Monday, October 31, 2011
The 5%
So I was watching this show(don't remember the name but my parents had put it on) and the show said it was actually 5% above the rest and not 1%. And of that 5% only 9% of those people are on wallstreet. The rest are movie stars, athletes, etc. Either way those people on wallstreet are not inclined to help out the rest of us. They worked hard and made something of themselves while the others are too busy drinking fire whiskey and then wonder why they don't have any money.
Quarter 2, Week 1: The 1%
To what extent are the 1% obligated to financially assist the 99%? Explain your answer.
Friday, October 28, 2011
It really doesn't make any difference wither you protest or not. Some people probably don't even know what they're doing or the reasons why there protesting. I think it's a joke and a waste of people's time. Marching with signs, screaming it's really not making any type of change. If you want a change in the world do something that would actually be worth everyone's time.
Monday, October 24, 2011
wall street sucks
No. It really is not. I seems to me that hose people dont understand the full complciation a govenrment has, for one its not designed to make your life easier bgy giving you free moeny and planety of benifits in your world that you envisioned(spelled that right?). Wrokngi hard is what will get you money and not whining about it, the country is in a bust, so whats the point? Why make this national issue worse.
Wallstreet Protests
I think the wallstreet protests are a good example of freedom of speech. Those people that are risking their lives are there for a reason. They all want their voices to be heard, by the U.S Government. Those people are fighting to get more rights for the middle class people. They think that the govenment is helping the wealthy only. They are asking the government to pass a lwa that will benefit middle class society, and they are not leaving the public parks until they get what they want.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Wall street
No I do not think that its an effective use of freedom of speech. I think that a lot of people don't even know what they are protesting for. There just kind of sitting out there in bad weather not really accomplishing anything. They should try to find a more effective way to protest.
Occupy Wall St.
Yes i think that occupy wall street is a great use of the first amendment because it shows that people want to change the way america is so they protest in front of the stock exchange. Also, it really puts a message across to people that the government needs to change the way they treat the 1% of americans. The protests are a great way for people to use their first amendment and tell people how they really feel about the american goverment. But sometimes the cops will mace some people in the face for doing nothing.
Thorn in the 1%'s side
I think that protesting wall street now is as effective as ever. It puts pressure on the people on wall street. The 1% of the wealthy Americans who control 40% of America's wealth, have gotten away with too much for too long. They need pressure for change, and not just a 1 day protest. These long term protests are a thorn in these over privileged people's side. Eventually, action must be taken in order to deal with the 99% of America who is not as priveleged as these people. This civil rights movement will affect the outcome of America; either pushing this country into the arms of the few, or towards "the people". America is for the average man and our right to protest and assemble is one of the few true liberties we have. We must use it to our advantage and give America back to "the people".
Occupy Wall Street

I think Occupy Wall Street is an effective use of our freedom of speech. The people have the right to stand up when they think the government isn't looking out for us and obviously there are many people who are upset. Since it is a non-violent protest there is no reason for them not to be there. I think it's about time that the people stood up to the corruption and the obvious problems in our economy. I think that arresting the protesters is outrageous and shouldn't be tolerated. Our country is still very young in the comparison to the rest of the world and the times are changing so when problems arise and the government doesn't actively fix it then the people need to speak out and make sure something is done in behalf of the much larger percent of our nation and for our future.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
People can protest all they want. Its not going to make the difference that they are seeking. Those people out there on wall street are thinking there is a actual way to overcome this issue, when in fact this issue cannot be solved by simply changing a couple of things. It almost seems ignorant that these people are protesting on wall street to get what they want, when it simply cannot happen. It may have worked in the past, but i assure you that this time it wont make a difference.
occupy wallstreet: both effective and noneffective
I think the protest Occupy Wallstreet is both an effective form of freedom of speech but also ineffective. It is effective because they are using one of our main and most important rights as Americans to stand up for something and speak out against what they think is unjust. They are protesting financial inequality, large corporation greed, how CEOs and corporations influence the government, and the distibrution of wealth to the 1%. But that is also what makes the protest ineffective; there are so many different issues they are protesting. It will be hard for the protesters to take legislative action if they don't agree on a primary goal.
Walls Balls
The protest is having some effect , but not as much as is needed. Sure the media sees them and the business people but has it really made a difference yet? We need to get to the representatives who will go and speak and make the difference that is needed. Sitting around will not accomplish anything after awhile. However with the publicity people are seeing something needs to be done so in a whole this is a good step forward. I respect the people who are participating , and id tell them not to stop. Little by little things will start to change thanks to them.
Wall Street Protest
The Wall Street Protests are effective in expressing freedom of speech and assembly. They have the right to assembly and speech from the Constitution. The Government cannot stop them. They have the right to say and do whatever they want. It is very effective and no one can stop them. They are voicing there opinion to the world.
The Occupy Wall Street Movement
The Occupy Wall Street Movement is an effective use of freedom of speech and assembly. Mass protest movements have a history of success throughout American issues. However, the problem of the American economy and political interference with it is not a problem that can be resolved through a simple mass demonstration on Wall Street. The economy that exists today has been shaped through years of situations like these, and broader action is necessary to solve the problem.
Wall Street
Yes and No, the wall street protesets have a good idea of getting peoples attion but they don't really point out what it is there protesting so it makes it a little confussing. So i think they have the right idea but need to give a little more deatil to what is they are protesting. Maybe ifthey spoke out more or even held up signs it would them more of what they want. This way they are still using freedom of speech but giving everyone a better understanding of what they are protetsting against.
Occupy Wall Street
The Occupy Wall Street Movement is a form of free speech and right of assembly. The protestors are well within their rights by standing up for what they believe in a nonviolent way. Although they are careful to stay within their rights, I don’t think that the protestors are using these rights efficiently. Nothing has been accomplished yet, and to me it looks like there are too many people with no organization or main purpose. These protests have been going on for quite some time, but to be honest, I really have no idea what it is about.
Wall Street Protest
I believe that the Wall street protest is very affective. Wall street is very popular and a lot of people see what goes on there. Also there a a lot of protesters so its hard to miss. They have been there for a couple days and that definatelly draws a lot of attention. The protest has been on the news and in the paper so a lot of people know about it. By a lot of people knowing then a lot of people will respond.
Wall Steet Protests
I think that the protests on wallstreet should not be overlooked. The protestors are just making their use of the right of freedom of speech. I believe they will get what they are protesting for because the government will stop at nothing to help the people of America. What these protestors are trying to do is make there issue a big enough problem that the government will help them for sure. This is why the protestors on wallstreet usually get what they want.
Wall Street Protests
The Wall Street Protests are effective in expressing freedom of speech and assembly. They have the right to assembly and speech from the Constitution. Voices are being heard by people in the United States, and this is appropriate because they are willing to help the government by protesting on Wall Street. By help, I mean improve the government by telling them what they think could be better for the people. They could tone down their protest by letting others through Wall Street when they need to, so the protesters can continue protesting while letting others pass by. Citizens' rights are being shown by the protesters at Wall Street by the way they stand together and speak out. I think they have a correct way of expression. As they protest, I would like them to protest properly by polite behavior and manners.
Wall Street Protests
I do think that the protests on Wall Street are effectively using the freedom of speech and the freedom of assembly. However, I don't think they are getting anywhere. The problems that they are fighting for are not just coming from Wall Street. There are many factors that go into our economy and maybe they should also focus on those too.
Wall Street Protest
I sincerely don't have a clue what all the protests are about. Even after doing a little research, I'm still a little confused. But from what I can make of it, it seems people are upset about how Wall Street screwed them over 3 years ago. These protests, or any protest for that matter, is a good use of freedom of speech. I've seen some authority figures such as police who have been brutally abusing these peaceful protesters. Things like using pepper spray, verbally assaulting, and physically beating people who simply don't agree with something. These are obviously acts that are preventing people from utilizing their first amendment.
Those damn kids on wall street
the occupying wall street movement is a form of free speech and right of assembly in the effort to have reform of how wall street operates. so yes, they are using their two rights correctly but not efficiently. There are too many sub groups in the movement of occupying wall street that results in no main goal to be accomplished. there needs to be one central leader and philosophy of the group for anything to get done.
Wall Street Protests
I do think that the Wall Street Protesters are using their freedom of speech and assembly effectively. They are nonviolently protesting what they believe in. But I think what they are protesting is invalid. They are blaming Wall Street for something that the government has control over. But considering that elections are coming up, if these protesters are getting their point across to the candidates. Many candidates are looking to try to please these people, so by all of this protesting, they may are raising awareness for the problems they want fixed in our economy.
