Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cain's campaign has no chance at making a come back, at this point he should just give up. His name is already associated with being unfaithful so there no way he will be elected as our president. I don't see why he would stop at suspending his campaign, I think he should just give the money to a charity or a candidate that actually has a chance and then drop out. I feel like he is just embarrassing himself by acting like he's still running.


The day that Herman Cain was accused of sexually assaulting multiple women, I said that his campaign was over. It is just way to early in the campaign to have that kind of negative attention placed on you, in addition to the fact that the things that he is accused of aren't just morally wrong; they are illegal. As far as suspending his campaign rather than ending it, this is just proof to me that he is too concerned with his own gain to have actually become president. That money was not given to him, it was given to the idea of a better America as defined by his supporters. The cash should go to organizations that are trying to make positive change in the areas that Cain's supporters believed Cain would make change in, not into a selfish politician's pocket.

Herman Cain

I think that it was a smart idea for Herman Cain to suspend his campaign instead of just ending it. This was he can still get back in if he really wants to and he can also keep on collecting money. I don't think that he should keep the money he has collected throughout his campaign if he doesn't rejoin. I believe that he should find a way to give it back or donate it.

Herman Cain

Yes i think he made the right decision suspending his campaign because he was not going to win anyways. Furthermore, I bet his family life is in shambles because of all the accusations against him date raping people and what not. I think he should just end his campaign not just suspended it because he's not coming back from the spot he's in. Also, i think he if he wants to have some authority in washington he should really give all his campaign money to another candidate and say he supports them. Then that candidate will be more likely to want to do things for herman.

Herman Cain scamming like a boss

Herman Cain definitely made the right decision to suspend his campaign. What he did, was the best move he could have possibly made. First of all, he gets to keep all of his donation money. He just scammed thousands of dollars in donation money meant for his presidential campaign. His campaign was ruined anyway because of the women who came forward about his actions. Furthermore, what's even better for Herman Cain is that he doesn't have to admit defeat. He's "suspending" his campaign. He doesn't have to admit defeat so he's basically just calling it a draw. You can say a lot of terrible things about Herman Cain but he definitely knows his way around the political system.

Herman Cain

I think he did good by suspending his campaign. Personally, I think Herman Cain should've just dropped his campaign instead. I don't think there's a point in him staying in the whole campaign since he decided to resign. All the rumors that spread about the sexual harassment would make it hard for him to win anyways.T
By his decision of resigning instead of dropping, just says that he knows he won't win, but just to keep the money raised from the campaign or just incase something major happens to the other runners, he can just re-enter the election. If he does end up dropping or keeping his position suspended, he should use the money raised to help other runners or do something productive.

Cain master flexxxxxx

So not knowing his views on everything i might be a little un informed but to the publics eyes if anyone steps out of something it either means they are guilty of something or they just quite. It was by far a huge mistake on his part because it also showed him as a weak candidate to just step down when it gets tough. If he were to become president would he just step down or pause when we were in danger lets hope not. He needs to either rebuild his tough image to the public or cease all advances. People need to know the man or women thier voting for has some kind of courage and belief and at least some what of a good person. We shall soon find out whether this was a smart decision or not . Actions need to be taken.


I think it was a good idea for Herman Cain to suspend his campaign. He was under so much scrutiny that it just wasn't worth it for him to keep going. He has to get his personal life taken care of first. He probably wouldn't have gotten far anyways, considering people these days will vote against you based how you run your personal life, not your policies or ideas, but that's a different story. I feel bad for him though I feel like people wait until somebody is in the spotlight and then come out with all the dirt on him, if all these scandals would've come out when they happened, he probably wouldn't have gotten in the race and saved himself time money and energy. All in all it was smart for him to suspend his campaign

Herman Cain

I think Herman Cain made the right desscion in suspending his campaign , because if he would have kept going he would have lost all his support. With him stepping down he can fix everything and get people to trust him again. As for the campaign money I think he should give it to charity. I feel like that would make him seem like he cares which will help get him back some support. also giving the money to charity would just be the right thing to do.

why does Cain keep collecting money?

Herman Cain made the completely wrong decision to suspend his campaign. He should have dropped it. Whether the accusations were true or false Cain knows that it is basically impossible to win the election at this point. Honestly why would he think that the people of America would vote for someone to lead their country who has been accused of sexual harassment and infidelity. A good politician would drop out of the race, work on repairing his media image for his career, and start backing up another republican candidate, yet instead he decides to suspend his campaign and keep collecting money. We can only hope he does something productive with all the money he has gained through his campaign.

Herman Cain

I think it was a good decision of him to suspend his campaign because I don't think he would have made it far with everything going on about him. People would not see him as a good candidate. However, all that money he has now is messed up. I think he should either give it back to everyone that donated or take that money and donate it to charity. I don't think it's fair for him to keep it.  


Herman Cain worked so diligently and put forth years and years of work in order to gain a positive image to gain support in an election and it was a shame to see all his work go to waste if these prosecutions were false. The rumors and prosecutions by the media, true or not stained his reputation. in order to regain a positive reputation would take way to much work and money, Cain did do the right thing for himself and his supporters money. In order to try and regain a positive image just as a person he should donate all the campaign money to the poor.

Herman Cain

I think Herman Cain made the right decision suspending his campaign. With the recent scandals and rumors, he has created a bad image of himself to the people. It would be very difficult for him to gain back the trust of his supporters and have a successful campaign after everything that has happened. It is best that he take some time to think and try to do some damage control. I hope that the donations that he raised from his campaign will go to a good cause. Giving the money to a charity might be a good way for him to regain the image of a trustworthy person that we can look up to.

herman cain

I think it was a good choice for Cain to suspend his campaign for the presidential election because of the bad reputation he's recieving from the media. I think he's lost a lot of trust from the american people though so I don't know if re-entering is even going to be an option for him at this point. Since he suspended his campaign he can still recieve money so I think his best decision would be to donate the money to another candidate and maybe try to get in the running as a VP.

Herman Cain

I do think it was a good idea for Herman Cain to drop out the race because of all the allegations of sexual harassment. These people that came out pretty much got what they wanted. Although I don't think the allegations have anything to do with the way that Cain would run our country. I think that he shouldn't be able to keep the campaign donations that he has received because he doesn't need the money anymore. Why should he get to keep money that was originally intended for his presidential campaign or himself? That isn't really fair...

Herman Cain

I think that suspending his campaign was the right choice for Herman Cain. The media has played a significant role in changing his appearance and making that information available to the public. At this point, he is not trusted by many Americans. I think the best thing for him to do would be to drop out and put all of the money he's raised to another candidate. But I think at least suspending his campaign was good so now he has time to figure out what he wants to do with his campaign.

Herman Cain

I think that Cain made the rigtht decision. He had the media all over him. I doubt he would have got the presidency anyway. By doing what he did he just made his life easier because the media was all over him. Cain isnt a dumb man so he knows what hes doing. The media just doesnt like him.

Herman Cain

I think Herman Cain made the right choice to suspend his campaign. He was not trusted by a lot of people so he had a slim chance of winning anyways. As for the money, I hope he will use it to back up another republican canadite.

Herman cain

I think Herman Cain made the right decision, he ended his campaign before his public image could get even worse. i personally believe he should have to give his funds back, or have to use it to help better the nation.
It's hard to say whether Herman did the right thing by suspending his campaign..because really, he doesn't have a chance in the election now because of the accusations. I think it's great he made things well with his wife and God when he was all like, "I'm right with my wife! I'm right with God!"
or something like that.. like that's good..but most Americans aren't going to be able to move past this enough to vote him as the republican candidate. So I think he should make it clear as to whether he's going to start running again or not cause it's kinda sketch to give people the thoughts that he might or might not by suspending and still collecting money.. Lets just hope he is generous with it in the end.

Hermain Cain

I think it was a good idea for him to suspend his campaign. Obviously, it might not end well for him, but he knows what he needs and wants to get done. I've been in situations where I just need to forget everything and focus on one particular aspect. In Cain's case, he had to back down to take care of his personal life. From a logical standpoint, we might say that him taking care of his nonpolitical side is silly and unnecessary but we typically seem to judge our political officials based on what they do outside of the government. In this case, I think Cain at least knows what he is getting into, thus it's probably in his best interest to suspend his campaign.


I think Herman Cain was right to suspend his campaign. The scandal was getting too big and that's all people think of when you hear Herman Cain now. He couldn't focus on the country's issues because he kept having to deal with this. I think it is good that he is out of the race because now people can stop talking about this and worry more about the other presidential candidates. I don't think that Cain should be allowed to keep the money he got from donations to his campaign. Instead he should give that money to another candidate who he supports because this will help that person.


