Tuesday, January 24, 2012

State of the Union Speech (pre-opinion)

I am not going to be able to watch the state of the union tonight because I have to work, but I thought in place of that I would make my guesses on what President Obama will talk about, and what his opinions might be on the subjects. I am predicting he will talk about the nations economy, and how many jobs were created. I assume that he will also speak on the SOPA / PIPA bills possibly, if not specifically at least addressing the concerns they brought. I believe he will speak on things that will make him look better and the republican candidates look bad. He will emphasize the good he's done and not focus on the bad. I also have a feeling he will mention Osama Bin Ladins death in there as well. I believe he will try to focus on the good he's done, and if he is re-elected, the good he can do in the future. It might be part state of the union address, and part campaign speech. What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Nick Fallico said...

From what I'm watching so far he didn't mention SOPA/PIPA but he did mention pirating once. The government should have no say in the Internet. It's like international waters, no one can or should control it, because it's no one's land.