Wall Street
I think that the occupy Wall Street movement is an effective use of the first amendment. They are doing exactly what is said to be allowed. Not much has happened in politics in effect of this protest but I think that with the commitment these protesters are showing something will happen. They are using their rights to show they will not stand for what has been happening and I think that is a very effective message.
Wall Street Protests
I do not agree with the Wall Street protesters at all. I saw it first hand when I was in Minnesota two weeks ago. And while all of them where protesting against Wall Street and big cooperation's; I saw all of them fiddling around on their I-Pads, talking on their I-Phones, while drinking a cup of Starbucks coffee. They are a bunch of hypocrites. (in case one does not know, these two companies make a lot a lot of money.) I do agree with them that the current position of our country is in right now is a messed up one. But its also a messed up one because many of us now a days are lazy and have had things handed to us by our parents and other people who have had to work there asses to get to where they are now. Instead of whining and complaining about how messed up America is, why don't we as a whole, get together and actually do something to about it like getting a job instead of just standing around and protesting just for the fun of protesting. I did not ask them personally, but I bet if asked, 95% of those protesting have no clear idea why they are protesting. They are just angry. Don't be mad at the banks for making loans. That's what banks do. As Chris Rock said, "don't hate the player, hate the system." Don't be mad at the banks, be mad at government.
Last time I checked the news and all it was companies like Google, Starbucks, Apple and all the big name players that make tons of money that are doing hiring. So if they are willing to hire and create new jobs, how can they be all that bad?
Last time I checked the news and all it was companies like Google, Starbucks, Apple and all the big name players that make tons of money that are doing hiring. So if they are willing to hire and create new jobs, how can they be all that bad?
I believe that wall street protest are very afficiant , people have the right to say how they feel in public without being judged. protests like these get alot of attention throughout the whole world , so the world can see how people contribute to the country showing that they care enought to take time during the day too say how they feel about a certain topic... wall street protests should be supported 100%!
Wall Street Protests
I think the Wall Street protests are an effective form of freedom of speech and assembly. A group of people are getting together to share and advertise their negative opinions of Wall Street and big corporations. But I don't think protesting Wall Street is an effective decision for these people. They are taking their anger out on people who are working hard to get the money they earn instead of where they might be able to make a change- Washington D.C. I don't think they're going to fix anything by blaming Wall Street for all the problems.
wall street vs. freedom of speech
I think wall street protesters are using the freedom of speech effectively. The amendment says that if you believe something is true, you are able to say whatever you want about the topic. The protesters are obviously against what the wall street is doing so they're protesting it. Their points will either come out positively or negatively by people all around the nation but it doesn't matter. They're just protesting what they believe, and that's totally fine. And they're getting their word out so it's effective.
Wall Street
I do think the wall street protests are an effective use of freedom of speech and assembly. The whole first amendment is all about ensuring the American people's freedom basically.. and these people are just putting it into practice. I don't know a whole lot about this protest but I know enough to be able to say that it definitely is being seen and therefore makes people interested in learning more about it.
This whole Wall street protest is just stupid and shouldnt be happening. I understand that they have problems that would like the government to fix, but so do we all. Everybody has problems but are working their butts off to fix them. If you haveing trouuble with money, wouldnt it help find as much work as you possibly can then to walk around and camp out in the middle of Wall street trying to get the answers to your problems handed to you on a silver pladder. Wouldnt you want to work your butt of to make things right so when you look back you can see that all your hard work paid off
If not occupy wall street, then what?
Is Occupy Wall street a valuable use of our time/effort? I certainly hope so, because it's all we've got. The right to a protest is one of the only ways besides petition that we have to directly influence government when we are not going through the election cycle. If Washington chooses to ignore the protests, then we know that we are in a bad place here in America, because we will know then that we are helpless to the will of those in Washington.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
money never sleeps
The wall street protests are a great example of freedom of speech and assembly. Do I agree with what they are doing? No I don't. But that doesn't mean it's not their right to do it. Honestly though, they should stop looking for the government to solve all their problems and fix it themselves. Who cares if the government likes the 1% of richest americans. The reason is because the 1% didn't bitch about their problems. They solved it themselves and made a name for themselves. Now they have a ton of money because of their hard work and most give a good amount out to charity and donations to government. That's why the government likes them better. People have to stop asking what can my country do for me. They need to start asking what can I do for my country.
Friday, October 21, 2011
I think that the wall street protests of an effective use of freedom of speech. Although I feel like the protestors are blaming wall street a bit more than necessary, they are under the full right to do so. In my opinion, the protestors have good reasons to be fighting against wall street but they seem ignorant to the fact that it could be something else as well. They are just looking for someone to blame because that's how our society works; we place blame on other and not ourselves. I'm interested to see how the protests turn out and whether or not there are changes made in wall street. Even though people may not agree with them, the protestors are simply executing their Constitutional rights.
wall street protests
I think the Wall Street protests are an effective use of freedom of speech. In this country you have the right to criticize anything including wall street. If people want to assemble and protest wall street they have the right to. I think that people shouldn't blame wall street for everything like they're doing. They have made mistakes but people should be blaming the government. Everyone is just looking for a scapegoat for the jobs problem and should just keep looking for a job.
wall street protests
i think that the protesters are useing their full constitutional rights. Not only is what they are doing constitutional, its also effective. That is why its in the constitutional, they have voiced their oppinion and spread it all over the media
Wallstreet protests
I beleive that the protests on wallstreet are the right way to go. The people in this protest are only excersizing there freedoms in an effective way. As a result these protesters will more than likely get what they want. I say this because the government strives to help the american people. As a result if the protesters cause a big enough problem they will have no issue helping them get what they want.This is why the protests on wall street are effective and will end with the protesters getting what they want.
Occupy Wall Street
I don't think the protests are an effective use of freedom of speech and assembly because I don't really think the government is going to listen to a huge group of people protesting all over the country. They know it's going on but that doesn't mean they're going to do anything to stop it. The government has their own agenda and they're going to do whatever they want even if people are staying in Central Park and other places protesting against it. Those people can stay there for the rest of their lives and I don't think their protests are going to effect what the government's decisions on running the country are.
Wall Street
I think this whole protest is cool. I do believe they are using the first amendment well. The police cannot do anything as they use freedom of assembly and speech. This also is in a nonviolent way. In the end
, it'll be interesting to see if they get what they want.
It is really bringing alot of people together as many people are supporting the cause from all over.
Wall Street Protests
These protests are kind of effective. I dont know if any thing has changed but it does show that a good number of people are not happy. maybe in time they will actually listen to the protesters because it makes the wall street people look bad. Anyway I think protesting is pretty much the only way to try to get things to change. I mean, what else can people do without being violent or something?
Wall Street
I think that the protest on wall street is an effective use of the first ammendment. The protest has gained attention and also gained supporters from all over. Although I think it's and effective use of the ammendment, I don't think it will be effective as they are hoping it to be. I think they are doing a good job at making themselves known to the public but I dont think that what they want is going to be exactly what they get.
Wall Street
I think the Wall Street protest is very effective. These people have found a way to use the first amendement to their full advantage. They are using the freedom of speech and freedom of assembly in a nonviolent way. Because of this police can not do anything about it. It started off as a little protest in New York to a worldwide speculation. Through media, such as facebook and twitter, more and more people are joining to support the cause. Shown in the clip we watched in class, people are willing to stay out overnight, rain and shine so, it is good what people are doing to get their voices heard.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The 99%
I don't think the protests are very effective as getting their demands met. If I was a big time business man on wall street, I would not loose one minute of sleep over a bunch of hippies sleeping out in a park. Yeah it may be an effective way to bring public attention to themselves but I don't think it will have any effect on that 1%. The cause is right but I don't think they are going about it the right way. If they want change they need to change their strategy.
The Wall Street
Yes, I think that the Wall Street protests are very effective. They have been noticed, which has brought more people to join. This is the goal of a protest. Protesters on the Wall Street have gotten their message across. This protest shows freedom of expression, and exercises the rights of the first amendment. This is important to realize because the protesters are fighting for what they believe in, without violence or anything that causes problems. It's a fair way to protest, getting the media to notice them, as well as people around the world. Essentially, their message is being expressed to the public.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Freedom of Speech and Assembly
Yes, I think the Wall Street Protests are an effective use of freedom of speech and assembly. With such a large passionate crowd of people, the protest is very hard to stop/control, and there is very little the police officers can do without violating the peoples' rights and staying nonviolent. Though the media can censor what footage/information the public sees from the protest, the public can still see and hear first hand what is actually happening on Wall Street through the speeches, signs and ideas they are spreading. The protesters use their right to freedom of speech/assembly to their advantage.