I believe Cain should completely dropout of the race because the media has dug him to deep of a hole that he can no longer climb out of. This being said what he does with the money is his decision, I do think though it would be pretty scummy if he kept it all for himself. Also I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to run as someone's VP.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Herman Cain

Early this week Herman Cain made a public annoucment, that he was going to suspend his campaign, for the 2012 presidential election. He decided to do this because of all of the scandal of the suppost afair years ago. In my own opinion I think, he made a good decision of suspending his campaign,because it was lot of pressure for him. He still going to be able to raise money. The big question is what is he going to do with that money? is he going to keep it or make a deal with another candidate.

Herman Cain

I think that it was a good idea I guess. It will keep him out of the spotlight for a bit and let all the stuff about him calm down a bit. At the same time though he may lose support because he is not campaigning, but for the most part I believe his supporters will stick with him and that he will keep getting donations.

Herman Cain

I believe it is for the best that he suspends his campaign. Not to many people are happy with him right now. The people lost all trust in him when he decided to just suspend and not totally withdraw from the election. Since he is suspended he should not be recieving money for his campaign. And all of the money he used has been a waste. Also Cain recieved a bad media reputation and probably won't recover from it.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Herman Cain

Herman Cain should have never ran for the presidential candidacy. He's a complete idiot, but of course those are my opinions. Anyways, he should have dropped out completely because why would he re-enter the race. It would show he is not trustworthy and he's a major creep. I think it's ridiculous that he can suspend his campaign but continue to receive to money. With this money he can do anything with it. I think he should have to at least donate his money to the republican party committee. Or maybe he should have to divide the money he earns on his suspension up evenly and donate it to the candidates still in the race.


I think this wasn't a bad move on his part. We all hate to see dropouts like this. Personally, with all the commotion about his affairs, I'm sure it was all too much for him to handle. As for the money, that decision lay in his hands. I'm sure he will distribute it the right way. Sorry bud:/


I think that it was a great idea for Herman to drop out of the campaing because had he become predident, the rumors would have garnished his reputation from the start. We've already had two womanizers as President (John f. Kennedy and Bill clinton) and with america losing its triple A credit rating, the last thing we need is a president that misrepresents the harding working American citizen. We may make trilllions of dollars in exports every year but we still depend on imports from other countries, and no self-respecting country would want to export to a country with a leader who seems more interested in women then the good of his own country. All the money people have donated to his fun raiser should be given back or should be use for a GOOD cause.

Herman Cain

Herman Cain made the right decision to suspend his campaign. The media had a bad influence on his success. I think he will have a difficult time coming back if he decides too. The public now has this imagine of him and I don't think they are going to change their minds. I dont think he should be able to continue raising money because honestly I don't think he has a chance anymore. In my opinion I think he should give his money to another candidate.

Hermain Cain

I think Herman Cain made the right decision my suspending his campaign. He knows he is not exactly seen as a trustworthy guy in the publics eye right now. What he needs to do is gain the peoples trust back. There are a few things he can do in order to do this. I think his best bet is to donate his money that has been fundraising to another candidate that he supports. This is because the public may look at him differently after he does does this and respect his decision. He knew he wouldn't win with all these rumors, but if he truly believed his political ideas would be best for America, by supporting a candidate with similar views, it would show he has Americas best interest in mind. This would benefit Cain if he was ever planning on being selected as Vice President, a cabinet member, or even re-election.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Herman Cain

I think Herman Cain made the right decision to suspend his campaign. At the moment not a lot of people are happy with him. All of the scandals that have been going on are not going to help him out in any way. And this was for the best. Cain started off okay but once you have negative media attention drawn to you, it is hard to come back from it. Hopefully, he will give his campaign money to another candidate. People will feel alittle better of him, then if he were to just keep it for himself.

cain is skum

i think this herman cain dude should just leave politics and never come back. If he couldnt even tell be truthful and loyal to his wife, are we going to trust this guy to be 100% truthful to everyone of us American that deserve the truth and nothing but it. I dont mean to just rant and rant but i just dont like being lied to. He is in all honesty a skum bag that nobody can trust and all he wants is the fame and the money of jumping into politics. He should never be aloud to run for president ever again. We forced Bill Clinton out because of his woman affairs and in my opinion he was doing a good job in the presidency. I think herman cain doesnt have what it takes to be president because he wouldnt make the changes that Obama promised us and hes got this scandolous secret life that he hides from us. I like Patrick Kane, but Herman is not my favorite.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Herman Cain

I think Herman Cain made the right decision to suspend his campaign. The public opinion is very strong and it will be difficult for them to let this go. First impressions are always very important, and it's not going to help him win with what is being said about him, despite if it's true or not. Also, I think it's good that if things begin to settle down with his whole situation, maybe he can begin to campaign again? If that's even possible! But for now, I think Herman Cain made the right decision. He can now decide what to do with his money, which will show his true colors. If he decides to donate his money to another candidate, then people will begin to trust him more and if he decides to keep the money, then it shows he doesn't care too much about our government.

Herman Cain

I think Herman Cain made the right decision to suspend his campaign because there were too many accusations against him that would have made it too hard to do well. The numerous women who claimed to have had an affair with him went public and true or not, many Americans think it is a character flaw that is too late for Herman Cain to fix. Cain should not be able to continue raising money because he suspended his campaign and shouldn't be able to take peoples' money.

Cain Cain Cain

Hermain Cain recently withdrew his bid in becoming the Republican candidate for the 2012 presidential run. I think this was a smart move on his part, as long as he executes it fairly. With all the recent rumours going around, he just wouldn't have had the nation-wide acceptance he needs in order to win, so he might as well give the support he DOES have to someone else who can do it. He needs to donate his campaign finances to the best option for the Republican spot (in his opinion), and make some sort of ad campaign or something letting his voters know that he isn't running, but that they should vote for his recommended Republican.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Hermain Cain

I think it a smart decision by him to suspend his campaign. The reason being is because with all this negative media attention, if he takes a step away from it for a little while, things might calm down. His campaign and his personal life were getting wayy too involved with one another and it is hard to concentrate on winning a political campaign when your personal life is interfering with peoples opinions on you. As for all the money he made goes, i think he should give it to another candidate, supposing that he drops out. i feel if he keeps it, the people are just going to be even more aggravated with him and it will turn into a huge scandal, even more than it already has.

Chinese Teachers

I think it is more of a civil rights issue than an economic one. Because in a way it is being discriminating against those who have HIV. having HIV does not effect how they teach, or have anything to do essentially with the job they are pursuing. therefore it is a civil right issue because it is restricting people from getting the jobs they specifically studied for based on a medical condition that has nothing to do with their teaching abilities.

Herman Cain

Personally, I think Herman Cain made the right decision because it was all up to him. No one can completely understand what was going on in his mind when he made the announcement because most everyone has an alternative motive. If he suspended his campaign for something as honorable as being president of the USA, then he surely had to have some good reasoning; no one does that "just because." In terms of the money, I don't agree with how he can keep all of the money he raised. It should at least be given to a charity of some sorts because keeping it for his own selfish reasons would be horrible. I also don't think he should give it to another candidate because this gives them an immediate advantage that they themselves did not earn.

Chinese Teachers

I think that they, shouldn't fired those chinese teachers that were contaminated with HIV. They made a mistake, Im pretty sure that, there are other teacher that there that don have the same knowledge that they have. I think that the teacher wouldnt cause a big danger for the students. I think this is agaist the right of the teachers. They are being descriminated and they should fight for their rights.

Campaign dropout!

Yes , he did a right decision on dropping out , because if he kept going on in his campaign he would of lost half the votes he had due to the accuses of the other ladies agaisnt him clearly he would of lost votes from girls all over the country. This did effect his campagin because all the hard work all his co- helpers did went to waste , he should of thought what he was doing before he did his thing , dropping out was the right decision to do at the end.

I have no clue about Herman Cain

I do not know wether or not Cain should have suspended his campaign. I don't pay any attention to that. I'm sure he has a good reason to or that things probably aren't going well for him right now. I don't think his supporters are giving up just yet, I believe they will continue to follow him until he officially ends it. So did he make the right choice?


I think it both restricts people's human rights and it restricts people's ability to make money. These people shouldn't be denied their teaching jobs because of a disease that isn't contagious. The students would not be in danger because it cannot be transmitted to them. The Chinese government is denying these people's jobs, thus denying them their ability to make money. This is why it's partially an economic issue. Also if none of them even have a record of child molesting, there is no way any student is in danger.

Quarter 2, Week 6: Herman Cain

Do you think Herman Cain made the right decision to suspend his campaign?  Why or why not?  How do you think his campaign donations should be handled?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Chinese Teachers

I believe that this is a civil rights and a economical issue. It has to do with civil rights because no one should be discriminated against just because they are HIV positive. You can't just discriminate against people because your afraid and ignorant of their condition. And it's a economical problem because they can not make any money because people wont hire them.


This is definitely a civil rights issue. People who have the HIV virus are being treated as 2nd class citizens for a stupid reason. China needs to stop being so ignorant about this problem and address it. Just because someone has HIV doesn't mean they are a bad or unfit teacher. I don't see one good reason why someone should be denied as a teacher especially when they are qualified just because they have HIV.


