Sunday, January 15, 2012


I think Alan and Andono are seriously people to look up to. The fact that they give even when they are struggling themselves says soooo much about their generous character. I think in life people are dealt bad hands sometimes because it makes you step back and appreciate the good in your life. I think that's what they are doing. I don't know how they could make their situation better. Obviously it would be great to find a higher paying job or more hours but they also have to have time with their family. Maybe if there is some way they can market themselves, whether by talking to people who know people or whatever they would be able to find a job that works with their schedule and is better pay and benefits. But for all we know they have already tried that. I really hope things get better in this economy soon, because it's really hard to hear stories like theirs, but again, the fact that they are still helping others I think will come back around for them.

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