I think the Wall Street Protests are an effective example of freedom of speech and assembly. The cops cannot make these people leave the parks, they have to find ways around the law to get them out such as telling them they need to "clean" the parks because they cannot go against the first amendment, giving the people their right to assemble. It is also a great example of freedom of speech because these protestors are literally ripping on the government and the terrible job they have been doing with giving people jobs, publicly. The news may censor what they advise on television but the signs and speeches they give in public cannot be censored by an authoritative official trying to protect the government. These people have a strong opinion on this certain topic and they are using their first amendment rights to demonstrate them, as they should.
Wall Street Protests
I think the wall street protests are an effective use of freedom of speech an assembly. They are sure attracting a lot of media attention, which in turn gets the attention of the general public. They've gone from just Wall street to a global phenomenon, and people really care about the cause. Whether it will yield results is a different story, but it's definitely proven that, with the right amount of willpower and people, any idea can be brought to the public eye.
Wall Street Protests
Yes, I do think that the Wall Street protests are an effective use of Freedom of Speech and the Right of Assembly. The protests have been going on for over a month and people are really taking notice. The video we watched today said that the protests are spreading around the US and even the world. Obviously it is effective, because people around the US are talking about the protesters. They are getting their message out, just by having people like you and me discuss their actions. These people felt very strongly about our financial situation and are getting their views noticed, worldwide.
I think that the wall street protests are an effective use of freedom of speech. The first amendment clearly states that you have the right to speak freely. The protesters have the right to speak freely about whatever issue they believe in. I think the only reason why the protest is getting out of control is because they are protesting too many different issues at once. I think they all need to come together on one issue so their voices can be heard. Its very interesting how the protests were mainly fueled through twitter and facebook.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Quarter 1, Week 8: Wall Street Protests
Do you think that the Wall Street Protests are an effective use of freedom of speech and assembly? Explain your answer.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
I think that too much money is spent on campaigns. They shouldn't waste all of that money just to decide who should be president or other political positions. People also donate way too much money. There should be a limit on how much people spend on these kinds of things.
money and politics..
I think the amount of money put into advertising is pretty disgusting. Obnoxious amounts of money are being raised and spent on things like commercials and phone bills. I do think the public needs to know what their candidates stand for but the way the campaigns spend the money is on pointless ads that just bash their running mates. I think there should be limits or the candidates should put some of the money towards actually doing what they say they plan on doing. I think that putting a limit on the amount of money one campaign can get is a good thing, then the voters wont get as distracted or swayed because one guy had more rich friends to give him money so he could spend thousands of dollars on a flashy commercial. By limiting the amount of money they can get the candidates can get to the point and tell us what they can actually do for our country.
Campaign Finance
Am I comfortable with how much money goes into election campaigns? Yes, I'm completely okay with a billion dollars ($1,000,000,000) going towards each candidate to only have one become the head of a given position. Obviously that statement was written with sarcasm. Imagine that: one billion dollars per candidate. I like to think of it as a giant community gamble: if they put their money towards the winning electorate, they receive their money's worth. Otherwise, people are down a few extra bucks or so.
And I don't really think there is much the government can do. Yes, the government would gladly love to put laws limiting the amount of money they receive. I'd do it in a heartbeat; who wouldn't?
And I don't really think there is much the government can do. Yes, the government would gladly love to put laws limiting the amount of money they receive. I'd do it in a heartbeat; who wouldn't?
Money going into the campaign fund should be limited, with all the unemployed people there are much better places that money could be going into. Candidates should not be able to buy their way into a position as powerful as the President. People donating the money should have much better outlets to sink their money into. We should lessen the number of homeless people instead of just throwing away money into commercials. America should be much smarter with their money.
M O N E Y $$$$
I believe that the money the campaigns use should be used wisely , not for just picking canidates for the presidental election . The campaigns should use the money for schools , or donate it to cure some disease to help out someone. Campaigns should not use the money for themselves , just to attract the attention of the crowd just to see who can get who , money doesnt get everyones happiness , its just people buying there way into the governmet. The campaign organizations should not use alot of the money the people give them just portions or it and use the other half to show the crowd on what they wanna change and just use that money!
Candidates are definatelly spending way too much money on campaigns. Our country is in a lot of debt and by candidates trying to not spend as much money then maybe we will eventually get out of debt. It wouldnt hurt to try. People vote for candidates based on what they believe in and what they will do for the country. Candidates can spend a lot less money on campaigns and still win. Donate the money instead of spending it on campaings.
I personally think that that way too much money goes into campaigning. I find it weird that a candidate can raise enormous sums of money to win an election, but once elected the president cannot pay off other things like the national debt..? But, I also do believe that if a candidate raises the money legally, then it is theirs to have. Why would a candidate not accept money that could help further their impact in the race? The amount of money that goes into campaigning really depends on the people because the majority of it all is donations. If somebody wants to give their money to a cause that he or she supports, he or she should be allowed to do so.
campaign finance
I think if winning the presidential election is that important to the candidate or party it's there right to raise as much money as they need to get there goal. It's not the candidate that's ridicul0us, it's the people who are actually giving out hundreds and thousands of dollars out. Although I think it's a shame how half of all the money being donated will go to complete waste. That's one billion dollars just thrown away. But there's nothing anyone can do because our country is too obsessed with mass media, so if someone wanted to change the world and be president without spending a billion dollars, they couldn't afford commercials, internet videos, posters, ad campaigns, jet planes, etc. therefore no one would recognize them and they would lose, so it's sad but neccesary in this day of age.
I think there are better ways to use the money that is given. I feel like if the goverment really wanted to help all the ecnomical problems in the America then they should use all the canpain money that they get druing elections. I feel like the money should be used to help people who live on the streets or help those who are having a hared time get money to pay for their family. I believe thats what the money should be used for.
Money money money ....... money
So were in debt right now and were pretty much throwing money out the window instead of putting it to good use.Thats exactly what the candidates do , they want to make a change but all they do is make things worse. They use the money to put up commercials and signs , but the truth is majority don't notice them or as soon as they see them they switch to the next channel because its so boring.Money is not something we can spend easily right now and being as wasteful as we are right now we wont get anywhere. The people need to just get smarter about where they spend their money on . Especially those who throw money to candidates becuase thats just not fair . It shouldn't be if you rich you win , its who ever has a stronger drive.
Money Money
I think that the money for the campaigns are to much and could be used for better purposes. We can use the money to fix schools and help millions of poor people. Putting the money to schools will get a better education for us. Plus it will help out the poor too, more people have resources to learn they will succeed in life. We can also give the money to the poor to help them get back up on there feet and have a better life. The money we use for the campaigns should be used for better purposes.
money money
The amount of money spent on campaigns is high, but I think that it is necessary. A part of me thinks that “billion dollar campaigns” are ridiculous, and candidates should focus more on using the money raised to directly help others, not on fancy parties and commercials. But another part of me thinks that candidates need to spend money in order for people to actually know who they are, so they would want to vote for them. Getting exposure is an important part of a successful campaign. If a candidate used all of their money to help others, and none on getting exposure, they may get the support of a small group of people. But by not advertising themselves, the majority of the nation wouldn’t know about their good deeds. TV ads, fundraisers, and all of the glam of campaigns are necessary because no one is going to vote for someone they have never heard about. Although a lot of money is spent on campaigns alone, it is necessary. In order for candidates to help change the country for the better, they first need to get elected. And in order to get elected, they first need to be seen and heard.
political campaigns
I think that if the politicians are able to raise that much money then they earned it. Restricting the amount of money that people can donate is restricting our freedoms. If someone believes in a candidate enough to donate $10,ooo then that's their right to do what they want with their money. I'm sure the government wouldn't have a problem receiving that big of a donation if they had the chance so they shouldn't restrict the donations to U.S. politicians. Restricting the amount of money that people can donate is a stab at our freedoms. Let the people do what they want with their own hard earned money. After all, this country was founded on giving "the people" the most freedom possible.
Making Love To The Money
All this money going into campaigns is ridiculous, they project that next year's presidential election will be in the billions, which is sick. I just find it ironic that someone would spend so much money to become the most hated person in the world, but then again maybe its just karma for trying to win a presidential race in which both candidates try to see who can say the meanest things about one another on commercials, and then say they support that message. So do i think that the money being used right now is a waste of money? well lets just say this, it takes 5 dollars (at tops) to feed someone whose homeless, and it only takes a one dollar donation to any foundation to make a difference, from a source worth billions.