I think it is more of a civil rights issue because its just limiting a small portion of the people in china not a lot. Also the people who denied them should have not done that because its not like the teacher is going to be giving his/her students blood. The civil service in china should remake the old laws about HIV because they are just discriminating against the teachers. But i don't think that the petition will do anything in the communist government.


This a both a civil rights and an economic issue. It's kind of a trick question because arguments can easily be made for both sides. Say you were to say it was a civil rights issue because it's discriminating against those who have HIV, somebody could say no it's ecomnic because they're not able to make money. The only people who know the real answer to this are the ones who denied these teachers the jobs in the first place. Either way it's wrong these teachers shouldn't be denied because they have HIV or because they can't make good money.


I believe this is a civil issue, but it will soon trun into an economic issue. This is deffently a problem that needs to be fixed. I don't understand how they can just keep people with HIV from working or getting the right type of hospitalzation. If they don't have a job then they have any way of getting money and if they have no money then they are going to have more problems then just have to fight with HIV. I feel like this is going to cause alot of prblems for china if theydon't handle this soon.

Chinese Teachers

The whole thing makes sense to me. I get it: people can get HIV from standing in the same room as an authority figure. It's simply for the safety of all the potential students that we prevent these teachers from receiving any sort of employment. In all seriousness, it's definitely a civil rights issue. I personally don't understand why exactly they need blood tests to be done. But no teacher should be denied a job just because they have a disease in which they can only infect others through sexual interaction.

Teachers with that HIV

This is definatly a civil rights issue and a economic issue. I cant really see someone saying that its specifically one or the other, because they contradict each other. These teachers will not be able to get jobs to make enough money to live, which is cruel and unusual for someone having HIV. Its terrible to think that this actually takes place in a nation that is thought of as one of the smartest countries in the world. Unless they are trying to get rid of people with HIV's, because then it would actually be really smart. Getting back to the point, it is a problem that is concerning both sides.


I'd say its both but more so a human rights issue because i mean they are discriminating a person based off of their fear of themselves receiving a disease they no bascially nothing about. Which i think is pretty sad because that's just the way the world is. Yeah maybe eventually it'll change but until then that's just the way it is and all i can say is that it is unfair.

Chinese Teachers

I think this issue is more of a civil rights issue. These teachers are denied jobs only because they have a non contagious disease. This means that society looks at them with a lower status then they would look at someone without the disease. This civil rights issue creates an economic issue because now these people are unable to support their families. The government is denying these people jobs only based off of their health records, not off of any of their other traits; creating both an economic and civil rights issue.

Uneducated people= civil rights issues

It's definitely a civil rights issue. The Chinese citizens are being denied jobs because they have a disease they have. It's discrimination. People are ignorant in China and don't fully understand the disease and that they can't get infected unless they have sexual contact or contact with an infected person's blood. The Chinese government needs to have more programs on educating the people of China on what the disease really is. The fact that people with HIV are being turned away at a hospital really emphasizes how uneducated people are in China about the disease. Even the medical staff in China doesn't understand the disease.

Ignorance is non progressive

The people of China are ignorant to the properties of AIDS and believe the patience of AIDS to be highly contagious in just being in the same room as them. Not knowing the actual risks of AIDS has made such large amount of fear in the chine's society that it is both an economic and human rights issue. It is a human rights problem because these AIDS positive citizens are being denied rights and opportunities that are available to everyone. Part of the denial to the patience is an opportunity for a job and health care which is then an economic problem; this then creates a vicious cycle of the patient not being able to support their illness with proper health care.

Chinese Teachers

I think it both restricts people's human rights and it restricts people's ability to make money. These people shouldn't be denied their teaching jobs because of a disease that isn't contagious. The students would not be in danger because it cannot be transmitted to them. The Chinese government is denying these people's jobs, thus denying them their ability to make money. This is why it's partially an economic issue. Also if none of them even have a record of child molesting, there is no way any student is in danger.

Chinese Teacher

I think it is a civil rights issue. People should not be denied a job for having HIV. The deisease can only be spread sexually so there isnt really a threat to students. People with diseases that can only be spread sexually shouldnt be denied a job for that reason. If the disease was easily spread then, yes it would be a good reason to deny someone of a job. HIV is not.

Chinese Teachers

I think this is both an economic issue as well as a civil rights issue. It's not fair that these men are being denied their right to work just because of their health status. This is an economic issue because Chinese government is not allowing them to have a job that supports their family. This leads on to being a civil rights issue because it got rid of their right to have a job they want and need. But the disease is HIV/AIDS. The only way other people will be affected by the men's disease is if they have sexual contact with the students, which obviously cannot happen. So there's no reason for them to have their jobs taken away.

Human Rights Issue

From reading the article, I think this issue is more human rights than economic. The people with HIV are being pushed away from having a job. The disease is not easily spread. These people are losing their job from a disease that is able to be avoided. It is a good idea to have HIV infected people give space every time they do their occupation. Their potential in teaching is being forced to disappear by the Chinese, court system. Hopefully, the Chinese government sees the HIV infected people in China will be able to work by kind will and how the disease can be seperated from the people with no HIV.
I think this issue is more of a human rights issue. Even in the article it said that in China, HIV is mostly just spread through sexual contact. So if someone denies a person from teaching because of HIV they should have a good reason for it.. like this person is a child molester or something and therefore may get into sexual contact with the children and possibly spread the virus. But to simply deny them because they have the virus doesn't seem fair because no one would know the person had the virus unless they tested them anyways.

Chinese teachers

i think this is more an issue of civil rights. The people are being discriminated against because they are a minority. Just because they are HIV positive they were refused jobs that they were fully qualified for. this is totally unjust, and should be corrected by the government of china.

Chinese Teachers

I think it is more of a civil righs issue. This disease is non-contagious and is discriminatory. Everyone is equal, even these 3 teachers. I also thin that this can be an economic issue to. These 3 people can't get a job that they want and will have to take a worse job with less pay. This is affecting them greatly and they can't have the job or money they want for a good life.


Hearing about things like this still is very unfortunate. No matter what someone has it shouldn't stop them from doing what they love. I believe this is more of a civil rights topic because most teachers teach because they love to do it not to make money.If anything the students should have the option of taking his class if they want to. If he's a good teacher there is no reason to stop someone who is qualified.Certain movements should be made to change the decision that was made.

Chinese Teachers

I definitely think this is a civil case more than an economic one. It is a violation of a person’s basic human right to deny them an equal opportunity to success, and a source of income to survive. No person should ever be treated differently based on a sickness they have. Having HIV doesn’t interfere with a person’s ability to teach a class as well as someone without HIV. I think that people reject those with HIV because they are afraid. People discriminate against others because they fear what they don’t know, and choose to just find a way to avoid the issue. Many people don’t know a lot about HIV, and can only believe stereotypical assumptions spread by the media. It is wrong to deny someone a job just because they have a certain disease when they don’t even know a whole lot about it.
I believe that it is a civil right issue. Denying someone the opportunity for equal chance of success based off their condition is horrible. These men now have to deal with the fact that they have a life threatening virus as well as the fact that they are being denied job opportunities. The companies do not have the right to deny them of their rights; it's one big contradiction. China needs to consider how they are limiting these men's civil rights and make a change. Without an income these men will not be able to pay for treatment and further prevention of the virus, they need the job for survival.

Chinese Teachers

I think this is a civil rights issue because these teachers are being denied a job because of the fact they have a disease which takes away their rights as a human. They are being discriminated against only because they have HIV/Aids and are not getting the job over someone else who doesnt have the virus, even if they are a more qualified teacher. I think if this discrimination continues to grow it could become an economic issue, because people with the disease will be denied jobs and even medical treatment and can be worse off economically then the other citizens in China.

Chinese Teachers

I believe that this is first and foremost a civil rights issue. The product of people being denied work because of a disease also affects the economy but that is just a secondary problem. I understand why they are discriminated against, but I do not believe it is right. It would be better for everyone if they stopped discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS. Discrimination and ignorance has never gotten anyone anywhere.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Chinese Teachers

I think this is more of a civil rights issue because it is dealing with people's human rights. Why should these teachers be denied a job just because they have the virus that spreads HIV and AIDS? Like a lot of other people are saying, the virus can only be spread through sexual contact. It's not like the teachers will be having sexual contact with their students. Well, I at least hope they won't. I think it's completely unfair that these teachers are being denied teaching jobs because of having the virus.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Chinese Teachers

This is definitely more of a civil rights issue than it is a economic one. Yes, these teachers are being denied the chance to make money, but it is more significant of why they are being denied. Thousands of people get denied jobs every day, but when the reason they are being denied is because they are HIV positive, it is a huge civil rights issue. To deny someone a job just because they have a sickness is wrong, especially if they are qualified for that job. It is discrimination and the system in China should be rethought.

