Thursday, January 26, 2012

State of the Union

I think Obama did a good job with his speech. I did not get to watch it however i watched clips and read an article on it. The one thing that stood out the most for me is what he said about new education policies. Making students wait until their 18 or until they finish high school to drop out is a good idea. The only problem i see with this right now, with our failing economy, is that kids will be more likely to do this. College is super expensive and even onoce kids are getting throguh college many of them arent getting jobs afterwards because there are minimal jobs being offered. I feel this law will only make kids more hesitant to pursue their education after they reach 18 years old because of the minimal opportunities they are being offered afterwards.


Erick Hernandez said...

I agree with you, the goventment need to created more apportunities, for students that graduate college. so that they can pay back their loans.

Kara Kirchner said...

I agree with Janelle. Because the availability of jobs is minimal, students won't want to pursue further schooling because it is too expensive.

Dean S. said...

I agree too. When Obama says kids should wait until they are 18 to finish school because there are more opportunities for them. Until more jobs are created, college graduates aren't getting the career they want to pursue.

Anna Aiello said...

I agree. There are some reasons kids would need to dropout of high school but i think everyone should be required to have a GED or something of equal value. You really can't do much without any kind of high school diploma