I think that the money spend in campaigns is kinda of whatever to me. Only because if they can raise that kind of money, then more power to them. Plus I think it shows a really good leadership quality why someone can raise all that money, which would give me more confidence towards that candidate. Yes, it's a lot of money... but they are all donations from people who are willingly doing it. Some people said the money could go towards something better to help the country.. well that's not the candidates fault, the person who is donating the money is the one who could 'be helping the country.' & maybe donating is their perception of how they are helping their country.
Campaign Finance
Campaign finance in the United States has too much money put in the candidates' campaigns. The millions of dollars could be used for something more necessary. Healthcare, construction of streets and buildings, and donations to charities could be some examples of how the money could be used instead. Government could limit the amount of money for campaigns by setting a maximum amount of money used in a campaign. This way the money can be in a less chance of debt later. The campaigns can be noticed throughout the usage of the money in the campaign.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Campaign Finance
I think the amount of money circulated between politicians for campaigns is ridiculous. If they tried half as hard as they do to raise money for their campaigning and used that effort for things for the people, our government would be so much better. If a presidential candidate can raise 1 billion dollars just for campaigning why can't they do the same for our schools? Or infrastructures? Not to mention politicians are shady! Anyways, I think there should be limits as to how much someone can donate because helping the people should be the first thing on a candidates mind not how much money they've raised.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Campaign Finance
I think that Campain Finance its a good way for candidates to get the money that they need for their campaign. But I think that the U.S government should pass a law where there should be limits for how much money they could raise. Many candidates raised money like crazy. Money that the U.S government could be spending on health, jobs or other economic issues that american people have. I know that a candidate is expending a lot of money when they are running for office. What people dont think is that the candidate that losses they just wasted their money.
Campaign Spendin
I gotta say that I think that theres a bit too much money goin into campaign spendin. I understand that it costs a lot of money for campaigns, but billions is crossin tha line. All that money could be goin to better things like helpin the economy or somethin. For lesser known candidates like third party ones, then I guess it would be okay if they spent a bit more because they are not as known. As I said before though, billions are crossin tha line.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Im gonna be different and say that it isnt the worst job ever. Frankly i think itd be cool to be known around thje world as a leader for a global power even though you dont have full power because the constituition and how stupid it is... sorry. but being president is a honor, some one actually lieks you to trust you enough to vote for you as their leader.
campaign spending
With campaign spending reaching the billions, it becomes obvious that something has to be done. Although a lot of money is necessary to run a campaign due to expenses such as advertising and salaries, i think some of the money should be put to better use. What if all the candidates had to donate a certian amount of their money to a charitable orginization? this would both cut back their spending and help the world.
Money Moneyy Moneyy
I definitley think there is wayyyy to much money put into these political campaigns. The money could be put to many other useful things. There essentially, in my opinion, is no way to control how much money people donate to these campaigns. They can put regulations on it, but there are always those people who find ways around the rules so they can donate and have their candidates win. Just as the candidates themselves do. Overall, I think they spend too much money on all these political campaigns and the money should be put to better use.
Money that isnt mine doesnt matter
I dont really have ana issue with them since its not our moeny, it is theirs. As long as they dont take my money to fly them fancy airplanes i can care less what they do, if you work like them and stay on a phone for so long asking away. You can get some money if people are like informing about what they are putting their moeny towards.
campaign financess
I think the amount of money spent on campaigns in way too much. 1 billion dollars is a ridiculous number. That much money could be used for other things in our country. Things like helping the poor and other areas in need, instead of all going to one candidate. The candidate you are donating all this money to might not even get elected. Then what? All this money is just going to waste. We have much bigger problems in this country then how well a candidate's campaign posters and buttons are. People should become more realistic and understand that so much money could go to better causess.
Campaign Financing
I think there is way too much money going into campaigns. The country is in debt and the money could be going to a lot of other resources to make the country better. Not only is it a waste of money, it also takes away from the meaning of what elections are about. Campaigning should be about finding the candidate you believe is the best for the position based on their beliefs. It has turned into, whose name do you know because they have the most money. I think the government has done a good job at trying to regulate the money being spent but it is still out of control and should be regulated even more.
Campaign Finance
In my opinion, Money should not influence how well a potential elector does unless its from groups the like what the elector is doing, from like an investment. It makes it seem unfair for the poorer candidates, and they would probably lose then.
Campaign Finance
I think its okay that they spend as much money as they do because they need to reach as many people as possible to spread their message. And to spread their message that can coast a lot of money like flying all around the U.S to talk to people. Also I think that they should be able to spend as much money as they want to because it just makes the campaing more interesting and fun to follow. Furthermore I dont think the goverment should do more to limit the money amount because they already have a good amount of legistation against it. Also even if they did do more to stop the money from coming in, the people would find ways to get around the law without breaking it.
Campaign finances
I do not think that amount of money should be spent on campaigns. The 2004 election cost more than $1 billion and this money could have been spent on improving our country's economic status. We are currently in a massive debt and the fact that that much money is spent on the election alone isn't right. If the government put a cap on how much could be spent it would in turn be more beneficial in helping our country later on. Most of campaign money is spent on travel, but now with Internet and TV a candidate's speech can virtually "travel" for free. This would allow us to save so much money during the campaigns. Money shouldn't be the determining factor on how a candidate is able to present themself but right now it is.
cash dollars american currency
I think that the amount of money that is spent on campaigns is crazy. there definately should be a limit on the amount that is spent on them. The amount of money that goes into campaigns could be much better served elsewhere. For instance, we could use it to put into the welfare system or to fix up fun down schools. We don't need to be spending billions of dollars on campaigns, its just crazy. Spend your money elsewhere, help the people who need it instead of crooked politicians.
Electing The Guy With The Most Money
Every four years millions of people gather to vote for the richest canidate in an election. Winning an election has nothing to do with the ideals of the canidate. All elections are practically used as a way for big corporations to premote their ideas. They dont do this with a bilboard or a comercial but they post a their adds in canidates. These canidates then go spred their ideas around as if they truely beleive in them. This is a serious issue in the american election process because we are no longer electing a canidate on their ideals but their ability to raise money. This is why every canidate should be given equal amounts of money to spend on their campaigns so that no one canidate has an advantage.
I agree and am for this type of spending. As similar is other posts, this money is spent on needs not wants. Some needs include salaries by the staff. Also, that money goes to companies that make signs, flyers, etc. I support this spending. Also, if you think about it, it is great for the economy!
Campaign Finance
I think candidates spend too much money on their campaigns. I would say I'm not comfortable with the amounts of money each person raises for their campaign. They don't need to spend mass amounts of money to get people's votes. I think it's more of like a status symbol with all the money you raise. It's kind of like a "look at me! Look how much money I can raise. I'm very well liked because I can get tons of people to give me a ton of money." I think the government should put more restrictions on how much money each candidate can raise in their campaigns. Because if you're rich and you have a lot of rich friends obviously you're going to raise more money than someone who isn't extremely rich and doesn't have rich friends. Having more money than someone else gives you an unfair advantage over that person. But just because you raised more money doesn't exactly mean that you will win the election.
You feel like a boss every day you wake up. Of course being the president would be the greeatest thing . Not only are you in charge of a whole country but you can pardon anyone and just wear a suit all the time. However there is great stress and critisms involoved in this job. Everyday people will be looking to see what you do or how your decsions affect the people and the world.The greatest attribute one would have to have is patience.With patience thats the only way things would get done and youd be able to handle the job everyday. I think not everyone can handle this job.
Waste of Money
It's sad in a way how everything comes down to money now-a-days and not who is a better candidate. I think there should be a law passed that puts a limit on the amount of money both parties can raise. 2 billion dollars is a lot of money and it doesnt matter who wins or loses that money ends up going down the drain. It could and should go towards better things like creating jobs and paying off our national debt.
i think the campaign limit is good. you got to spend money to win. its their money so they can do what they want with it. the govt should use the money for useful things. THey shopuld spend it on to help economy. my opinoin dosent matter. whatevga happens happens.
waste of money
I am not comfortable with the amount of money that goes into campaigns. I think that there should be a by law that cuts down on the money. Say someone raises 1 billion dollars, and they don't use it all. The extra money should be put into our national debt so that it's at least a little better. they don't need 1 billion dollars though so they shouldn't try spending it all. it's almost disgusting how much they spend on the elections
waste of money
I think that campaigns spend way too much money. This next election it is predicted that each ccandidate will spend about a billion dollars just for campaigning. No matter who wins or loses all that money still goes to waste. Each party should agree to put a limit on how much they can spend on a camaign because now it is just about how much money you can raise, the more likely you are to win. This is just a waste of money that could be used in a lot of better ways. You can start many new jobs with that money because that is what we need most right now.