Chinese teachers

The case of the three Chinese men who were denied teaching jobs due to having HIV is a civil hardship. They are being profiled due to their personal illness that is not transferable due to normal activity with students. Something needs to be done about this civil injustice, or they will set a bad example for everyone else in the world watching.

Chinese Teachers

I definitely think that the issue the article is referring to is a Civil Rights one. Here, three people are being denied a job based on something that does not effect said job. Further on, people with the HIV disease in China are being stigmatized all over. They are being judged completely on just the taboo of the disease and nothing else.

Chinese teachers

I don't believe people should be discriminated against especially when chinas most basic moral or rule is to treat people fairly. But i can also see the issue when it comes to hiring someone that is HIV positive to work with children. Although the disease is not easily transferable there is still a risk there. I don't believe people with life threatining diseases that can be caught should be hired to work with children.


I think this is more of a civil rights issue, but is definitely an economic issue too. No person should ever be treated differently based on the fact that they have a sickness, even if it is HIV. The economic aspect is rooted from the civil rights issue; the reason the teachers can't get a job is because they have HIV, therefore making it very difficult to make money. This also shows the ignorance of the people hiring because HIV is not contagious and for the time being, the teachers are capable of doing work and they need to make a living.

Chinese Teachers

I believe this is a civil rights issue because it is restricting these teachers rights. If someone is fully qualified to do a job they should not be denied unless they will be a threat to the health of the students and other staff members at the school. With HIV this is not an issue so these teachers should not be discriminated against. Although I would consider this primarly a civil rights issue, that does not mean it will not be an economic issue. If no one with AIDS is being hired in China then people with this disease are therefore restricted from making money.

chinese teachers

I think this is a civil rights issue. These three teachers are being discriminated against because they have a disease... that's not fair! They are fully qualitfied teachers and they deserve an equal opportunity. They have the right to be whatever profession they want. These teachers are also getting denied for treatment!! These teachers need to be treated equally because they aren't harmful to students in anyway. It's sad to think that these people are being denied jobs just because they have HIV.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I do truly believe this is a civil rights issue. Although, I do also believe it may turn in to an economic issue. I find it crazy that they are being denied, while this disease can only be spread by sexual contact. These people have been given lesser of an opportunity. In my mind, people with any disease of this sort or any for that matter should be treated equally. It sucks that people are basically "downgraded" by their health status.

Chinese Teachers

I really think that it's a civil rights issue, because they have the virus that is causing HIV and AIDS. I also believe that any person that has AIDS or HVI should have the same rights as any other person that doesn't have any disease. This type of diseas can't be spread, only if you have "sexual contact", so why is it not ok to keep your job if your just another human vein with rights to keep your job!!!!

Chinese Teachers

I think this issue is more of a Civil Rights issue. However, I think that this issue will eventually become an economic issue as well. Since individuals are being discriminated against, they are lacking civil rights within their own community. This then leads to a disadvantage in making money, which creates an economic issue. Especially since these people are being denied treatment in hospitals, they are given even more of a disadvantage. I think that each person should be given equal opportunity, despite any disease they may have.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


In my opinion, the stuff that they say on the video are a little bit exaggerated. I can't believe that 99% of the stuff that we buy, we throw it away. I also agree that that we need to recycle more things. This also relates to black friday, many people wait on line for hours to buy bunch of things that are on sale, that some day they will throw away. I think that those people that want to keep up with the new/modern things are materialistic. People need to start thinking more about the environment.

Chinese Teachers

I think that the issue is more of a civil rights issue; because if they have the virus that causes HIV/AIDS, it is only to be dealt with by the government on whether or not they will get to keep their teaching jobs. Plus it is spread by "sexual contact" and I don't think that the teachers would even have any kind "sexual contact" with their students.

Monday, November 28, 2011


I was very surprised with the things that I learned in this video. Although I felt that some things were exaggerated, I found most of the things very surprising and true to real life. First of all, I was really interested that we create 30% of the world's waste. The more that I think about it, I can definitely see that being true. Also, I was very shocked that we only keep 1% of the things we buy and throw away the other 99%. This is another statistic that I find not to be so true. It seems crazy to think about, although it could possibly be true. However, that statistic is more difficult to grasp the concept and relate to my personal life.

Quarter 2, Week 5: Chinese Teachers

First, read the following article regarding three HIV-positive men who have been denied teaching jobs in China:

Do you think this is more significant as an economic issue (one that restricts people's ability to make money) or as a civil rights issue (one that restricts people's human rights)?  Explain.

Story of Stuff

The most surprising thing that i found in the video, was that there are toxins in things that we won't normally think that would have toxins and that once we throw it out and it goes to the dump, the toxins get released into the atmosphere. I don't think that a lot of the video was overexaggerated, it sounded like she knew what she was talking about. feel like Black Friday is kind of pointless because we are going to end up throwing it out anyway just to get an upgraded version of that product. Yeah we may find a lot of stuff on sale but how long are we going to really use any of it?


This video really made me think about my spending habits. However I feel that a lot of it was blown out of proportion. I mean, we only keep 1% of the things we buy? Where'd they get that number from? I know for a fact that most people can't afford to buy a new computer or Ipod every year, though we may feel the urge, if the product we already own still works I don't think most people will go out and buy a new one. Although I felt they were exaggerating a lot, I did like that they were shining a light on the fact that we are all pretty trapped in this system of producing and consuming and that unless we all realize that we don't always need to get the next best thing, we'll probably be happier in the long run.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Story of Stuff

I found it surprising about the computers and how one little piece is changed in order to make a new computer, and you can't simply replace it because it's a different shape. I mean business wise that's clever but it's sad how we as people have to feel like we should constantly have the latest thing. I don't know how I feel about Black Friday. I've always thought it was kind of ironic how we have a day to be thankful for everything we have and the very next day people are at stores punching each other out for things they want. I mean I've done Black Friday before too. But I think it's becoming ridiculous. People are getting so violent just for something they will throw away later. This video was kind of an eye opener as to how people can just care so much about materialistic things, and it opened my eyes a lot on how I need to be more grateful for all the things I already have.


The parts about how if you buy some you will most likely throw it out within 6 months. I think this is crazy that almost all the things you buy get thrown out within 6 months. But the part that I think is exaggerated was when she was talking about computers and that you have to buy a new computer every year. This is not true for me because I have had the same computer for about 4 years. This fact may be true for some people who always want the next best thing and are super materialistic but it dose not apply to everyone. I think Black Friday is awesome you get to get video games for 50% off and it stimulates the economy too. Over 11.6 Billion dollars were spent this year which is great. I just think that all the big corporations should all do something about the waste they put out because it is messing up the earth.

crazy stuff

What I found most interesting was the percentages she had. To think that we create 30% of the worlds trash is ridiculous. I don't think there was much exaggeration to this video. Being in the environment I'm in, I see fist hand the excessive amount of consumption and waste we make. We always have to have the newest thing and be up on the newest trends. New trends and technologies are always being produced which leads to us throwing out our "old and useless" things. After seeing this video, what I think about black friday remains the same. It's just a day created by our government to boost the economy by making us spend money we don't have.


In that video i was really shocked by how we use only one percent of the stuff we buy and 99 percent goes to waste. Americans are very wasteful but no one ever see's what really happens in life. We end up wasting a lot of useless things and just cause an even bigger problem. It's really crazy to say that we use 30 percent of the worlds pollution. Black Friday doesn't help out the situation either, just more people going out and buying junk.

The Story of Stuff

I never knew just how much we just wasted and threw away without a second thought. I knew that we wasted a lot of stuff and gave out a lot of pollution but not to that extent. Its just crazy that we are responsible for 30% of the worlds pollution, that's just not right. I don't really feel any different about black Friday thought. That's just the way we work as a society and there's not really anything that we can do about it to change it.


I knew that we as Americans are pretty wasteful, but I had no idea the extent of it. I think the video said we accounted for some 30% of the worlds waste and that is ridiculous and selfish. Then when we waste our resources we go into other countries and take their resources like its our own, it's just wrong. We just take and don't give, we always want more and are never happy with what we have. Speaking of which, black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving, right? Thanksgiving is a day where we all give thanks for the things we have and are greatful, yet later that night we trample other people in a barbaric frenzy to get stuff we don't actually need...seems a little hypocritical.


I think that as americans we feel the need to constley have stuff becuase we feel it might make us happy, but then we get boared with the stuff we have and go get more. I think it's crazy that we only keep 1% of the things we buy and that we should start doing more so all this buying and throwing away donesn't continue. The fact that alot of people are going green has hepled alot but I think that we as a hole should find away to fix constent buying and getting ridof. As for black firday I think that it's wastful and dangourse and it should end becuase people get hurt. But then again it's there disecion to go out and buy a bunch of things they don't really need becuase it ceeper.


