Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I think Alan and Andono should do their best to save whatever extra money they have. Even if it's not a lot, eventually it'll all add up. I know that they're having a hard time to get by paying the few bills that they have and that they struggle to provide a good living space and food on the table, so whenever they may have a few dollars left over, save it. Also, I think that both Alan and Andono should try to find higher paying jobs or maybe get some more hours. It never seems like there's enough time in the day, but I'm sure they are both very hardworking. It'll all work itself out. The economy is suffering in many aspects, and they should never lose their pride from pulling out their food stamps. There are so many other people that are in the same boat as Alan and Adono. Our economy is just about to get back on track, and hopefully that'll help their family's financial status as well.


Janelle Schneider said...

I agree with this completely. they are doing a lot especially for their circumstances and saving even a little amount will add up in the end. the economy we are in right now is not helping them but at the same time its not really helping anyone else either so they will eventually get through this struggle along with everyone else.

Kara Kirchner said...

I agree with Ashley that Adono and Alan are hardworking. Before the economic downfall, they were getting by with good jobs and enough money so when the economy starts getting better, they will be back on track.

katie sharp said...

I don't know the age of their other children since the article doesn't say. But when Ashley said it'de be good if they could get higher paying jobs and maybe more hours, I agree that would be awesome for them but ideally they may not be able to if they have kids who they still have to be home for at night. Because it seems like they are really great-hard working parents and that aspect is important to them.