Campaign Spending is a GOOD thing
If each presidential candidate raises $1 billion each then thats $2 billion back into the economy. The candidate raises money from his supporters and then spends it on his needs. This money is paying salaries for his staff. He buys flyers which in turn pays the company who makes them and they pay their workers for printing them. All the money they raise just goes back to other people and is good. His staff has jobs just because of the money he raises. I support his spending.
Wasting Money
Millions of dollars are spent on campaigns all the time, and in our economy I don't think that is a good idea. Spending millions of dollars on campaigns is ridiculous when our economy is in the shape that it is in. Not only that, but there are so many organizations and good causes that money could be going to. When a canadiate doesn't win, that money is wasted. Wasting that much money on campaigns and then complaining about our economy is almost a double standard. I think too much money is spent on campaigns.
Campaign Finance
Goverenment should limit the amount of money theey put on a campaign. Its not worth spending lots of money on one elcetion that won't last long enough. They should be using that moeny for a better cause instead of being spoil bratts and thinking about themselves
they should consider thinking about the "world"or gthe DEBT they are in..
they should consider thinking about the "world"or gthe DEBT they are in..
do candidates bathe in money?
Millions and millions of dollars are being thrown around for one simple thing, to get the candidates face and name across the nation. Campaigning is straight selfish in its own way; all that money is only to help that candidate achieve office. But where does all that money come from? It comes from individuals and companies that want a candidate to support their business or themselves. None of this money goes to helping individuals in dire need. There are so many economic and social problems to be addressed with that money that continues to get a candidates face on a newspaper.
I wouldn't like to be president because its too much stress being put on you
and you have to be aware of every step you take beacuse if you make
the wrong move you might be 'judge' or not have support at all.
and you have to be aware of every step you take beacuse if you make
the wrong move you might be 'judge' or not have support at all.
Spendinnnnnnn $$$
The amount of money that goes into campaign spending is outrageous. I understand that it is very competitive but we should definitely set limits to put this spending into control. People should make the decision for president based on the candidates abilities opposed to the amount of money they spend on their campaign. That money could be used for much more important purposes instead of just feeding more money into the media. We should definitely limit the amount of money spent on campaigns.
Wayyy to much
In our economy right now, lots of Americans are struggling. It's hard to believe that so much money is put towards campaigns. Right now, money is needed in different parts of the government. One prime example is social security. Money needs to be put back into that fund to ensure that it doesn't run out. But instead millions of dollars are going towards campaigns where there is no guarantee that a candidate will be elected. So after the election is over, millions of dollars have just been wasted. Those millions of dollars would do so much more to help our country if they were spent differently.
Campaign Finance
Campaign finance sucks. Candidates waste other people's money on meaningless comercials and propoganda. I think the government should put a limit on campaign spending. All of the candidates that don't get elected have wasted millions. Instead of using their money towards comercials which people hate, they should use it on charities or rebuilding community parks.
Campaign Finance
I think the amount of money that is being used in the Presidential campaigns is totally unnecessary. People are spending hundreds of dollars to support a candidate that might not even win the election, and when they lose, that money just goes to waste. I think this is wrong when there are so many other things we could do with this amount of money, like fix the economy or help out third world countries. I think the government should regulate the amount of money going into campaigns more in order to keep it from getting to a high amount like $1 billion. I think all this money going into elections causes it to be more about money rather than politics and the people, which is bad. For example, if one party is supported by the wealthy class then its easier for them to raise a lot more money, which could help them win the election in a bigger way.
Campaign Finance
I feel like the money that goes towards campaign finanacing is a waste. The government can surely decide to put it to a better use than just once every 4 years. They should definatly limit the amout one can donate and use during candidates' campaigns because the millions of dollars can be a help to people who live in poverty. Government always says that they're doing the best they can to get people out of poor living situations but they don't do enough. The large amount of money spent during campaigning should be limited to help the people who really needs the money.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Worst job ever
I completely agree that being the president is probably the worst job in the world. It's impossible to please everyone and that is what the president tries to do everyday. I would probably have a mental breakdown by the second day. People are just annoying and want everything and don't see how unreasonable they are being. Don't get me wrong we should hold high expectations for the person that runs our country, but the president can't be a superhero.
A Billion Dollar Election? I think not.
When the issue of money was discussed in class, I was disturbed by the sheer amount of money that is spent on each canidate each year. One billion dollars is a lot to gamble on a canidate that has less than a 50% chance of winning. With most of that money coming from organizations trying to make political change in America, you have to wonder if that money could have been better spent.
Take the NRA for example. In the 2008 election they spent $40 million in an effort to defeat Barack Obama (according to the New England Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence's blog). Odviousely, this money was not well spent. When you think about how much good the NRA could have done with that money (like making an effort to inform the population about gun safety) you have to wonder what the leaders of the organization were thinking.
I think that besides making sure that the people responsible for all this cash actually contemplate what good it could do before gambling large chunks of it in the election, the federal government should put a cap on the amount overall that each canidate can raise. That cap could both make sure that the candates aren't absorbing valuable resources that could be better used elsewhere, but it also helps to even the playing field for canidates from modest means. After all, the election should be about politics, not who has the prettiest ads.
Take the NRA for example. In the 2008 election they spent $40 million in an effort to defeat Barack Obama (according to the New England Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence's blog). Odviousely, this money was not well spent. When you think about how much good the NRA could have done with that money (like making an effort to inform the population about gun safety) you have to wonder what the leaders of the organization were thinking.
I think that besides making sure that the people responsible for all this cash actually contemplate what good it could do before gambling large chunks of it in the election, the federal government should put a cap on the amount overall that each canidate can raise. That cap could both make sure that the candates aren't absorbing valuable resources that could be better used elsewhere, but it also helps to even the playing field for canidates from modest means. After all, the election should be about politics, not who has the prettiest ads.
Campaign $$$
I think that there is too much money going towards campaigns. Millions and Billions of dollars is too much for a presidential campaign! When a candidate doesn't win the election all of the money he/she raised is wasted. I think the money raised for campaigns is ridiculous. Millions of dollars for tv commercials is crazy! There are more important things to spend money on. I think the government should step in and do something about this. I think it would be a good idea for the government to set a limit on how much a candidate can raise. I would think that the government would realize by now that they could use all that money for much more important things.
Campaign Finance
Campaign finance is one of the things about the election process that makes me uncomfortable. It is basically made up of the candidate and their team begging for money for what? A stupid ad on TV bashing the other opponent and their own personal jet to take them around the country? There are so many other things that this money could be used for aside from the meaningless campaign of one candidate. There is only one winner in the end which means that the other money spent was basically a waste. I do think the government should set a limit on both parts because it would make campaigns more of a political race instead of just making it one big money game.
President Worst job
In my opinion the author was right. Being the president is the most stressful job out there because you have the fate of an entire country riding on your back. Not only that but you also have many foreign countries also relying on your decisions. It is not the worst job out there because lets face it there are definitely worse things out there but it is up there with the most stressful
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
I am not comfortable with the amount of money that is spent/raised for campaigns alone. The money could go to better causes and candidates should have to prove themselves without the use of other people's money. If the candidate is worthy of being elected, he/she doesn't need a bunch of donations to do it. I don't think the government should control the amount of money raised and donated because it is too hard to control. If people want to donate money to candidates, they should be able to, but candidates shouldn't be allowed to call/push people to donate.
Campaign Finance
In my opinion, people spend WAY too much money on campaigns. What is the point of raising a billion dollars just to have it wasted on a candidate who may or may not win? That money could go towards paying off our national debt or to cancer research. I think the government should limit the amount of money a candidate can raise because is it really necessary for one person to have that much money? It doesn’t mean that person will win the election. It just means they can get their name out there. People might see them everywhere but it doesn’t mean they agree with them and will vote for them.
Why Would Anyone Want To Be President...?
I completely agree with Dean Obeidallah. I think being president is the worst job in America because the public expects so much out of you and sometimes our expectations are WAY too high. We don't realize that the president doesn't have the power to change things with the snap of his fingers. Just like the article said, I think the media is to blame. Americans are so accustomed to getting things right away and if the President doesn't fix an issue overnight, all of a sudden we hate him. I couldn't handle that, so I give a lot of credit to the guys who can take on that responsibility.