I knew that we were pretty wasteful, but I never knew we threw away so much though. After watching the video, I was definitely surprised to find out that Americans throw away 99 percent of the things we purchase. It makes us look really bad when we only keep 1 percent of the things we buy. A lot of the things stated in the video are true, but I think that a lot of things weren’t mentioned as well. One thing not mentioned is the huge “going green” movement we have right now. Although we might throw away a lot of stuff, we recycle a lot too. We try to care for the environment, and are trying our best to help the world. A lot of the video only focused on the bad, and ignored the good that we do. So Black Friday… I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. I think we end up spending more than saving, but it’s our own decision to go or not. Like my mom always says to me, “The only way to save is to not shop at all.”

Story of Stuff

This video was very interesting. I found it very interesting that babies are receiving the most toxins in the world because of breast milk. In my opinion, thats ridiculous. Also, the part about our pillows being doused in neurotoxins before being sold i think is a little bit over exaggerated. With every video and article there is a narrator who has some type of opinion on the subject they are discussing, and in this video the narrator is very anti- production so she points out every negative aspect to the production process making us believe that everything is bad, so some of the examples she gives i believe are quite over exaggerated and unnecessary. The whole idea about black friday... i think with setting prices super low for one day is ridiculous, but hey people love it. I feel no matter how many people watch this video, they will still go black friday shopping and shopping in general and do whatever they can to get that low price. people in our society dont necessarily care about how low prices and whatnot come about, they just like discounted items.

The Story of Stuff

After watching the clip, it's surprising how wasteful Americans really are. But I think the video was exaggerated overall. Part of our society is keeping up with technology. As new technology comes out, the old things are no longer used, and often go to waste. A day like Black Friday can be both good and bad. While there are often extremely good deals, it tricks people into buying things that they don't need, and they eventually go to waste.


I cant help but to doubt the fact that we throw away 99% of the stuff we purchase. It just doesnt seem to make sense, becuase i know that for my household that its not even 50%. Maybe they are just putting that statistic in there to exaggerate their point, and that would make sense because if you are going to make a video like this one you have to make the people who are watching it believe and act upon how they feel on a certain subject. In this case, "Stuff."I dont believe that this video was researched tyo the fullest extent, and if it was shame on them for lying. Just nickname the director "Wal-Mart"

The Story Of Stuff

This video was not that surprising at all. Everyone knows that the US is a very wasteful place but no one wants to do anything about it. Having a lady throw big numbers at me isn't going to make me go out and start a community recycling program. I thought she exaggerated a lot when she was just listing off how we don't appreciate everything we have and just throw it out after 6 months. With technology because it is improving by the day, this is almost necessary to stay in the loop. However, people don't just dump their old stuff, I still use my old iPod, and I know that there are many places that recycle these electronics. It's up to the people to take advantage of these programs.
After watching this video, I really don't feel that different about Black Friday. I never participated in it before, and I probably won't participate in it after watching this video, anyway.


I've always known that America was a "me first" society. Of course, this individualistic culture naturally draws people to consume a lot of things and I think the video did a good job and showing how we can be wasteful but there were some exaggerations. For example i don't think that many people are moving to the city on a daily basis, but I am sure many people are. Sometimes videos exaggerate just to make it more "shocking" and then the viewers will listen more. But America's consumeristic ways aren't necessarily all bad. It's just a way of life and for our society it's the only thing we know. We may be wasteful, but I really don't think anything or anyone plans on changing.

Story of Stuff

In the video, what I found most surprising is how people in the United States use only one percent of the stuff they have. Also, I find the incinerators to be most surprising. These are most surprising because I thought people in the United States would use what they have. I thought products would be mostly recycled. There are no over emphasis on anything in the video, I think, because the information she told is accurate to today. The taking of natural resources is true, and the solution to having all steps equal to each other is possible. Her words are true about consumers in the cycle. This makes me think that Black Friday is all right for people who need the items, but Black Friday is not needed for people who have all the stuff they need. Black Friday is fine to have for products that are made to a certain amount.

The Story of Stuff

I think one of the exaggerations she has is that every product we produce is thrown together with deadly toxins - that we dip our pillows in neurally-damaging chemicals only to have our heads light on fire during our slumber. I also have a hard time believing some of her statistics. I get it, a lot of people are getting screwed over, but 200,000 a day are moving to cities - good joke. She seems so critical of every aspect she brings up, never taking on the other side of the argument, thus rendering her own argument invalid. I can't help but find her to be a single-minded advocate of a single cause against a system that just works. For the better, of course not, but it just does - she claims people created the system, meaning the individual humans, but the reality is that society, the construct, the idea, of humans, created it. And Black Friday? Sure, I think it's a great idea for people to get mauled, trampled, even killed for material goods that we're going to complain about and repeat the process a year later - makes complete sense to me.

the story of stuff

I think it was really eye opening to see how wasteful we truely are as Americans. I think the amount of things we consume and buy is becoming so out of hand that eventually our earth won't be able to support our way of life. But, because people aren't limiting the amount of things they buy I don't think these habits of over consuming are going to change in the near future. I think black friday shopping is just a way for producers to draw in more consumers and make them buy more unnecessary stuff.

Vido on stuff

In a way i feel that the entire video exaggerated on everything. I also think that if they didn't exaggerate, the video would not have made that big of an impact on us and it wouldn't have gotten us thinking like it has. the one statistic that surprised me was that 99% of what we buy is in the trash after 6 months. I just think that is wrong and something should be done to stop it. on the other hand i love black Friday i never would participate in it until this year and after this year i thought it was pretty fun and i would definitely do it again.

The Story of Stuff

I thought this video was very eye opening. It is amazing how wasteful we really are and how most of the things we buy end up in the trash within months of buying it. Although this video is eye opening, I do not think this is going to change for a very long time. Things like Black Friday cause Americans to go out and spend even more and waste even more. Until we can realize how much we waste and take action, things will never change.

The Story of Stuff

After watching the video, the most surprising fact was the part about how breast milk is really toxic, causing babies to drink and digest toxins. If that's the case, we need to do something fast to prevent babies from drinking toxic breast milk but I thought the woman exaggerated a little bit when she discussed the milk. I believe she also exaggerated when she was talking about corporations making products as breakable as they can so consumers have to buy new products every year or two. While this is true to a certain extent, some companies do try to make durable products that last a long time. Black Friday is extremely bad for everyone except the consumers and the company owners. The people working in production factories get paid less for more hours and the store workers share the hours with more people, decreasing their pay check.

The Story of Stuff

In general the video was not very surprising because it has been ingrained in our brains that we are wasteful and that we need to recycle and contribute to fixing this problem. But one statistic that really was surprising to me and stood out was that 99% of what we buy is in the trash after 6 months. To me this is crazy and ultimately shows how wasteful we are. I don't really think this will get much better, at least not anytime soon. Black Friday is the perfect example of why this problem will not improve, people do not want to change their ways. I was at Woodfield at four in the morning, people are willing to go to great lengths for low prices.

Story of Stuff

This clip was very interesting. It was surprising to me how wasteful we really all. The earth and other people really get hurt when we go out and buy the newest version of an item. If we do keep this pace, there will be no earth. Also, I never knew how bad the environments are where our products are made. Overall, everyone and everything is hurting just because we new things!
i think people just need to realize what they need and dont need. I went black friday shoping with my friend and there was a dude who bought like four T.V's and like three Xbox games and a blue ray dvd. What in the world would you need that many T.V's for. People just need to stop being so dumb and start doing something usefull for the economy. Stores also need to stop trying to cheat the people into byeing things that they dont really need. Because after all, that is what black friday is all about, to get the consumer to purchase something that the usually would never buy. I think we need to just get away from these scetchy people who run these stores

story of stuff

I was shocked to find out how bad this system really is. The amount of garbage produced by homes and factories is outrageous. Sadly, the most shocking thing is how easy it would be to help fix the cycle, but yet, nothing happens. By simply recycling we could do a ton of good, but we dont. its a disgrace.

The Story of Stuff

I was very surprised to learn about the amount of stuff that we consume in our economy. When I buy something I have never really thought about where it goes after it breaks or when I'm done using it. Something else that surprised me was when they said that products are designed to break over a certain period of time so that the consumer goes out and spends money to buy the newest version of the same product. I always knew that this was the case but now that I'm thinking about it, it makes me realize how unfair that really is. Companies are out to make money and they don't care about the resources they are wasting to produce these products for its consumers.


