Sunday, January 29, 2012


I thought Obama's speech was pretty good. He said a lot of good things, but he always does that and they never happen. I agree that the wealthy Americans should be paying higher taxes. It doesn't make sense that the people who can afford it the most pay lower taxes than those who afford it the least. I like how he carefully avoided SOPA because he knew it was controversial. I feel like this was more of a campaign speech than State of the Union though. He just kept saying the things that we've accomplished it didn't seem like he addresses many of our countries actual issues


Evan Wurtz said...

I agree that his State of the Union address was more of a campaign speech than anything. He makes promises of a better America but has no solutions. He didn't talk about any controversial topics because he's too worried about being re-elected. It was a spineless speech.

Elizabeth Uhrich said...

I agree. At this point Obama is working on his campaign, so he based his speech off of what would help boost his view in the public eye. Avoiding SOPA is proof that he only wanted positive and not controversial things in his speech to promote his image.