Campaign Finance
I am not ok with the amount of money that goes into a political campaign. In my opinion more than 1 billion dollars spent on one man is ridiculous. Especially the loser. The loser basically just spent 1 billion dollars just to go home and try again in four years. I think that all of that money can be spent on a better cause, like actually trying to solve our countries problems. That 1 billion dollars can be used to help out our economy or something else, instead of spending it on buttons and fliers that will just be trashed anyway. There are definitely better things we can be spending that huge of an amount of money on. Just to run for a political office should not cost that much. I think that there should be a limit on money raised, so that the playing level is even. That money should not be spent trashing the opponent, but to actually educate voters.
I don't believe the worst job in america is being the president. its very hard and demanding but you are also making bank so thats gotta count for something. I do believe its one of the worst jobs in america right now though. all the pressure and demands on you are sure to cause huge stress. You couldn't please everybody and it seems as that the last few presidents we have had have been disliked. For example when Bush was elected people liked him but now most people dislike him. I see the same thing happening to Obama now. This job is hard and is one of the worst, but not THE worst.
Campaign spending
I am not comfortable with the amount of money we are spending on political campaigns. We are spending upwards of billions of dollars on campaigns meant to manipulate the undecided. That money could go towards helping so many other causes, and I see no point in spending that much on it. I can see money needed for travel, speeches, etc, but the money being used on ads trashing the opposing candidate is wasting money. The government should put a law on how much money can be spend 2 years prior to a campaign.
Campaign Finance
I think that the amount of money spent on campaigning is completely ridiculous. So much money is wasted on advertising on the TV and radio, when this money could be put towards something much more useful. I also think it's necessary for the government to limit the amount of money that one person can donate. If not, it will sway the results. If one person who is very wealthy supports a specific candidate, then it could affect the results. This wouldn't call for an equal opportunity for all candidates, resulting in the winner being someone that the public agrees with. It would be smart to spend this money on something more important. An example would be government spending, or tax cuts. Our country would receive better benefits from this.
Monday, October 10, 2011
My president is black
Being the president is not the worst job in the world, picking up crap in the zoo is, but its not that far behind. Having to please a nation that cannot be pleased is not only difficult, but its most nearly impossible. As a nation we honestly cannot be happy with anything the president does. I put the blame on our own governemtn though, with a two-party government we have split decisions all the time, If the president pleases the Republicans, then the democrats start to hate on him, and vice versa. Its just not fair, i feel bad for obama, and for anyone else that wants to become president. The president may be our nations leader, but at times you start to wonder if all this harassment should even be legal. He is our leader after all.
I can't say I agree with the fact that being the President of the United States of America is the worst job in our country. To say our country's leader has monumental amounts of pressure sitting upon his or her shoulders is an understatement. If it was the worst job in America, we wouldn't vote for people who wish to willingly be considered the highest priority of the American government. Each and every decision they make will somehow connect to the citizens and their communities. Being a president is a very tedious task, but the people who serve seem to handle it decently well. And also, if any government leader was the "worst" job, then many other countries wouldn't have leaders of their own.
Quarter 1, Week 7: Campaign Finance
We have spent some time in class discussing the mass amounts of money that political campaigns raise and spend annually. Are you comfortable with the amount of money that currently goes into campaigns alone? Why or why not? Also, do you think the government should do more to limit the amounts of money that people can donate and/or candidates can raise? Explain why or why not.
I agree with the article because being president would be horrible. Everyone just blames all their problems on you. Also during your presidency you age a lot faster because of all the stress. Furthermore, its just way to hard to be able to make everyone happy and to still be successful preisdent. So I would never want to be president.
Being President
I personally would hate to be the president. I wouldnt want to have soo much responsability and could be the cause of the fall of a country. Oh and also I wouldnt want to have some people in the world wanting me dead. The president has soooo much work to do. The president is also pretty much stalked by reporters and stuff. Being the president is just too much work with not too many good things about the job.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Being the President
I think it is an overstatement to call being the president the worst job in the world. There are many positive aspects and benefits that come with the job. You get to know about top-secret information about the United States, and you get to be the face of one the most powerful countries in the world. But along with the perks, there are many negative aspects as well. First of all, by being the President you have the lives of all 300 million people on your shoulders. That is a lot of stress and pressure! You constantly have to think about what people want and what is best for the people. And the two are rarely, if ever, the same thing. Also, by being President you will have many people that adore you, and many people who hate you. It is a guarantee that you will never please everyone in the country. If you are President, you will have to have tough skin, and to have a cool and collected mind in order to make the right decisions. I don’t think that being the president is the worst job in the world, but I do think that it’s the toughest job in the world.
Being the President
I don't think that being president is the worst job in America. Even though the job has a lot of negatives, it has way more positives. For instance, you get to know almost all of the top secret information in the United States. You get to know worlds news, before it's even on the news. Also, I personally think knowing what is in Area 51 would be the best perk of the job. Are their really aliens in Area 51? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, whatever's in Area 51 has to be really cool. Also, as President, you get to meet other top officials, and virtually any celebrity you want. Although on the down side, you won't have much time to meet these people on your tight presidential schedule.
being president has plenty of perks and has a plethora of problems. you are the leader of the greatest country ever. you are allowed to do things that people wish they could. you could travel the world for free. you get to attend any sporting event you want. the only main problem is that no matter what you do, people will critize whatever it is.
Tough luck Mr. pres
I beleive that being president isnt always what its cracked up to be. However it definatly comes with some benifits. I say this because presidents only want to do good for the country and become that american hero of the 21st centery. The problem with this is with modern america breathing down their necks with every little law that they want passed. These days we need to be worried about our national debt. If we need to pay more taxes than we need to suck it up and do it for the good of the nation. once we do this the president will have a much eaisier time with their job and it will become a much easier job to fulfill their duties for the american people.
Being president is the worst job in the world. The president has to run a country with over 300million people. all those people are going to be all over the president trying to get things they want. Its impossible to make everyone happy so there will always be people upset at the president. Also the president has to get everything approved by congress so he cant do everything he wants. Another thing is that people blame the president for everything even though he is not the only person that's involved in our government. Because being president puts all the responsibility on you in the public's eye it is the worst job in the world.
I think being President is the worst job in the world because it's scrutinized by 309 million people. With people always wanting new things at the snap of their fingers, being President, it would be very stressful to try and please everyone. Also, he can't really make his own decisions because they have to approved by so many different people and branches. As President, everything you do is being judged so you're going to have some supporters and you're going to have some people who really hate you. Although some people may enjoy this type of lifestyle, I personally think that being President could be one of the worst jobs.
I would definitely not want to be president. Being president would be a very hard job because there is a massive amount of pressure and responsibility that goes along with this career. Having to make choices for millions of people would be nerve-racking. Being a president is probably one of the worst jobs you could have. It would not be good to be stressed all the time and to eventually have gray hair. My health would be endanger due to all the stress that I would attain.
I do look up to the president for all the decisions he makes for our country.
I agree with the article, I would not want to be President. I wouldn't go as far as saying that it is the worst job ever because I'm sure there are worse ones out there. I just would not like having all that pressure from every person in the U.S. all the time. Everything gets put on the presidents shoulders. Even if it was not his/her fault the President would still be blamed. I do have a lot of respect for the President because it wold be really hard to make all those important decisions.
Worst Job?
I think that having the "worst job" doesn't really exist. Most jobs have both positive and negative aspects to them, but people view those aspects differently. Although being the president may be very stressful, for some people, it is what they want to do. Jobs such as being a surgeon are also very stressful, but there is always someone who dreams of doing that job. I agree that being the president is hard and very stressful, but some people strive to reach that goal. It is not a job that everyone could handle, which is why so many people think it might be the worst job in America, but from the view points of a select few, it is the best job in the world.
The President's Job
I would have to say that I agree with the author of that article. Being the president would have to be one of the worst jobs out there. So many people criticize the president no matter who it is. No matter who gets elected president even if they win by a landslide, someone out there isn't going to be happy with the job they are doing. Being the president of the United States is a very stressful job. If you look a pictures of a president at the beginning of their term and at the end, you would notice that they seemed to have aged pretty quickly over the course of four or eight years. Being president is a very stressful job and I would never want to volunteer myself to go under that kind of stress on a daily basis for four or eight years.
I wouldn't say that being the president is the worst job in America. I'm sure you could think of a few others that are worse. However, i do think that being the president is a very stressful job to have. And that's why a certain type of person can only handle everything that is thrown at them. You have to know how to take all the critism and spotlight on you 24/7. That is not an easy thing. It is just how you look at it. Some people will say its no big deal and others will say that it's terrible. I know for sure that i will not being running for president in the future.