I feel as though black friday is starting to get a little bit ridiculous. Stores are now opening earlier and earlier every year. And now that the economy is bad you could honestly get the same discounts any other day. Black friday just wants to bring customers into the store so they can find great deals on things they don't need. After watching the video it was hard to believe what she was saying is the truth. It's scary to know that if we keep at this pace there will be no earth. I don't think we can do anything to slow down our consumption of stuff, because we do need some stuff to survive. We just need to make some improvement in the system and fix the big problems!

story of stuff

I found this video very surprising. I never knew the conditions in which are products are made are in such bad shape. The factorys cause a ton of pollution and we are destroying the Earth and natural habitats just to buy the newest products when they come out. Also, the workers who work on American goods are very poor and have horrible working conditions. Now that I've seen this video I think differently about Black Friday. There are great deals but that comes at a cost. The workers and the Earth is hurting because we always want new things.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

vidddd on stuff

Ater watching the video , i found it a lot of the video unbelievable. The amount the american public uses or has a demand for is far beyond my expectations. If we keep at this pace like she said in the video we wont have an earth. Before this video i saw black friday as a day of great deals and something no one should pass up. However after the video no only does black friday hurt the economy , the demand people have the stores cant support. All it is , is an excuse to get customers into the store so they find reasons to buy other things.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Story of Stuff Video responce

I didn't really find anything in that video particularly surprising. We have all been lectured to about the cost of living in a consumer culture since we were small. I remember watching videos in elementary school about how the packaging on toys would poison our water supply. However, I do think that the effect that our consumerism is having on third world countries was a little mellow dramatic. Don't get me wrong, I get how every time I buy, well, anything really, there is a whole chain of people working in hot, miserable environments for pennies to produce that product. However, I don't think that we are destroying their lives by creating a world where there are a great surplus of factory jobs. For many of these people, working in a factory is a welcome escape from their impoverished communities. If we followed the video's advice, and made an attempt to cut down our consumption to the point where these factories would no longer be needed, this would do far more harm than good. Rather than having a job that needed some improvements as far as worker's rights are concerned, they have nothing. Wouldn't you rather have a hard, dirty job than be on the streets, starving?
Instead of attempting to get rid of the current system, we should instead try to improve it. Don't close factories down, make them safe and clean for the environment. Don't stop creating consumer goods just because you are afraid they are going to end up in a landfill some time in the future, just make better quality products that will last longer, and thus cut down on the demand for more and more of the same stuff. Is our current production system abusive to the environment and workers? Yes. Does it need to be done away with and redone completely? No. We just need to focus our time and money on fixing the problems and that will be enough to ensure a better future.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Story of Stuff

I've always been a fan of black friday, but never participated in it until this year. I don't think our nation consumes too MUCH.. I think we consume in the wrong ways. We hit our 'limits' and keep going, and going, and going... it's ridiculous. I was very surprised at the level of waste we produced though. I think this won't change though, we are getting more and more people, and these people won't want to change their ways to accommodate our planet.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I don't think there are very many redeeming qualities that Wal-Mart has. I personally don't want to shop somewhere where I'd be buying products made in sweat shops in China. Not only that but Wal-Mart mistreats their American workers too. The fact that everyone else as tax payers are paying for full-time employee's health care and welfare seems unfair, for both the tax payers and the employees. If you have a full-time job you shouldn't be making a decision between food or a trip to the doctor, that's completely unethical. I think that Wal-Mart should stop being money hungry and share a little with their workers because without them Wal-Mart couldn't exist.

Monday, November 21, 2011


I think stores like Walmart are bad for america. All they do is throw people into the cycle of poverty. they don't help america in anyway. They treat their employees like crap, they dont sell american products and very few people make a large profit off of the hard work of others.


Walmart is becoming like the steel company back in the 1900s. Its a big monopoly. Its crippling the american communities. It forces ma and pa stores to shut down. It also doest help its employees. Walmarts should be shut down before america becomes even poorer.


Walmart is becoming like the steel company back in the 1900s. Its a big monopoly. Its crippling the american communities. It forces ma and pa stores to shut down. It also doest help its employees. Walmarts should be shut down before america becomes even poorer.


So low prices where do they come from? Slave work or as they call it now a days sweat shops. Hard working individuals spending 14 hours of their day working on cheap clothing and toys, so that large companies like Walmart can sell them to make themselves rich. I believe Walmart is a horrible place and should be shut down all across the country. People everyday go in and see low prices but they never see the signs behind it. More people need to understand the truth and then decide if they want to shop there. The rich need to stop being so rich.


I think that Walmart is both bad and good for the economy. They are able to provide low price options for people that may not have a boatload of cash, but they also destroy small businesses. Walmart can go into a town and singlehandedly run all the other stores out of business. However, in the process they are providing goods for the consumer to purchase at really low prices.
They may do some unethical things, like support sweatshops in Asia, but they are really not breaking any laws here in the U.S. I think they built themselves up fairly and help people buy cheap goods, but they also run small businesses out of town at the same time, and destroy more jobs than they create.

Quarter 2, Week 4: The Story of Stuff

First, watch the following video:

The video is titled "The Story of Stuff" and comments on Americans' level of consumption and its social, environmental, and economic affects.  What parts of this video do you find most surprising?  What parts do you think are overexaggerated?  After watching this video, how do you feel about Black Friday?  EXPLAIN!
I think that in a way Wal-Mart is good and bad. It's good because of the low prices and it is affordable for most people. And it's bad because it takes away a lot of local businesses in that area.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Wal-Mart is the worst thing that could be happening in our economy today. Its the closest thing that we have to a monopoly in the U.S., but of course the government is not going to break it up because they dont want to upset some political leaders. It's unfair how this whole thing works, Wal-Mart doesnt pay its employees nearly enough to survive, and tell them to go on welfare, and collect food stamps for help. Which makes tax payers pay more. Its just not fair.
Shout out to my girl Robak on this one

the epiphany of selfish

Walmart is the reason for an economic revolution, they are the single most greedy and non progressive company in america. there is a huge price to pay for Walmart's success and it is coming directly from your wallet, yeah that's right your wallet. You are paying walmart indirectly through high taxes to aid the under privileged for health care and other necessities because Walmart is too selfish to provide their workers with proper salaries and benefits. Those workers then turn to the state to receive benefits which raise taxes for the rest of america. Walmart is sucking every penny they can get their hands and keeping it all for themselves.


I think that Walmart is good and bad for the economy. It's bad for the economy because when it comes into a town it destroys local businesses and kills jobs. But at the same time it also helps people and families who are on budgets. Walmart has taken over but it's not all bad.

Walmart ♥

I think that Walmart is cool... yah... the end :) :P ~(>3<)~ <===squid


I think Wal-Mart is terrible for our economy. They barely produce anything in America. The workers they employ here cant even afford to live comfortably in the U.S. too. Even their international workers need to be treated better. If they were a true american company, they would produce items in america, they would sufficiently pay their workers, and they would help communities, not destroy them. Wal-Mart has unfairly become a successful company because they undermine competitions prices.

Economic Systems

I think we should have a capitalistic society because that encourages creativity and new design. But there has to be limits, such as no monopolies. I think our system works okay but has flaws and loop holes. I like capitalism because its competitive and forces companies to think outside the box. But when companies start controlling everything then we have a problem.
I think that Walmart has become fairly succesful in our economy. I mean the numbers don't lie, sure some people may not approve of how they run their company, but we live in a free market society people have the right to run their business however they want. If you don't like it, then leave. I think people just get angry with Walmart because other people don't like them without even knowing the facts. Walmarts low prices make it possible for lower income families to afford items they otherwise wouldn't be able to purchase. So yes I think they are succesful.

walmart has cheap prices and tactics

Walmart has turned into a corrupt company that lowers the American standard. To keep profits rising walmart's CEOs use degrading tactics such as taking advantage of low-wage workers including children in China and even third world countries. workers in Bangladesh make between 11 and 17 cents an hour, and when the Bangladesh government wanted to raise minimum wage to 35cents an hour Walmart responded by lobbying against any workers raises. CEOs atWalmart will exploit anyone in order to receive their profits. If Walmart really wanted to benefit the economy in America then they would buy from American factories and suppliers. Instead over 85% of all its merchandise are made over-seas, by taking its factories overseas it forces American manufacturing companies out of business. Walmart basically just takes advantage of sweatshop workers in third world countries comes into small towns, wipes out ma and pop businesses and traps small town communites into its unrelenting cycle of low wages and tax payer subsidies and healthcare.


Wal-mart is has become one of the biggest companys in the United States. It's low prices makes it eaiser for people to get what they need cheaper and faster. Though wal- mart is good in the way it helps people who can't always affored things, it's the many reason people can not affored iteams. Wal-mart is a company that makes businesses go bankrupt cause lots of people to loss thier jobs. Makeing it hared to deal with money , which cause a drop in the economy. Also wal-mart dosen't care any of their empolys or any of the people who shop at wal-mart. The people who run wal-mart only care about becomeing richer, and by doing this it puts a even bigger gap between the rich and the poor.


Walmart has fairly become a successful company in America's capitalistic economy. While many people do not agree with their low prices and wages, the way Walmart became what it is today is the definition of the American dream. Though the way they created the company was fair, their practices of low prices and wages further extends the gap between the wealthy and the poor. By eliminating all of the competition in small towns, they force the population to work on their terms which is beneficial for the company but not for the people.


i think that wal-mart has become a successful company fairly in the economic system but they got to the place they are know by using dirty tactics. They pay the people who work in factories in china and india something like .17 cents an hour. Also they have a horrible health care system for their works and encourage their workers to use government funded programs if they need help. Furthermore, this makes families have to choose between if they can feed the family or get the kid some medication. This is a horrible choice to make for someones family and its because of wal-marts horrible health care system. The government should do some good old fashion trust busting but wal-mart style .


