Friday, January 27, 2012


Obama mentioned a lot about taxing the rich, and for this I agree. There should be no reason for someone to make so much money and not be able to give some of it back to the government when they have plenty to share. Obama said that if someone makes over $1 million then there should be no reason they would be taxed less than 30%. He also talked about restoring a fair economy so that everyone has a fair shot at success. While that sounds just super, he didn't really specify exactly what his plan would be to achieve this. He also reached out to some minor parties by incorporating things like natural energy and America's immigration issues. Overall, I think the speech was well presented but he needed to focus more on a specified goal instead of worrying that if he said something bad his reelection might be in jeopardy.


katie sharp said...

I disagree because I do not think that the rich should be taxed more. The constitution is all about "treating people equally." So from my point of view I think everyone should be taxed at the same percentage of their income. Also, if you look at where the contributions towards America come in it's from some of the wealthiest people in the U.S. So to say that they aren't "sharing" is very false. Even though it's not even their job to share, they do anyways.

Amy Bidstrup said...

I agree, Katie. Everyone should be taxed the same amount. It's more fair and it most likely will solve a lot of arguments regarding taxes.