you serious. For example, if you dislike our president and say something that involves threats you might end up getting in trouble. Some countries aren't allowed to speak their minds as much as they want to; like North Korea. People their aren't allowed to say what ever they want because they'll either get hurt or worst. Though we have the freedom of speech that doesn't mean we should be saying anything stupid that will put people at risk ,we should know our limits.

freedom of speech

Freedom of speech is a very powerful thing. It gives a write not only to stand up for ourselves but what we believe in. If you look at we can get on public telivision and can say that we disagree with the beliefs of Barrac Obama and some people even make fun of him on tv, and not get killed or put in jail. Some people even will agree with you. In other countries, or past forms of government you run your mouth about people like Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, or kim jung ill, you most likley would be slaughtered or thrown into a concentration camp

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Freedom of Speech!

I think that freedom of speech is a great law to have. Most counries don't have this right, like North Korea. I like how we have the right to openly criticize the government because the government works for the people and if the people don't like it they should speak out. I do feel that there should be some limitations. Too many people abuse this right we have and verbally harass people which can cause many issues and even suicides. Then, that person can't be tried because of freedom of speech. I think that this shouldn't happen and people who verbally harass people should be illegal.

Freedom of Speech

In my opinion, freedom of speech should be controlled as minimal as possible. People should have the right to say whatever they want, but they should not have the right to create a fake account or any fake information on social networks because they only cause trouble. There have been many cases where people lie about either their age or their name, and in the end someone usually gets hurt. Also, cyber bullying is fairly common in this day and age with all of the social networks, especially on Facebook. Though everyone has "freedom of speech," people take advantage of their rights by putting other people in danger either physically or psychologically. Everyone should have the right to their opinions and beliefs, but putting people down or harming them in any way is never right.

Freedom Speech

Freedom of speech is a privilege to us. We don't have to have that right. There is many other countries that don't give the freedom of speech to citizens. They'll kill the person who decides to break there rule and say what they feel or think about a certain situation. I believe that many people take advantage of it. so it should have limitations but only to a certain extent. if it harms anyone else.

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech, in my mind, is great. Although many people take it for granted, many others feel strongly about it. Many don't realize how lucky we are to have this. Some countries, like North Korea, threaten the lives of people who speak poorly of Kim Jong il. We are limited in a sense, yet we still are able to take advantage of this freedom. Without people speaking their minds in today's world, we would have no outside opinions. Even in the republican debate, the only way one will stand out above all the others is the way they speak their mind whether it's a compliment or a mean phrase against another member.

Freedom of speech

I think that freedom of speech is great. People should be able to say whatever they want. I also think that there should be limitations. Limitations as in not screeming bomb or fire or some thing like that. Another limitation would be not being able to say something bad with little children around. People should be able to say what they want but also be considerate of the people around them.

Freedom of speech

I believe that we all do have rights to say certain things in this world , but we do have to respect what other peoples opinions are as well , just like we want to be heard we also have to hear what others have to say. We all have the right of freedom of speech as long as we have something positive to say knowing there might be negative things said we have to just try and figuare out something together. Freedom of speech doesnt mean you can say anything in the world without getting into trouble , theres some words you can and can not say , just knowing the appropriate time to say certain things is when you should know.