I think the video was very extreme with its views. It only tried to point out every bad thing about the company. I don't usually like Wal-Mart because I just get this uncomfortable feeling every time I go in one. I'd have to say that it's bad for the economy. Dropping into small towns and destroying small businesses is what Wal-Mart does best. With such high profits and small wages, the company has the capabilities to almost destroy the economy by itself.


Watching the documentary has definitely changed my views on Walmart. I never knew that Walmart caused so much suffering in a lot of people’s lives. Low prices definitely come with a cost: low wages, poor health insurance, and major damage on the surrounding local economy. Making money is always their first priority, and they lack the care and consideration for their employees. Walmarts, although they offer low, affordable prices, do more bad than good. Walmart sounds like an evil empire trying to take over the world, but I have to remember that the video is very biased, and buried under the corruption and lies, they do help. Some families depend on Walmart’s affordable goods, and if we decide to close down every Walmart, they wouldn’t be able to support themselves. I will have to remind myself that the documentary is very biased, but it has definitely lowered my respect for Walmart.


I'm still kind of mixed on how I should feel only because all I have heard are negative things. Also if "so many" people dislike Walmart then why are people still shopping there? I do though however disagree with the way they run certain things throughout the company. An example of this would be health care, with the family making billions they can easily give some of it back to their employees and not be affected.
The Walmart topic is a very difficult one. Although I would like to place all the blame on Walmart and say that they are 100% bad, I can't. They do provide cheap goods for people who can't afford anything else. However, I do think that we have been focusing more on the negative side of Walmart in class and this is why most of us may be inclined to say they are bad. In my opinion, Walmart is both bad and good, but I also don't think it's going to change any time soon. Whether or not they are hurting our economy seems almost pointless to argue because it would be nearly impossible to shut Walmart down. Walmart is a part of our society and we just have to figure out a way to work around it.


Walmart has made the United States worse for the economy. I think this because Walmart has hurt the environment, and gets paid a lot more money than the Walmart employees. The idea of having all things together is an average idea. The CEO's of Walmart should properly place the Walmart at a safe spot that does not hurt the environment. They should be for employee union. This way the employees who operate Walmart can feel as comfortable as the CEO's of Walmart. People could have more jobs if Walmart did not exist at all main central stores.

Walmart is the consumer's fault

Walmart has not forced anyone to buy their products. They may not have the best working conditions and ruin local businesses but that's because American citizens choice to shop at large company's instead of local stores. We cannot blame Walmart for having such good prices; only ourselves for choosing to shop there. If people just shopped at small businesses instead of large corporations, then we would be helping the standard of living for the 99% of America and not the 1% who are extremely wealthy. Take responsibility for your actions America!


Although Walmart advertises their low prices to help lower income families or families on a budget, it comes at a price. In order to offer these low prices, Walmart pays their employees low wages, and never have as many workers as they need. They also have poor health insurance options for their employees, so they turn to the government for help. In the big picture, they are hurting our economy. They are pushing small stores out of business, and while they say they are creating jobs, they and taking away a lot of jobs at the same time. So even though they advertise their low prices, behind the scenes, they are hurting our economy more than they are helping it.

wallmart is bad

Wall mart is not only a bad thing for this country, but its also a bad thing for the people. Its ruining all the nice little buissinesses or covience store and running them out of buissiness. When i heard that there is well over 1,000 Wall Marts in this country and only 320 apple stores from the sub on friday i was amazed. Were putting so much power in to the hands of one family and that is not right. They should create these super stores that will run everybody straight to the ground. if we are not careful wall mart will make store bigger than woodfield mall


Walmart is not good for the U.S economy. They are running hard-working, family run businesses out of business. These companies are trying to compete but cannot with a company that treats it employees poorly and buys product from places using unfair labor practices. People are losing their jobs because of this and are forced to work at Walmart. The employees at Walmart are treated horribly. They can't quit however because that's the only job they can get. All Walmart's doing is taking away jobs from Americans and therefore is bad for the economy.


When it comes to Walmart, I am very torn. There is no doubt in my mind that it is a corrupt, evil company responsible for violating worker's rights at home and abroad. I also see the impact that Walmart is having on small town America, and think that it is terribly sad, but I also see why consumers keep going back. For families in this economy that are struggling to make it from pay check to pay check, Walmart makes the difference between a full pantry and having to tell their kids that they won't be having hot meals anymore. We can't afford to keep the Walmarts around because of what they are doing to our economy, but we can't afford to break the corporation up because of what it would do to middle and lower class America. Instead, I think that government action to help the struggling workers around the world is the best that we can do right now. Whether we like it or not, Walmart has become a necessary evil within our economy, and so all we can do is lessen the burden on workers victimized by the corporation.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Honestly I really think we should have been told the other part of the story in class. Now everyone is on a 'i hate walmart/walmart is evil' rampage and I really don't think that is fair. My brother works at Walmart so after watching this video I asked him about it. When he went to Fremd he watched the same video. He said that he has never been asked to work over-time off the clock and that even if he ever was Walmart gives their employees permission to go and talk to their manager right away if something like that occurs. If the manager is of no help they can continue to move up the line to speak to above manager after manager and push it until there is a response. They are told they can do that. Yes, Walmart has done a lot to keep unions out of the store, but most people that work at Walmart have come in because they don't want to work under a union. If they had wanted then they could have gone to work at Jewel or some other company. They chose that and walmart has the right to not want a union. Don't get me wrong I think what was shown in the video was sad on a lot of levels but I think it was also very one-sided and that is wrong for us to not be shown both sides. Walmart also started off as a small business and grew into a huge corporation which was really what the little companies that were shown were trying to do as well. So no, I don't think Walmart is bad for the economy. I think every company has things to work on, including Walmart but that is part of the process of having a business.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Wal-Mart is the Devil.

I work at Jewel-Osco and I belong to the Local 881 UFCW Union. Full time workers get health care, 401k, medical leave, and so much more. All workers get a raise every 6 months. What Wal-Mart does to its workers is criminal. They under pay and keep their amount of workers low. Honestly I think the CEO and any other high up Wal-Mart employee should get some sense slapped into them, literally. As for the free market I think that when they drive other businesses out of service, yes it is sad, but thats the free market. When the treat their employees like crap, that is not free market.


After watching the documentary on Walmart, I think it is both good and bad. Yes, we can go to Walmart and buy items for a whole lot cheaper than at others stores but the low prices are coming at other people's expense. I was shocked that such a large and profitable company was treating its employees with such disrespect. Yeah, no one is forcing those people to work there but some of them have no choice. For some people they needed a job and Walmart was the only place that they could work. Maybe some people will boycott Walmart after watching this documentary. I want to but my mom said she"ll still shop there and when I move out I can shop where ever I want. I just think it's horrible to keep shopping at a store that doesn't give its workers rights and doesn't care about the factory conditions in its Chinese factories.


I think that Walmart has made itself a successful company but with flaws. Sure, people view it bad that they treat their employees like garbage by not paying them enough to provide for their families, having terrible health care, and getting rid of small town businesses by their presence, but I think there are two sides of this story. In class, we only saw in the point of view of the people who had small businesses in small towns, who lost their jobs because of Walmart, but there are still many people who likes and lives fine on Walmart's cheap prices. There should always be a balance on the two, like there can't be too many Walmarts, and there can't be too many small businesses for the economy to be balanced. I think Walmart should change some of their ways on how they treat their employees around the world, but I don't see them as too big of a problem if they make those few changes.


I think Walmart has fairly made itself successful, but at the same time is bad for our economy. The low prices that everyone loves are at many other peoples expense. The employees get awful health benefits and end up paying huge bills for their kids and such, and tax payers have to pay higher taxes in order to pay for government aids like food stamps and Medicaid. Walmart is one of the richest corporations in the world so they should support their employees by paying them more or helping with their health benefits do they have a chance to support their families. Also, the family owned shops that have been in business for many years are being closed because of Walmart, which I think is really sad because it increases unemployment.


I think that Walmart is breaking the economy or causing the economy of small business in small towns to drop. Walmart is bad for the U.S economy, but its also good because its helping create more jobs and its also helping the people to buy more cheaper stuff there. One thing that Wlamart shoudl do is help more their employees by giving them higher wages, more benefits, better health benefits. Because what they are doing is not right, they're telling their employees to go and get health coverage from the government. Walmart should take care of that.


I think walmart is very bad for the economy!!!!!!!!! Walmart has good intentions, but they don't give their employees fair opportunities. They tell their employees that they have an affordable health care plan, but in reality it's too expensive and they can't afford it. Walmart is just very sketchy... they delete their worker's hours!! Maybe they should open less stores because they can't even pay all their workers. Walmart is using the system and taking advantage of the government.


