Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Quarter 3, Week 1: State of the Union Address

Tonight, President Obama will be giving his annual State of the Union Address.  To what extent do you feel that Obama's assessment of our country is accurate?  Are there specific things you disagree with?  Explain your answer by making reference to specific points the president discussess.


+ Zack Brady said...

I feel obama's assestment of our country was somewhat accurate. Some parts were the thuth about the U.S. but he left some detatials out. Some plans he had failed and he did not talk about these because re- election is comming up and it would have been a blemish on him. I like it when he ordered the attack on Bin Laden and seal team 6 killed him. They took down a huge terrorist thret. Also, I agreed when he said that he is going to protect our boarders from illegals and keep them out. That is great and will save the U.S. millions of tax dollars

Rob F said...

For the most part, his assessment was mostly accurate. One of the extremely important points was on how the US needs to convert to green fuel, because oil will continue to grow more and more expensive. However I didn't feel it was necessary to rip on his "Republican predecessor", this shows bad character on his part. I will never like Obama, because of all of the government programs that he wants to put in, which will raise taxs to an abnoxious level.

Austin Smock said...

For the most part i found what the president had to say was good for the country. However it is not too outragouse to think that he can't keep his word on all of these objectives. I truely apreciated his veiw on post highschool education. I say this because i know what its like to have money be a part of college selection. on top of this it is obviouse after our discussions in class that money is a large factor in future education and it is nice to see the president is taking concern .

tiffanytufts said...

I believe Obama was speaking from an extremely neutral standpoint to attempt to appease all listeners to get reelected. Most of the things he talked about were things that everyone knows need to be done none of his own policies or anything that would take away any of his voters. That's why there wasn't much I specifically disagreed with because there was nothing controversial.

Alanna said...

I agree, I feel that Obama's uion address was well writen and read. I feel that obama truly wants to put alot of what he had to sy into motion. One thing he mentioned was lowering the price of colleges so more can countiue to fearther education which would help them in the futur.

nicki said...

i feel like he means well but isnt living up to what he was thought to be. he did a good job writing his speech but does he realy mean it all? or is he just writing it for the people? i think poeple say what others want to hear.