I agree with the article I would never want to be the president. Although it is a very honorable job it has to be very stressful. Everyone expects everything out of you. Citizens expect the president to change everything for them. but he can't. This is why Obama has so much grey hair. he tries so hard to change our financial situations and create more jobs but it's really hard to get laws passed through congress. But everyone thinks it's Obamas fault that nothing gets accomplished, and everyone blames him.
Presidents job
I agree that being president is the worst job in America. There is just too much stress and pressure for anyone to deal with. You are in control of a whole country with millions of people. No person is ever satisfied with what the president has done and they always want more from him. For example, when Osama Bin Laden was killed, President Obama's approval rating was very high right after that happened. However just weeks later his approval was as low as its ever been. This shows that people always want more than the President can do.
Being President of the United States is a job that is fair. The President is able to communicate with other countries' representatives. His or her job as president would be stressful due to passing laws that can hurt or save the citizens. Criticism is a sad part about being President, but the President would try to do what is right for all citizens to cope with. There would usually be some concerns, so the law does not have to be passed immediately. Thinking about solutions to problems in the United would take a lot of thinking. He is she as President would be able to have help from Congress and the Supreme court. I think the President's job is balanced by how he or she can decide what to do for the nation and face obstacles that need care and intelligence.
President's Job
I would not want to have the presidents job due to all the pressure and stress of living up to everybody's exceptions. Being in the public eye also puts pressure on family members from spouse to children. Your private life is almost non existent and your job is going to end at the maximum of 8 years which means you have to find a new job after that.
Friday, October 7, 2011
President's Job
No, i wouldn't want to have the president's job. Only because he/she could never be able to please everyone, and even if he/she did anything good for the country, there would still be people who would criticise him/her as doing a terrible job. If people would just be a bit more understanding and realize that the president doesn't really have the power to change everything in the country then MAYBE i would consider having that job..
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Political parties
I think that the third parties have no chance to win an election any time soon. There's already two major parties. Majority of the people choose either Republican or Democrat. Also there is a plethora of third parties to pick from. That makes it even harder to emerge from the group. So maybe in the far future we might have a new major party but not any time soon
El Presidente
I agree with Dean. Being President has got to be one of the worst jobs ever, because no matter what you do, there are going to be about 150 million people that don't like it. You constantly have eyes on you, watching everything you do, and ripping on you any chance they get. To me, it seems like constant criticism and stress that I would not like to have to go through. I wouldn't want people constantly second guessing every decision I made, and I wouldn't enjoy waking up in the morning knowing only about half of the population approves of what I do. To me, it seems like a painful job, and I give props to any person who is able to survive that for 4-8 years. That being said, there are some jobs that are worse, but this is definitely the most stressful.
Worst job ever?
I don't really think there is any 'worst job in America.' I mean really, life and it's circumstances are what you make of them. If you decided to be a candidate for President and you win, well you know what you were getting yourself into. Long hours, major stress, criticism, constant watch over you... but YOU chose that. I mean I would never want to be President.. and in some people's eyes it may seem like the worst job ever, but if the person wasn't prepared to take on a large role he wouldn't have stepped up. The President himself doesn't think it's the worst job because he decided he wanted to go for it.. and well if he does think it totally sucks, then he's stupid to have even stepped up in the first place. You gotta know what you're getting yourself into.
The President
I think being the president of the U.S is not the worst job in America. But I agree with some of the people that being the President is a very hard and stressful job. One of the worst parts of being the president is that you get blame for everything that the government do. One of the resons that a person want to be a president is because the President has lots of power, Basically he is in charge of the whole country. Every time that the U.S has a new president they have big expectations for what good things he can do. What people don't understand is that you can't change something in a day. Thw President needs time to plan the things that he is planning to do.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Worst Job Ever
I agree with the author that being the president is one of the worst jobs in America. From day one, all you get is criticism. The worst part about it is, even though you were elected by a majority of Americans and through the electoral college, you won't be able to please nearly as many voters as you wish. Also, some voters don't understand that the president doesn't have all the power. He is just the current face of our government. If the president wants to get anything done he has to go through congress and we all know how well congress gets along. Running for presidency is like asking to have your name slander, having everything you stand for mean nothing, and having every dream you have had be crush. Being president is a job for those who are completely insane.
Presidential Responsability (Q1 W6)
I disagree that being the president is the worst job in America. First of all, you make a solid living doing what (I presume) you love, since you'd have to love it in order to spend that much time and energy on a campaign. Second of all, yes it might have a lot of weight on your shoulders, but in reality you are the image of this country, and that is a huge honor. I think that there are downsides, like the fact that no matter what you do, or how you do it, some will love you for your decision, and some will hate you for the same reason. There's also the fact that it involves being very GOOD at your job. The fate of the country is left in your hands, you can't really mess up. It's a lot of pressure, but it is definately not the worst job in the world. I'd have to give that title to.. being a bagger at Jewel Osco, haha.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
President's Job
I wouldn't say being president is the worst job to have, but I would say its the most stressful. The president has to make sure he makes majority of people happy. He has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders and if he makes one mistake he could be frowned upon. I think a lot of Americans give the president a hard time on a lot of issues. I think Americans should be more understanding because we don't know how stressful and hard the president's job is. Its said that if you become president you age twice as fast because the job is so stressful.
I agree with this article. We as americans need so much to make us happy. In my mind, no matter who our president is, he needs our support and help to get the tasks at hand done. He cannot do it alone and has enough pressure on his shoulders. I can't imagine how tough that job would be. This is why I think we the people can't go straight to using the president as our scapegoat for the 'bads' that happen.
Someone would want to be president if they were passionate about helping the United States out and about their country in general. Although I agree with the article to a certain extent, I wouldn't go as far as saying it is the worst job in the world. The President has many perks; for example, insurance, a place to live, money, clothes etc. Many people in the United States don't even have enough money to pay for their next meal, so compared with them, the President is pretty well off. The President faces a lot of obstacles and is put under great stress, but it is ultimately his decision to run and he knows prior to running how much of a responsibility being President is.
Presidents job
The president has probably the hardest and most stressful job in America. The people are always changing their minds and are never satisfied with what the president does. if he does one thing wrong, then all of America turns on him and makes it a big deal. No one is perfect and the president does his best just to please the country.
I disagree with the articlebecause if you want to be president that is your problem; because becoming president means that you have a HUGE responsibility.
Wanting to be President
I agree with the article and the idea that being the President would be so stressful, because the citizens of America are so demanding and greedy. We always need things instantly, and if we don't get it right away, we complain about how it's the President's fault, never our own. We need to be more understanding that not everything can happen right away. We need to have goals for our country, but it's not up to only one person to accomplish these goals. It's our responsibility as well, not just the President. He can't do it alone, especially when he doesn't have our support. This constant pressure can force people away from wanting to become President. They don't want to have to deal with all of the insults and criticism, given from us, as citizens. We need to be more understanding and give the President a break once in a while, he is going to try his best always to do what is best for our country and our government.
president haters
People who got nothing better to do but criticize the president should just shut up. Sure are presidents arent doing exactly what you want them to but there out there trying to make a difference. America is still the greatest country to live in aqnd thats all that matters. You think your poor, so is everybody else so deal with it. I think instead of the presidential race being a competition, all the candidates should get together and start working on a way to improve Americans lives. Last time a bunch of Americans who were running the country got together something called the constitution was made, and that is still a powerful thing to all Americans today and we use and see it in our everyday lives. Listen The president is only human, not God so give him a break and let him work it out.
Monday, October 3, 2011
I agree with the article. i dont know why anyone would want to be president. Us, as U.S. citizens, need someone to look for for answers and for someone to blame when things go bad. The president is pretty much a scapegoat for us, sadly. Also with being the president, half of the people you govern hate you while the other half love you. You cannot please everyone and thats a tough place to be in, especially when the whole world is judging you on how you please the people of your country. They do not get paid nearly enough for that job nor the recognition they should. That is one job i never want to try and tackle.. ever.
political party
i believe that the green party would have the best chance of breaking into the mainstream, due to the fact that the environment, which is their main platform, is becoming a major issue. if they were to just diversify a little bit, they could become a larger party.
President? No thanks, I'd rather be a CEO.
Being President probably is the worst job in America. You have to be intelligent, charismatic, good looking, and a great public speaker; all traits that could land you any high powered job you wanted. If you chose to become President, you would work more often that you were off, you would physically age drastically, your family would be put in front of cameras 24/7, you can't go out and have any fun, and you wouldn't get any thanks. If you're lucky, and you do everything right, you won't have to become a recluse after your term is over. Why would you want to put yourself through that? Especially considering what someone with that kind of talent can accomplish. Besides the warm and fuzzy feeling when you first get elected, there is absolutely no incentive.