I believe that Walmart is bad for the economy, but can also help the people that can't afford as much. Walmart is taking over too many businesses and has too much control over America. Since they can't pay for their own workers, the money comes out of our taxes. Especially in small towns, ma and pop shops have been getting closed down to make way for their town center of Walmart. They need to stop closing down these small shops because they are also costing more jobs than they can give.

Wall to the Mart

I think that Wal-mart is a good place for families looking for cheaper things to go because some of them even depend on it, but I also believe that Walmart controls too much buisiness and that it is bad for the economy. I agree with what the old guy in the movie said about it. It is like a monopoly that needs to be broken up. The government broke up oil and other companies back in the day but people are ignoring Wal-mart. As for being "fair" I guess they are not breaking any laws that I know of but I still dont like that they are killing off small and family owned buisiness's in small rural towns. They should just leave them alone because those stores are pretty much all they have and they are very proud of them.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


In this movie, Walmart was portrayed as a negative company. Many people that were interviewed were ones that were part of a smaller local companies. In my mind, I am on the side that doesn't like Walmart's way of going about things. To me, they target small towns with many local companies. It is their goal to wipe them out and become the number one store in that area. On the other hand, Walmart is a great store with good deals, but to me, it seems almost unfair to everyone else. As shown in the movie, some people have worked their whole lives to bring up their business, yet in a matter of months, many can fall apart and go out of business.


This week, you will be watching a documentary on Wal-Mart. After viewing the documentary, do you think that Wal-Mart is "bad" for America's economy, or has it "fairly" become a successful company in America's capitalist system? Explain.
I used to think that people who didn't like wal-mart was because they just had a bad experience with it or they thought they were too good for it, but now that i've watched the documentary i have a completely new view of the store. Before the documentary i thought wal-mart was a fair priced company & that it helped out a few people in need. Now that i have a better view of the store, i have started to dislike it more and more... i would think that a company that big could at least help out their employees instead of making them ask the government. No wonder their prices are so low; we all pay high taxes to support ll their employees since they can't. I personally feel like the government should say something to them since they're basically taking advantage of the government plans for the poor. Wal-mart is trying to take over the world!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Economic Systems

I think that the free market economy works best in our country. We have maintained a successful free market economy and have continued to grow as well. It is important that our country learns from small mistakes that have already happened, and then we can continue to grow stronger. I don't think America should change it's system because it has been working so well, and it would be very risky to try out any other way. This is what we're all used to, and any slight change could cause more problems in the long run.

Wal Mart

I think companies like Wal Mart are very harmful to our economy. Although it seems best for the consumer, it's the worst in the long run. People are being treated poorly, and consumers are supporting this when buying Wal Mart's items for low prices. Also, each person is paying this money back through their taxes. In the long run, they're really not saving money at all. In fact, it's almost as if they're paying for workers to be treated poorly. The movie title "The high cost for low prices" shows that other people have to pay for these low prices, it's not this convenient for the shopper.


The 1% should really pay more in taxes, it would help our country and they should also give some money to the poor. The reason why I believe this should happen is because it's not fair to the rest of our community. I think it sucks that they control everything and everyone. The goverment should really do something about it because the rich keep on getting richer and the poor keep on getting poor.


I think Walmart started out with good intentions but eventually got taken over by corporate greed. It does not supply for its employees properly and it fails to give proper coverage to its associates, resulting in the taxpayers paying for their healthcare. Walmart needs to get their act together of they want the public to still support them.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I think that the U.S economy is stable right now. I think it need to change for good though. The govenment is affaid of changing the economy system, becuase the economy system have no change in a while. But one of the things that the government can do its to created more jobs to help those people that don't have a job or are suffering becuase of the economy. People don't want to go through another great depression. a The economy has had ups and downs but i think for the most of the time it has been in the middle not to bad not to good.

Monday, November 14, 2011


we have been able to see different system in actions, and although we may not like everything that our government does, so far its not that bad. we have freedoms that most places dont and we must have a pretty great system if we have people who are sneaking into the country.. just saying. but i feel our system should stay, even though we arent perfect, change isnt always a great thing when you look at few other options you have.


The free market economy is what's best for this country, its based on facts that will work, until something drastic happens like the banks giving out credit and loans to everyone. Thats the only thing that has had us fail as an economy. It will stabilize but not for awhile becuase of the stupid erros that we as americans let happen. Its not fair, but we are going to have to live it, considering that its something that will work. We dont want to depend on our government to bail us out when ever we have tough times. Its not going to solve our long term issues.


I don't think we should move away from the free market economy. We have been using this economy for a long time and of course you are going to have bumps in the road. Every economy has there struggles and then has there glories. We should just stick it out and fight through this suffer. People have the best chance to work there hardest and earn the things they want in life instead of things to be equal. You should work for the things that you want in life and a free market gives us that best chance to do it. We should just stay the same.

economic system

i don't think that we should change our economic system, but rather change how we handle it. i think the government should just back off and let it take its course.

our econ system

It would be very anti-American to move away from our current economic system. I really don't think changing systems is an option considering that almost the entire world uses free market, and most other economic systems are unsuccessful. I think it's important to keep regulating and improving our system as time goes on because products, companies, and people all change, sometimes for the worse. Just like now in our current financial situation. It's up to the people including workers and business owners to work with the government and make sure things don't get out of control and businesses are run fairly and justly.


Change is always a good thing , when things don't work. Capitalism however for our government has been working for us all these years. It may not be perfect but with our system we've managed to keep a stable government and majority of people happy.Going out and revamping the entire system would not only put a strain to the people but the whole country as a whole. If anything we need to change little thing rather than something so huge. The competition needs to continue ,it is what fuels this country.

Economic system

I think the current economic system that we have today works pretty well but there can be some downsides to capitalism like great instability. For example during the 1930's when we were in the great depression and didn't get out of it for 10 years. I think we should try and modify the current system we have because we're going through another economic crisis and it's being compared to the great depression. If we were able to modifiy the current system we had I think it would solve the promblems that we we have with the wealth gap and the great instability that capitalism can have. I think we should try and make a new system that is inbetween communism and capitalism.


I don't think that we should change the economy now. In a free market economy it is very unstable and can have a lot of rough times like we are in now. We always find a way to get out of these rough times though. For example, we recovered fully from the Great Depression. A free market economy is the best system in my mind. There is little government control and anyone can start a business or choose what they want to do. If the government controlled the economy people wouldn't have these options and be more upset than they are now.

the 1%

i think the 1% don't have to assist the 99% that much, just to a certain extent. Like they should help out the people that are struggling and are in poverty but not people in the middle class who work and support themselves. Even if the 1% did try to help out the 99% i feel like there is just way to much to do for them to be successful to help them financially. But i do think that the government should try and figure out some way to distribute the wealth more evenly so there isn't such a big gap between the rich and poor. Because if we keep going at the rate were going the gap is just going to keep getting bigger and bigger until something bad happens.


When you think about America you think freedom and the ability to better your life for you and your family. There are so many different Americans who have done this for themselves and ended up being able to take care of their family for generations to come. So I think capitalism is the best thing for America and it should not be changed into anything else.

Quarter 2, Week 3: Wal-Mart

This week, you will be watching a documentary on Wal-Mart.  After viewing the documentary, do you think that Wal-Mart is "bad" for America's economy, or has it "fairly" become a successful company in America's capitalist system?  Explain.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


If our economical system was working right then we wouldn't need a new one. I can understand where people are coming from. With all the problems that we have been having with the economy its understandable to want to change it. If it would help then I would say that we should try something new.
I think that we should leave our economic system as it is. I understand that the economy isn't the best right now, and when one thing doesn't work the natural tendency is to try something else but in this case that would be catastrophic to our economy. You can't just change something that has been the foundation for our country for as long as its existed, things don't work that way. We can't give up faith in the free market system and need to keep plugging along. Plus, what would we change it to? America's whole thing is that we are free people and control ourselves, if we changed the economy that would not be so. Just leave it alone

The Economy

I agree with what other people are saying about how our economy isn't the best but we shouldn't change it. I think that changing it would probably cause ciaos because everybody would be very confused with the new change. I say that we should keep the system we currently have. It allows people to have the freedom to make whatever kind of business they want. There is no such thing as the perfect economy so we should keep our current system.


The economic system we have now may not be the best, but I don’t think that means we should just throw away the way of life we had kept for the last few hundred years. There is no such thing as a perfect economy. I believe that in any type of economy there are going to be happy people, and people who suffer. There is nothing we can do to make every single person happy. Our economy needs some fixing here and there, but I don’t think we should change it completely.


I think our economy is fine the way it is yes it has some flaws , but if we try to change things it could cause more problems. We as americans are lucky to have the freedom that we have and even if we did change it people would find a way to complain about that economical system. So no matter what we change it to no one is going to be happy, so we should just leave things the were they are and fix the problems that are happing now.