Sunday, January 29, 2012

Obamas dumb

Obamas dumb, we need a good old rich white guy in office. His speech was pretty good but it did seem like it was more of a promotion for his re-election. I didnt like that he did not say anything about SOPA becuase he endorsed it and if he supports something he should speak about it even if it is going to give him bad publicity. Thats all I got, dont vote for Obama :)


StaceyBooth said...

I completely agree about him talking about SOPA. The fact that he didnt talk about it just so he would get bad publicity was wrong. If there is a big issue then he is in charge of talking about it and reassuring americans about what is going on.

Stephen_Kaidantsis said...

Alright Scrat, Obama is not the problem here...its all three branches working together to F up our country, and yes as SOPA seems to be a terrible idea to a lot of people, im sure that the idea of stopping outsourcing in America and creating jobs for Americans, should be the main idea, and we should go with it.

Kirill said...

Id haev to disagree with scott. Obama has done alot more than some of the previous presidents weve had. Plus it is no ones place to say they can do a better job when they havent been in the position and the stress. Sure he might not have made the best choices, but he is trying and thats being human. If he is to get another 4 years he can make some good big changes.

rachel_freund said...

Scottie you are just being so negative. Why does the president have to be white and rich? Last time I checked Obama was pretty wealthy also. I also don't get why everyone is freaking out about SOPA.