President's Job
Based off the article we read in class, I do agree mostly with the author because he had some very interesting points. If someone were to tell me prior to the article's explanation that the president's job is the worst job in America, I would have laughed, but now, I am beginning to agree. I believe they have more demands on themselves than any other job because they are desperately trying to gain the approval of a very critical country. We constantly are changing our opinions and we want something new every week. If the president were to keep up with every demand of the citizens, our country would go into turmoil because our needs are always so selfish. The president has to have the proper balance of appealing to the people and knowing the right times to say no.
From the article we read I think being the president is the worst job in America. You have a lot on your hands. Making people happy with what you are doing. Dealing with international challenges. The biggest challenge for for the president is making the demands of the people. The people want everything and want it now. We are very demanding and giving our president stress to make us happy. Everything the president does, the people react to it. Running for President doesnt seem like an easy job but a stressfull one.
Political parties
I think the first third political party to win an election would be the Green party. Eventually more people are going to realize how much we are destroying the earth, and when they do there's been a political party that supports the earth the entire time. There is too much evidence to show that humans are severly poluting the earth. How much it can be covered up and ignored can only go down.
Quarter 1, Week 6: Why would anyone want to be president?
Consider the article that we read in class on Monday, "Why would anyone want to be president?" by Dean Obeidallah. To what extent do you agree with the author that being the president is the worst job in America? Explain your answer.
Political Parties
The political group that would be third would have to be the libertarians. they are the fastest growing and are becoming quite popular. i could see them getting a candidate into office one of these days. i think that soon they will have more supporters than any of the other third parties in the U.S. as long as they continue to grow at this rate.
political party
i think the libertarian party has the best chance of succeeding in getting some one elected into office. They have the best chance because they are the third largest and fast growing parties in the US. The libertarian party has so many supporters that they could easily help get someone elected. Also many people support their beliefs like laissez-faire markets and non-interventionism.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
I think that the Libertarian party has the best chance of becoming a third party. The Libertarian party favors maximum freedom and minimal government. I feel like a lot of Americans would favor this also. The party also all about being free and independent while trying to live to your full potential. I think this group is very optimistic and also has points from both the Democratic and Republican parties. The motto of the Libertarian party is, "Live and let live." I think that this a great motto to have, especially in today's world in politics, because everybody has a different view points and these points of view need to be respected and considered rather than argued over.
Political parties
I would have to say that the Green party is the most likely to make it. A lot of people care about the environment and want to save it. With all of those people who want to save the earth I think that they would have the best chance at becoming a big party.
Third Party
I think that if there is going to be a third party it's going to be the libertarian party. The american people already seem to vote pretty moderately and the libertarian party has the best of both worlds. I think that it gives people who are pretty divided between the two parties would love to have another, more realistic option for themselves.
If there is going to ever be a third party its going to be the libertarian party. Its already the one group that is getting the most publicity and followers. Its also the smartest choice to make this the third party because they take the best out of each of the other two parties, and makes a party that is the best.(In my opinion, which is usually right) Groups like the green party dont even deserve to be called a group, they are never actually going to have the ability to run this nations government. Its just common sense to go with the Libertarian party on this one.
3rd Parties
I feel as if the libertarian party would have a better chance out of all the other third parties out there. They are very liberal and i feel as if that's where the world is headed- more changes and freedom. They also could join forces with the democrats and just become a an even bigger party, and then maybe they'll have their candidates on the ballots.
Political Party
I think the Libertarian Party has the best chance because it is very open to different points of views from both democrats and republicans. It would reach a large group of people because they are not extremely strict and close minded.
Green party
Theres alot of minor parties out there. obne of themr are perfecet, but the one that stands out to me is the green party. Like what they are focousing on is good for the earth ande the economy. i think we should go green and help out the earth. global warmin is comming to be a big problem. al gore should of been president he would follow most of the green promblem point. You can go green by followin the three r's. The other minor parties are good but i favor the green party
Green is promising and comforting
I have this gut feeling that there is going to be a large shift in in societies consciousness as the world is not going to be able to support the growing population. That fine line of the earth providing for the human population is going to snap sooner that we think at the rate of human consumption and waste on the planet.
There can be some type of intervention of the people, but there needs to be a leader. The green party can fill that spot perfectly with its beliefs for a environmentally stable relationship between humans and their environment.
political party
in my opinion the libertarian party should be the third party if there was any chance. it gives us more freedom but minimum government, dont we all want more freedom? i think we do. it would do better for all the people. although its bad for minimum government it still gives us a bright side and that bright side is the more freedom.
Party Party Party lets all get..... Elected
Theres a reason why people from a third party don't get elected . The reason being is the party sucks and focuses on too much of a detailed topic , like the Green Party. Mostly with the Green party all they focus on is the Earth and who wants a government person who all they care about is just that and not things like safety or economics. These third parties are wasting the peoples time and money for something that doesn't deserve so much attention. We need to focus more on individuals who have a broad spectrum on everything and want to change everything for the better.Whether or no third parties continue to campaign or whatever it is they decide to do , i hope the American people can understand that those parties are not needed.
Third Parties
In my opinion I feel as though the Communist Party USA and the Libertarian Party would have the best chances of making it. The Communist party would be great and get more votes if people understood the real goal of communism instead of relying on what they think they know (the red scare). Also, the Libertarian party has great ideas which give the people freedom. They share similar ideas with the democrats.
3rd Party
In my opinion, the Green Party has the best chance to "break in" to the US political system. They are the only party you hear about at elections that actually have a candidate win a respectable amount of votes. And as the US starts to "go green" and try to get more environmentally friendly, I think people will start connecting with what the Green Party has to offer. I think eventually people will get sick of the same old Democrats and Republicans and may start to give the Green Party more votes. So in my opinion, I think we may see more Green Party Reps and Senators, and maybe even a Green Party President.
Third Parties
Out of all of the third parties in the United States, I think the Socialist Party has the most chance to be a part of the United States two party system. A reason is the Socialist Party is made to be anti-communist. Many citizens in the United States would appreciate that the Socialist Party believes in anti-communism. The Socialist Party would be focused around by democracy choices. Having rights for citizens to decide government would be an example of how most people could like the Socialist Party. Also, the miltary would be used appropriately to promote a peaceful democracy. Socialist Party would be able to listen to the citizens' voices. Citizens would like the Socialist Party for the will they have to hear themselves and others.
i think the the green party would have the best chance of winning. people today are thinking more about the environment. because of this the green party would have a lot of support. people would like a party that promotes keeping the environment clean. also the green party has had success in local government. Because the green party already has support they would be the most lickly third party to win.
Before doing the webquest and researching all of the third party political groups, I thought that some of them might have a chance to get one of their candidates elected. But after doing the webquest, I think that the third parties have a very slim chance of getting elected because their views are often times, to extreme. Many people are either Republicans or Democrats, and base their vote off of that. I think that having a third party candidate would only weaken one of the major parties. Many of the third parties are also not very well known by the public, so in order to get one of their candidates elected, they would need to spend lots of money on explaining their ideas and beliefs to the people.
Political Partys
If I had to pick a political party that I think had the best chance of "making it", I would pick the Libertarian Party. The Libertarian Party has total individual liberty. The Libertarian Party is also pro Laissez Faire. Which are really good. The Libertarian Party just seems like it would be the best choice. The Libertarian Party is in my opinion the best choice.
Poltical Party's
If there was a third party making it into the American political system it would be Libertarian Party. This party best fits it because they believe in total individual liberty. It also follows economic/welfare freedom. This pushes this party up more then the rest because we like the government run by the people and things should be free and individual. Americans will like this party because it pushes low taxes. This party puts the people in charge and have the freedom to live.
Political Parties
I think that the Libertarian Party has the best chance of making it in America's political system. The Libertarian Party is about getting the maximum amount of freedom. I don't know why anyone wouldn't want as much freedom as they could get. Their ideas are combined of democrats and republicans, so it's like the best of both worlds.
I think that if one of the third parties were to actually "make it" and achieve some kind of political power, it would be the Libertarian Party. In order for a third party to become influential it must appeal to Americans and what they want. Currently, even though it sounds sad, our country has become very self-oriented and want whats best for them. The Libertarian Party, is all about individual liberty through thought and action. If it talks about focusing freedom on an individual standpoint, than I think it has potential to attract followers. Right now, many Americans are neutral and are not liberal or conservative, and neither are the Libertarians. They promote both personal and economic liberty and I believe this new view will appeal to many Americans.
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